Class MQConnectionFactory

  • java.lang.Object
  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    JmsConnectionFactory, JmsPropertyContext, JmsReadablePropertyContext,,, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>, javax.jms.ConnectionFactory, javax.naming.Referenceable
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    Cleanup, MQQueueConnectionFactory, MQTopicConnectionFactory, MQXAConnectionFactory

    public class MQConnectionFactory
    MQConnectionFactory is the WebSphere MQ implementation of ConnectionFactory. A connection factory encapsulates a set of connection configuration parameters that has been defined by an administrator. A client uses it to create a connection with a JMS provider.

    If the application passes an empty string or a null value for the User ID when creating a connection, then the User ID that started either the JVM or the application server will be sent to the queue manager for authentication.

    See Also:
    Connection, QueueConnectionFactory, TopicConnectionFactory, Serialized Form
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class and Description
      static class  MQConnectionFactory.ConnectionFactoryProperty
      This enumeration represents all the Administrative Properties of MQConnectionFactory objects.
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      Default constructor.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      javax.jms.Connection createConnection()
      Creates a connection with the default user identity.
      javax.jms.Connection createConnection(java.lang.String userID, java.lang.String password)
      Creates a connection with the specified user identity.
      java.lang.String getAppName() 
      int getAsyncExceptions()
      Gets the exception types that will be passed to the user's async exception listener
      java.lang.String getBrokerCCSubQueue()
      Gets the broker's queue name for nondurable connection consumers.
      java.lang.String getBrokerControlQueue()
      Gets the broker's control queue name.
      java.lang.String getBrokerPubQueue()
      Gets the broker's publish queue name.
      java.lang.String getBrokerQueueManager()
      Gets the name of the broker's queue manager.
      java.lang.String getBrokerSubQueue()
      Gets the broker's queue name for subscribers.
      int getBrokerVersion()
      Gets the version number of the broker. getCCDTURL()
      Gets the URL for the client channel definition table.
      int getCCSID()
      Gets the character set of the queue manager.
      java.lang.String getChannel()
      Gets the name of the channel that was used.
      long getCleanupInterval()
      Gets the clean up interval.
      int getCleanupLevel()
      Gets the clean up level.
      java.lang.String getClientId()
      Gets the client ID.
      java.lang.String getClientID()
      Gets the client ID.
      int getClientReconnectOptions()
      Get the client reconnection options
      int getClientReconnectTimeout()
      Get the amount of time, in seconds, that a client connection will attempt to reconnect.
      java.lang.String getConnectionNameList()
      Get the hosts to which the client will attempt to connect to
      byte[] getConnTag()
      Gets the value of the queue manager connection tag.
      java.lang.String getDescription()
      Gets the description.
      int getDirectAuth()
      int getFailIfQuiesce()
      Indicates the default behavior of applications accessing a quiescing queue manager.
      java.util.Collection<java.lang.Object> getHdrCompList()
      Gets the list of header compression techniques which has been set.
      java.lang.String getHostName()
      Gets the name of the host.
      java.lang.String getLocalAddress()
      Gets the local address.
      boolean getMapNameStyle()
      Allows compatibility style to be used for map message element names.
      int getMaxBufferSize()
      Gets the maximum buffer size.
      int getMessageRetention()
      Indicates what happens to unwanted messages.
      int getMessageSelection()
      Indicates whether the client or the broker performs message selection.
      int getMQConnectionOptions()
      Gets the connection options.
      int getMsgBatchSize()
      Gets the message batch size.
      java.util.Collection<? extends java.lang.Object> getMsgCompList()
      Gets the list of message compression techniques that have been set.
      int getMulticast()
      int getPollingInterval()
      Gets the interval between scans of all receivers during asynchronous message delivery.
      int getPort()
      Gets the port number.
      java.lang.String getProviderVersion()
      Gets the provider version that should be used when creating connections.
      java.lang.String getProxyHostName()
      int getProxyPort()
      Gets the port number of the proxy server.
      int getPubAckInterval()
      Gets the number of messages that can be published before requiring acknowledgement from the broker.
      java.lang.String getQueueManager()
      Gets the name of the queue manager.
      java.lang.String getReceiveExit()
      Gets the description of the receive exit.
      java.lang.String getReceiveExitInit()
      Gets the initialization string for the receive exit.
      javax.naming.Reference getReference()
      Creates a reference for this queue connection factory.
      int getRescanInterval()
      Gets the interval between browse scans of a queue.
      java.lang.String getSecurityExit()
      Gets the description of the security exit.
      java.lang.String getSecurityExitInit()
      Gets the initialization string for the security exit.
      int getSendCheckCount()
      Gets the interval between send calls to check for errors on asynchronous put.
      java.lang.String getSendExit()
      Gets the description of the send exit.
      java.lang.String getSendExitInit()
      Gets the initialization string for the send exit.
      int getShareConvAllowed()
      Gets a value indicating whether client connections are sharing their socket (conversation)
      boolean getSparseSubscriptions()
      Gets the sparse subscriptions attribute.
      java.util.Collection<? extends java.lang.Object> getSSLCertStores()
      Gets the collection of CertStore objects.
      java.lang.String getSSLCertStoresAsString()
      Gets the collection of CertStore objects as a String.
      java.lang.String getSSLCipherSuite()
      Gets the CipherSuite used for SSL encryption.
      boolean getSSLFipsRequired()
      Indicates whether sslFips (FIPS) is required.
      java.lang.String getSSLPeerName()
      Gets the distinguished name pattern used to validate the queue manager.
      int getSSLResetCount()
      Gets the SSL reset count.
      java.lang.Object getSSLSocketFactory()
      Gets the SSLSocketFactory used with SSL encryption.
      int getStatusRefreshInterval()
      Gets the status refresh interval.
      int getSubscriptionStore()
      Gets the SUBSTORE property.
      boolean getSyncpointAllGets()
      Indicates how syncpoint is used for GET operations.
      boolean getTargetClientMatching()
      is target client matching enabled.
      java.lang.String getTemporaryModel()
      Gets the name of a model queue for creating temporary destinations.
      java.lang.String getTempQPrefix()
      Gets the prefix used to form the name of a WebSphere MQ dynamic queue.
      java.lang.String getTempTopicPrefix()
      Gets the prefix to use when creating temporary topic names.
      int getTransportType()
      Gets the transport type.
      boolean getUseConnectionPooling()
      as noted in setUseConnectionPooling(boolean usePooling) this property has no effect in the current release
      int getVersion()
      Gets the version number.
      int getWildcardFormat()
      Gets the formatting accepted when using wildcards.
      void setAppName(java.lang.String name)
      Set the application name on the connection factory
      void setAsyncExceptions(int flags)
      Sets the exception types that should be passed to the user's exception listener.
      void setBrokerCCSubQueue(java.lang.String queueName)
      Sets the name of the broker nondurable connection consumer subscriber queue.
      void setBrokerControlQueue(java.lang.String queueName)
      Sets the name of the broker control queue.
      void setBrokerPubQueue(java.lang.String queueName)
      Sets the name of the broker's publish queue.
      void setBrokerQueueManager(java.lang.String queueManagerName)
      Sets the name of the broker's queue manager.
      void setBrokerSubQueue(java.lang.String queueName)
      Sets the name of the broker nondurable subscriber queue.
      void setBrokerVersion(int version)
      Sets the version of the broker.
      void setCCDTURL( url)
      Sets the URL for the client channel definition table.
      void setCCSID(int ccsid)
      Sets the character set to be used when connecting to the queue manager.
      void setChannel(java.lang.String channelName)
      Sets the name of the channel - applies to client transport mode only.
      void setCleanupInterval(long interval)
      Sets the clean up interval.
      void setCleanupLevel(int level)
      Sets the clean up level.
      void setClientId(java.lang.String id)
      Sets the client ID.

      Note that this method always throws an IllegalStateException when you make a real-time connection to a broker.

      void setClientID(java.lang.String id)
      Sets the client ID.
      void setClientReconnectOptions(int options)
      Specifies the client reconnect options for new connections created by this factory.
      void setClientReconnectTimeout(int timeout)
      Set the amount of time, in seconds, that a client connection will attempt to reconnect.
      void setConnectionNameList(java.lang.String hosts)
      Specifies the hosts to which the client will attempt to reconnect to after its connection is broken.
      void setConnTag(byte[] cTag)
      Sets the value of the queue manager connection tag.
      void setDescription(java.lang.String desc)
      Sets the description.
      void setDirectAuth(int authority)
      void setFailIfQuiesce(int fiq)
      Sets the default behavior of applications accessing a quiescing queue manager.
      void setHdrCompList(java.util.Collection<?> compList)
      Sets the list of header compression techniques.
      void setHostName(java.lang.String hostname)
      Sets the name of the host.
      void setLocalAddress(java.lang.String address)
      Sets the local address.
      void setMapNameStyle(boolean style)
      Allows compatibility style to be used for map message element names.
      void setMaxBufferSize(int size)
      Sets the maximum buffer size.
      void setMessageRetention(int mRet)
      Sets what happens to unwanted messages.
      void setMessageSelection(int selection)
      Sets whether the client or the broker performs message selection.
      void setMQConnectionOptions(int cTagOpt)
      Sets the connection options for a queue manager.
      void setMsgBatchSize(int size)
      Sets the message batch size.
      void setMsgCompList(java.util.Collection<?> compList)
      Sets the list of message compression techniques.
      void setMulticast(int multicast)
      void setPollingInterval(int interval)
      Sets the interval between scans of all receivers during asynchronous message delivery.
      void setPort(int port)
      Sets the port for a client connection.
      void setProviderVersion(java.lang.String version)
      Sets the provider version that should be used when creating connections.
      void setProxyHostName(java.lang.String hostName)
      void setProxyPort(int proxyPort)
      void setPubAckInterval(int interval)
      Sets the number of messages that can be published before requiring acknowledgement from the broker.
      void setQueueManager(java.lang.String queueManagerName)
      Sets the name of the queue manager.
      void setReceiveExit(java.lang.String receiveExit)
      Sets the receive exit.
      void setReceiveExitInit(java.lang.String data)
      Sets the initialization string for the receive exit.
      void setRescanInterval(int interval)
      Sets the interval between browsing a queue.
      void setSecurityExit(java.lang.String securityExit)
      Sets the security exit.
      void setSecurityExitInit(java.lang.String data)
      Sets the initialization string for the security exit.
      void setSendCheckCount(int interval)
      Sets the interval between send calls to check for errors on asynchronous put.
      void setSendExit(java.lang.String sendExit)
      Sets the send exit.
      void setSendExitInit(java.lang.String data)
      Gets the description of the send exit.
      void setShareConvAllowed(int shared)
      Sets whether client connections can share their socket (conversation)
      void setSparseSubscriptions(boolean sparse)
      Sets whether sparse subscriptions are selected.
      void setSSLCertStores(java.util.Collection<?> stores)
      Provides a collection of CertStore objects used for certificate revocation list (CRL) checking.
      void setSSLCertStores(java.lang.String stores)
      Specifies a list of LDAP servers used for certificate revocation list (CRL) checking.
      void setSSLCipherSuite(java.lang.String cipherSuite)
      Sets the CipherSuite used for SSL encryption.
      void setSSLFipsRequired(boolean required)
      Sets whether sslFips (FIPS) is required.
      void setSSLPeerName(java.lang.String peerName)
      Sets a distinguished name (DN) pattern.
      void setSSLResetCount(int bytes)
      Sets the SSL reset count.
      void setSSLSocketFactory(java.lang.Object sf)
      Sets the SSLSocketFactory for use with SSL encryption.
      void setStatusRefreshInterval(int interval)
      Sets the status refresh interval.
      void setSubscriptionStore(int flag)
      Sets the SUBSTORE property.
      void setSyncpointAllGets(boolean flag)
      Chooses whether to do all GET operations within a syncpoint.
      void setTargetClientMatching(boolean matchClient)
      Enables or disables target client matching.
      void setTemporaryModel(java.lang.String queueName)
      Sets the name of a WebSphere MQ model queue used when creating JMS temporary destinations.
      void setTempQPrefix(java.lang.String newTempQPrefix)
      Sets the prefix to be used to form the name of a WebSphere MQ dynamic queue.
      void setTempTopicPrefix(java.lang.String prefix)
      Sets the prefix to use when creating temporary topic names.
      void setTransportType(int type)
      Sets the transport type.
      void setUseConnectionPooling(boolean usePooling)
      JMS does not use connection pooling anymore. Any connection pooling should be done using the facilities provided by the App Server.
      void setWildcardFormat(int format)
      Sets the formatting to accept when using wildcards.
      • Methods inherited from class

        createContext, createContext, createContext, createContext, equals, hashCode
      • Methods inherited from class

        clear, containsKey, containsValue, entrySet, get, getObjectProperty, isEmpty, keySet, propertyExists, put, putAll, remove, setBatchProperties, setBooleanProperty, setByteProperty, setBytesProperty, setCharProperty, setDoubleProperty, setFloatProperty, setIntProperty, setLongProperty, setObjectProperty, setProviderPropertyContext, setShortProperty, setStringProperty, size, values
      • Methods inherited from class

        dump, getBooleanProperty, getByteProperty, getBytesProperty, getCharProperty, getDoubleProperty, getFloatProperty, getIntProperty, getLongProperty, getPropertyNames, getShortProperty, getStringProperty, toString
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map

        clear, containsKey, containsValue, entrySet, get, isEmpty, keySet, put, putAll, remove, size, values
    • Constructor Detail

      • MQConnectionFactory

        public MQConnectionFactory()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • getBrokerCCSubQueue

        public java.lang.String getBrokerCCSubQueue()
                                             throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the broker's queue name for nondurable connection consumers.
        the name of the queue.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getBrokerControlQueue

        public java.lang.String getBrokerControlQueue()
                                               throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the broker's control queue name.
        the name of the control queue.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getBrokerPubQueue

        public java.lang.String getBrokerPubQueue()
                                           throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the broker's publish queue name.
        the name of the queue.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getBrokerQueueManager

        public java.lang.String getBrokerQueueManager()
                                               throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the name of the broker's queue manager.
        the name of the queue manager.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getBrokerSubQueue

        public java.lang.String getBrokerSubQueue()
                                           throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the broker's queue name for subscribers.
        the name of the queue.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getBrokerVersion

        public int getBrokerVersion()
                             throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the version number of the broker.
        the version number.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getCCDTURL

        public getCCDTURL()
        Gets the URL for the client channel definition table.
        the address of the client channel definition table.
      • getCCSID

        public int getCCSID()
        Gets the character set of the queue manager.
        the CCSID.
      • getChannel

        public java.lang.String getChannel()
        Gets the name of the channel that was used.
        the name of the channel.
      • getCleanupInterval

        public long getCleanupInterval()
                                throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the clean up interval.
        the clean up interval (milliseconds).
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getCleanupLevel

        public int getCleanupLevel()
                            throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the clean up level.
        the clean up level.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getClientID

        public java.lang.String getClientID()
        Gets the client ID.
        the client ID for all connections made using this factory.

        Note that this method always throws an IllegalStateException when you make a direct connection to a broker.

      • getClientId

        public java.lang.String getClientId()
        Deprecated. Gets the client ID.
        the client ID for all connections made using this factory.

        Note that this method always throws an IllegalStateException when you make a direct connection to a broker.

      • getConnTag

        public byte[] getConnTag()
        Gets the value of the queue manager connection tag. It is used by the queue manager to serialize access to the affected resources. This tag is only used when connecting to a z/OS queue manager. On other platforms it will have a value corresponding to MQCT_NONE - its default value.
        the String value of the queue manager connection tag.
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        Gets the description.
        the object description.
      • getDirectAuth

        public int getDirectAuth()
                          throws javax.jms.JMSException
        This method was deprecated in a previous version and is no longer supported.
      • getHdrCompList

        public java.util.Collection<java.lang.Object> getHdrCompList()
        Gets the list of header compression techniques which has been set.
        The collection that holds the header compression techniques. If not set, this collection has a value of null
      • getHostName

        public java.lang.String getHostName()
        Gets the name of the host. This only applies for client connections or direct TCP/IP connections to WebSphere MQ.
        the name of the host.
      • getLocalAddress

        public java.lang.String getLocalAddress()
        Gets the local address.
        the local address.
      • getMaxBufferSize

        public int getMaxBufferSize()
                             throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the maximum buffer size. This is the maximum number of received messages that can be stored in an internal message buffer while waiting to be processed by the client application. This property applies only when TRANSPORT has the values DIRECT or DIRECTHTTP.
        the maximum buffer size.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getMessageRetention

        public int getMessageRetention()
                                throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Indicates what happens to unwanted messages.
        possible values are:
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getMessageSelection

        public int getMessageSelection()
                                throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Indicates whether the client or the broker performs message selection.
        possible values are:
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getMQConnectionOptions

        public int getMQConnectionOptions()
        Gets the connection options.
        the connection options set for the queue manager
      • getMsgBatchSize

        public int getMsgBatchSize()
        Gets the message batch size.
        the maximum number of messages to be taken at once when using asynchronous delivery.
      • getMsgCompList

        public java.util.Collection<? extends java.lang.Object> getMsgCompList()
        Gets the list of message compression techniques that have been set.
        the collection holding the message compression techniques. If not set, this collection has a value of null
      • getMulticast

        public int getMulticast()
                         throws javax.jms.JMSException
        This method was deprecated in a previous version and is no longer supported.
      • getPollingInterval

        public int getPollingInterval()
        Gets the interval between scans of all receivers during asynchronous message delivery.
        the interval in milliseconds.
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
        Gets the port number. Applies to client connections or direct TCP/IP connection to a broker.
        the port number.
      • getProviderVersion

        public java.lang.String getProviderVersion()
                                            throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the provider version that should be used when creating connections.
        value of the form V.R.M.F or abbreviated forms such as V or V.R, where V, R, M and F are integers representing the version, release, modification level and fixpack. Alternatively, the String value can be set to unspecified.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getProxyHostName

        public java.lang.String getProxyHostName()
                                          throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the proxy host name. This property is no longer supported
        the host name of the proxy server when establishing a real-time connection, or null if no proxy server is used.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getProxyPort

        public int getProxyPort()
                         throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the port number of the proxy server.
        the port number of the proxy server.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getPubAckInterval

        public int getPubAckInterval()
                              throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the number of messages that can be published before requiring acknowledgement from the broker.
        the acknowledgement interval.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getQueueManager

        public java.lang.String getQueueManager()
        Gets the name of the queue manager.
        the name.
        See Also:
      • getReceiveExit

        public java.lang.String getReceiveExit()
        Gets the description of the receive exit.
        either the name of the class or a String in the form library(entryPoint) where 'library' is the name of the module where the code resides and 'entryPoint' is the entry point.
      • getReceiveExitInit

        public java.lang.String getReceiveExitInit()
        Gets the initialization string for the receive exit.
        the initialization string.
      • getReference

        public javax.naming.Reference getReference()
                                            throws javax.naming.NamingException
        Creates a reference for this queue connection factory. Implemented for the javax.naming.Reference interface.
        Specified by:
        getReference in interface javax.naming.Referenceable
        getReference in class
        the new Reference object.
        javax.naming.NamingException - if there is a naming problem.
      • getRescanInterval

        public int getRescanInterval()
        Gets the interval between browse scans of a queue. The scan looks for messages that have not been returned by the previous browse scan.
        the interval in milliseconds.
      • getSecurityExit

        public java.lang.String getSecurityExit()
        Gets the description of the security exit.
        either the name of the class or a String in the form library(entryPoint) where 'library' is the name of the module where the code resides and 'entryPoint' is the entry point.
      • getSecurityExitInit

        public java.lang.String getSecurityExitInit()
        Gets the initialization string for the security exit.
        the initialization string.
      • getSendCheckCount

        public int getSendCheckCount()
                              throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the interval between send calls to check for errors on asynchronous put.
        value to indicate the interval between send calls to check for asynchronous put errors, measured as a count of message sends within a single non-transacted JMS Session.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getSendExit

        public java.lang.String getSendExit()
        Gets the description of the send exit.
        either the name of the class or a String in the form library(entryPoint) where 'library' is the name of the module where the code resides and 'entryPoint' is the entry point.
      • getSendExitInit

        public java.lang.String getSendExitInit()
        Gets the initialization string for the send exit.
        the initialization string.
      • getShareConvAllowed

        public int getShareConvAllowed()
                                throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets a value indicating whether client connections are sharing their socket (conversation)
        1 indicates that the connection is allowed to share the socket with other top-level JMS connections from the same process to the same queue manager, provided that the channel definitions match. 0 indicates that this is not permitted.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getSparseSubscriptions

        public boolean getSparseSubscriptions()
                                       throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the sparse subscriptions attribute. A sparse subscription is one that receives infrequent matching messages. If the attribute is true the application must be able to open the consumer queue for browsing messages.
        true if sparse subscriptions are selected.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getSSLCertStores

        public java.util.Collection<? extends java.lang.Object> getSSLCertStores()
                                                                          throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the collection of CertStore objects.
        the list of CertStore objects as a Collection. This works whether setSSLCertStores(Collection)was used to set a collection of CertStore objects or a String specifying such a list.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an unsupported type or bad value is encountered.
      • getSSLCertStoresAsString

        public java.lang.String getSSLCertStoresAsString()
                                                  throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the collection of CertStore objects as a String.
        the list of CertStore objects representing the LDAP CRLs as a String if setSSLCertStores(String)set it as a String in the first place.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if the CertStore objects were provided as a Collection.
      • getSSLCipherSuite

        public java.lang.String getSSLCipherSuite()
        Gets the CipherSuite used for SSL encryption.
        the CipherSuite String.
      • getSSLFipsRequired

        public boolean getSSLFipsRequired()
        Indicates whether sslFips (FIPS) is required.
        the value.
      • getSSLPeerName

        public java.lang.String getSSLPeerName()
        Gets the distinguished name pattern used to validate the queue manager.
        the distinguished name pattern.
      • getSSLResetCount

        public int getSSLResetCount()
        Gets the SSL reset count.
        the reset count.
      • getSSLSocketFactory

        public java.lang.Object getSSLSocketFactory()
        Gets the SSLSocketFactory used with SSL encryption.
        the SSLSocketFactory.
      • getStatusRefreshInterval

        public int getStatusRefreshInterval()
                                     throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the status refresh interval.
        the time between transactions to refresh publish/subscribe status (milliseconds).
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getSyncpointAllGets

        public boolean getSyncpointAllGets()
        Indicates how syncpoint is used for GET operations.
        true if all message GET operations are done under syncpoint. Otherwise GET operations for non-transacted sessions using javax.jms.ProviderSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or javax.jms.ProviderSession.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE acknowledge modes can do GETs outside syncpoint.
      • getTargetClientMatching

        public boolean getTargetClientMatching()
        is target client matching enabled.
        whether target client matching is enabled.
        See Also:
      • getTemporaryModel

        public java.lang.String getTemporaryModel()
                                           throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the name of a model queue for creating temporary destinations.
        the name of the model queue. If it refers to a permanent dynamic model queue then you must call the MQTemporaryQueue.delete()method to destroy the queue after use.

        Within the WebSphere Application Server, MQTemporaryQueue.delete() will be called by the application server when a connection is being closed. Therefore even if a permanent dynamic model queue is used, the created temporary queue will be destroyed.

        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getTempTopicPrefix

        public java.lang.String getTempTopicPrefix()
                                            throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the prefix to use when creating temporary topic names.
        String property applicable to all instances of ConnectionFactory, TopicConnectionFactory and their XA equivalents. When creating temporary topics, JMS will generate a topic string of the form TEMP/prefix/<unique id>, or if this property is left with the default value, just TEMP/<unique id>.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getTempQPrefix

        public java.lang.String getTempQPrefix()
                                        throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the prefix used to form the name of a WebSphere MQ dynamic queue.
        the prefix.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getTransportType

        public int getTransportType()
        Gets the transport type.
        the transport type. Valid types are: DirectIP transport types can still be set but are no longer supported, so will throw an Exception when trying to create a Connection
      • getVersion

        public int getVersion()
        Gets the version number.
        the version number of the class.
      • getWildcardFormat

        public int getWildcardFormat()
                              throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Gets the formatting accepted when using wildcards.
        property applicable to all instances of ConnectionFactory, TopicConnectionFactory and their XA equivalents. In the v6 implementation, where publish/subscribe messaging is performed via a broker, different topic wildcard syntax is used depending on which broker is used. In v7, using native publish/subscribe within the queue manager, the wildcard syntax can be chosen via this property.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • getAppName

        public java.lang.String getAppName()
        the application name set on the connection factory
      • getAsyncExceptions

        public int getAsyncExceptions()
        Gets the exception types that will be passed to the user's async exception listener
        the ASYNC_EXCEPTIONS_* bitwise flags
      • setBrokerCCSubQueue

        public void setBrokerCCSubQueue(java.lang.String queueName)
                                 throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the name of the broker nondurable connection consumer subscriber queue.
        queueName - the name of queue.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if queueName is either null or invalid.
      • setBrokerControlQueue

        public void setBrokerControlQueue(java.lang.String queueName)
                                   throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the name of the broker control queue.
        queueName - the name of the broker control queue.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if the name is either null or invalid.
      • setBrokerPubQueue

        public void setBrokerPubQueue(java.lang.String queueName)
                               throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the name of the broker's publish queue. Note that if this is a user-defined queue, the broker must already be aware of this queue before connecting to the broker.
        queueName - the name of the publish queue.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if queueName is either null or invalid.
      • setBrokerQueueManager

        public void setBrokerQueueManager(java.lang.String queueManagerName)
                                   throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the name of the broker's queue manager.
        queueManagerName - the name of the queue manager.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if queueManagerName is either null or invalid.
      • setBrokerSubQueue

        public void setBrokerSubQueue(java.lang.String queueName)
                               throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the name of the broker nondurable subscriber queue.
        queueName - the name of the queue.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if queueName is either null or invalid.
      • setCCDTURL

        public void setCCDTURL( url)
        Sets the URL for the client channel definition table.
        url - the address of the client channel definition table.
      • setCCSID

        public void setCCSID(int ccsid)
                      throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the character set to be used when connecting to the queue manager.
        ccsid - the CCSID. The default value (819) is suitable in most situations.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if the value of ccsid is not permitted.
      • setChannel

        public void setChannel(java.lang.String channelName)
                        throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the name of the channel - applies to client transport mode only.
        channelName - the name of the channel.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if channelName is either null or too long.
      • setCleanupInterval

        public void setCleanupInterval(long interval)
                                throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the clean up interval.
        interval - the clean up interval (milliseconds).
        javax.jms.JMSException - if interval is either null or too long.
      • setClientID

        public void setClientID(java.lang.String id)
        Sets the client ID.

        Note that this method always throws an IllegalStateException when you make a real-time connection to a broker.

        id - the client ID.
      • setClientId

        public void setClientId(java.lang.String id)
        Deprecated. Sets the client ID.

        Note that this method always throws an IllegalStateException when you make a real-time connection to a broker.

        id - the client ID.
      • setConnTag

        public void setConnTag(byte[] cTag)
        Sets the value of the queue manager connection tag. It is used by the queue manager to serialize access to the affected resources. This tag is only used when connecting to a z/OS queue manager. On other platforms it should have a value equivalent to MQCT_NONE - its default value.
        cTag - the connection tag. The value is truncated if it is longer than 128 bytes.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription(java.lang.String desc)
        Sets the description.
        desc - the description.
      • setDirectAuth

        public void setDirectAuth(int authority)
                           throws javax.jms.JMSException
        This method was deprecated in a previous version and is no longer supported.
      • setFailIfQuiesce

        public void setFailIfQuiesce(int fiq)
                              throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the default behavior of applications accessing a quiescing queue manager.
        fiq - acceptable values are:
        javax.jms.JMSException - if fiq is neither of the above.
      • setHdrCompList

        public void setHdrCompList(java.util.Collection<?> compList)
                            throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the list of header compression techniques.
        compList - The Collection of header compression techniques to set. The first item in the list to match the server list becomes the current header compression technique.
      • setHostName

        public void setHostName(java.lang.String hostname)
        Sets the name of the host. This only applies for client connections or direct TCP/IP connections to WebSphere MQ.
        hostname - the name of the host.
      • setLocalAddress

        public void setLocalAddress(java.lang.String address)
                             throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the local address.
        address - the local address to be used. The format of a local address is [ip-addr][(low-port[,high-port])]. Here are some examples:
        The channel binds to address locally.
        The channel binds to address locally and uses port 1000.,2000)
        The channel binds to address locally and uses a port in the range 1000 to 2000.
        The channel binds to port 1000 locally.
        The channel binds to a port in the range 1000 to 2000 locally.

        You can specify a host name instead of an IP address.

        Specify a range of ports to allow for connections that are required internally as well as those explicitly used by an application. The number of ports required depends on the application and the facilities it uses. Typically, this is the number of sessions the application uses plus three or four additional ports. If an application is having difficulty making connections, increase the number of ports in the range.

        Note that connection pooling has an effect on how quickly a port can be reused. In JMS, connection pooling is switched on by default and it might be some minutes before a port can be reused. Connection errors might occur in the meantime.

        For real-time connections, the local address determines which of the local network interfaces is used for multicast connections. When specifying a local address for a real-time connection, do not include a port number. A port number is not valid for multicast and, if specified, causes a failure at connect time.

        javax.jms.JMSException - if the format of the local address is incorrect.
      • setMaxBufferSize

        public void setMaxBufferSize(int size)
                              throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the maximum buffer size. This is the maximum number of received messages that can be stored in an internal message buffer while waiting to be processed by the client application. This property applies only when TRANSPORT has the values DIRECT or DIRECTHTTP.
        size - the maximum buffer size.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if size is negative.
      • setMessageRetention

        public void setMessageRetention(int mRet)
                                 throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets what happens to unwanted messages.
        mRet - possible values are:
        javax.jms.JMSException - if mRet is not one of the above.
      • setMessageSelection

        public void setMessageSelection(int selection)
                                 throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets whether the client or the broker performs message selection.
        selection - possible values are:
        javax.jms.JMSException - if selection is not one of the above.
      • setMQConnectionOptions

        public void setMQConnectionOptions(int cTagOpt)
                                    throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the connection options for a queue manager. This method checks that the options are valid for JMS.
        cTagOpt - an int representing the connection options. Only one of the four options relating to connection tags and any of the four options relating to binding type can be set. The only default option set is WMQConstants.MQCNO_STANDARD_BINDING.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an option or a combination of set options is invalid.
      • setMsgBatchSize

        public void setMsgBatchSize(int size)
                             throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the message batch size.
        size - the maximum number of messages to be taken at once when using asynchronous delivery.
      • setMsgCompList

        public void setMsgCompList(java.util.Collection<?> compList)
                            throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the list of message compression techniques.
        compList - the Collection of message compression techniques to set. The first item in the list to match the server list becomes the current message compression technique.
      • setMulticast

        public void setMulticast(int multicast)
                          throws javax.jms.JMSException
        This method was deprecated in a previous version and is no longer supported.
      • setPollingInterval

        public void setPollingInterval(int interval)
                                throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the interval between scans of all receivers during asynchronous message delivery.
        interval - the interval in milliseconds.
      • setPort

        public void setPort(int port)
                     throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the port for a client connection.
        port - the new value to use.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if port is not a permitted value.
      • setProviderVersion

        public void setProviderVersion(java.lang.String version)
                                throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the provider version that should be used when creating connections.
        version - value of the form V.R.M.F or abbreviated forms such as V or V.R, where V, R, M and F are integers representing the version, release, modification level and fixpack. Alternatively, the String value can be set to WMQConstants.WMQ_PROVIDER_VERSION_DEFAULT which has a value of "unspecified".
        javax.jms.JMSException - if the version is invalid
      • setProxyHostName

        public void setProxyHostName(java.lang.String hostName)
                              throws javax.jms.JMSException
        This method was deprecated in a previous version and is no longer supported.
        hostName - the host name of the proxy server when establishing a real-time connection, or null if no proxy server is used.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • setProxyPort

        public void setProxyPort(int proxyPort)
                          throws javax.jms.JMSException
        This method was deprecated in a previous version and is no longer supported.
        proxyPort - the port number of the proxy server when establishing a real-time connection.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • setPubAckInterval

        public void setPubAckInterval(int interval)
                               throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the number of messages that can be published before requiring acknowledgement from the broker. Applications do not normally alter this value, and must not rely on this acknowledgement.
        interval - the number of messages to use as an interval. The default is 25.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • setQueueManager

        public void setQueueManager(java.lang.String queueManagerName)
                             throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the name of the queue manager.
        queueManagerName - the queue manager which is used when selecting a channel definition. This can be in of the following forms:
      • "qMgrName", where the actual name of the required queue manager is passed in. The channel must connect to a queue manager of this name.
      • "*qMgrName", where "*" followed by the actual name of the required queue manager is passed in. The channel definition that is used must specify this queue manager name. This full name is passed onto the queueManager during a connect, but the queue manager that is ultimately connected to may not have the same name as specified here after the '*'.
      • "*" or "" or a name which consists entirely of blanks is used. The actual queue manager name is disregarded when a channel definition is being selected.
      • Throws:
        javax.jms.JMSException - if queueManagerName is either null or too long.
      • setReceiveExit

        public void setReceiveExit(java.lang.String receiveExit)
        Sets the receive exit. When writing exits for use with WebSphere MQ Java, each object must also have a constructor that takes a single string argument. When WebSphere MQ creates an instance of the exit, it will pass any initialization data into the exit using this constructor.
        receiveExit - either the name of the class or a String in the form library(entryPoint) where 'library' is the name of the module where the code resides and 'entryPoint' is the entry point.
      • setReceiveExitInit

        public void setReceiveExitInit(java.lang.String data)
        Sets the initialization string for the receive exit.
        data - the initialization string.
      • setRescanInterval

        public void setRescanInterval(int interval)
                               throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the interval between browsing a queue. The scan looks for messages that were not returned by the previous scan.
        interval - the interval in milliseconds.
      • setSecurityExit

        public void setSecurityExit(java.lang.String securityExit)
        Sets the security exit. When writing exits for use with WebSphere MQ Java, each object must also have a constructor that takes a single string argument. When WebSphere MQ creates an instance of the exit, it will pass any initialization data into the exit using this constructor.
        securityExit - either the name of the class or a String in the form library(entryPoint) where 'library' is the name of the module where the code resides and 'entryPoint' is the entry point.
      • setSecurityExitInit

        public void setSecurityExitInit(java.lang.String data)
        Sets the initialization string for the security exit.
        data - the initialization string.
      • setSendCheckCount

        public void setSendCheckCount(int interval)
                               throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the interval between send calls to check for errors on asynchronous put.
        interval - value to indicate the interval between send calls to check for asynchronous put errors, measured as a count of message sends within a single non-transacted JMS Session.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • setSendExit

        public void setSendExit(java.lang.String sendExit)
        Sets the send exit. When writing exits for use with WebSphere MQ Java, each object must also have a constructor that takes a single string argument. When WebSphere MQ creates an instance of the exit, it will pass any initialization data into the exit using this constructor.
        sendExit - either the name of the class or a String in the form library(entryPoint) where 'library' is the name of the module where the code resides and 'entryPoint' is the entry point.
      • setSendExitInit

        public void setSendExitInit(java.lang.String data)
        Gets the description of the send exit.
        data - either the name of the class or a String in the form library(entryPoint) where 'library' is the name of the module where the code resides and 'entryPoint' is the entry point.
      • setShareConvAllowed

        public void setShareConvAllowed(int shared)
                                 throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets whether client connections can share their socket (conversation)
        shared - 1 indicates that the connection is allowed to share the socket with other top-level JMS connections from the same process to the same queuemanager, provided that the channel definitions match. 0 indicates that this is not permitted.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • setSparseSubscriptions

        public void setSparseSubscriptions(boolean sparse)
                                    throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets whether sparse subscriptions are selected. A sparse subscription is one that receives infrequent matching messages.
        sparse - true indicates that sparse subscriptions are selected. This might be required if an application using sparse subscriptions fails to receive messages because of log overflow. If you set the attribute to true , the application must be able to open the consumer queue for browsing messages. The default value of this attribute is false .
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • setSSLCertStores

        public void setSSLCertStores(java.util.Collection<?> stores)
        Provides a collection of CertStore objects used for certificate revocation list (CRL) checking. The certificate provided by the queue manager is checked against one of the CertStore objects contained within the collection; if the certificate is found, the connection attempt fails. At connect-time, each CertStore in the collection is tried in turn until one is successfully used to verify the queue manager's certificate. This property is ignored if sslCipherSuite is null. Use of this property requires Java 2 v1.4. If CertStore objects are specified using this method the MQConnectionFactory cannot be bound into a JNDI namespace. Attempting to do so will result in an exception being thrown.

        You must make sure that your Java Software Development Kit (SDK) is compatible with the CRL to use CertStore successfully with a CRL hosted on an LDAP server. Some SDKs require that the CRL conforms to RFC 2587, which defines a schema for LDAP v2. Most LDAP v3 servers use RFC 2256 instead.

        stores - the CRL - a list of CertStore objects which contain certificates that have been revoked. Null (the default) means that no checking of the queue manager's certificate is performed.
      • setSSLCertStores

        public void setSSLCertStores(java.lang.String stores)
                              throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Specifies a list of LDAP servers used for certificate revocation list (CRL) checking. It allows the user to specify the URIs of LDAP CertStore objects as a String, which is converted internally to the Collection form as required by the CertStore checking routines. This method is provided to support storing the CertStore list via JMSAdmin. Each LDAP server is tried in turn until one is successfully used to verify the queue manager's certificate.
        stores - this String must consist of a sequence of space-delimited LDAP URIs of the form ldap://host[:port]. If no port is specified, the LDAP default of 389 is assumed. If set to null (the default), no checking of the queue manager's certificate is performed.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if the ConnectionFactory supplied list of LDAP URIs is not valid.
        See Also:
      • setSSLCipherSuite

        public void setSSLCipherSuite(java.lang.String cipherSuite)
        Sets the CipherSuite used for SSL encryption. Set this to the CipherSuite matching the CipherSpec set on the SVRCONN channel.
        cipherSuite - the CipherSuite used for SSL encryption. If set to null (the default), no SSL encryption is performed.
      • setSSLFipsRequired

        public void setSSLFipsRequired(boolean required)
        Sets whether sslFips (FIPS) is required.
        required - true indicates FIPS is required.
      • setSSLPeerName

        public void setSSLPeerName(java.lang.String peerName)
                            throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets a distinguished name (DN) pattern. If sslCipherSuite is set, this pattern can ensure that the correct queue manager is used. The connection attempt fails if the distinguished name provided by the queue manager does not match this pattern.
        peerName - the DN pattern. If set to null (the default), no checking of the queue manager's DN pattern is performed. This property is ignored if sslCipherSuite is null.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if the supplied pattern is not valid.
      • setSSLResetCount

        public void setSSLResetCount(int bytes)
                              throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the SSL reset count.
        bytes - the reset count. This must be an integer, with a value between 0 (disabled) and 999 999 999.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if bytes is not within the valid range.
      • setSSLSocketFactory

        public void setSSLSocketFactory(java.lang.Object sf)
        Sets the SSLSocketFactory for use with SSL encryption. Use this to customize all aspects of SSL encryption. Refer to your JSSE provider's documentation for more information on constructing and customizing SSLSocketFactory instances. If a custom SSLSocketFactory is specified, the MQConnectionFactory cannot be bound into a JNDI namespace. Attempting to do so results in an exception.
        sf - the SSLSocketFactory object. If set to null (default), the JSSE default SSLSocketFactory is used when SSL encryption is requested. This property is ignored if sslCipherSuite is null.
      • setStatusRefreshInterval

        public void setStatusRefreshInterval(int interval)
                                      throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the status refresh interval.
        interval - the time between transactions to refresh publish/subscribe status (milliseconds).
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • setSyncpointAllGets

        public void setSyncpointAllGets(boolean flag)
        Chooses whether to do all GET operations within a syncpoint. The default setting for this property is false .
        flag - true means that all GETs are to be done under syncpoint. The default is false which allows GET operations that are not under transaction management to perform more quickly.
      • setTargetClientMatching

        public void setTargetClientMatching(boolean matchClient)
        Enables or disables target client matching. If this is set to true, then only MQMD messages (those from a non-JMS application) containing a replyTo will have a JMS replyTo ProviderDestination constructed with targetClient set to WMQConstants.WMQ_CLIENT_NONJMS_MQ. This ensures that the reply can be understood by the originator.

        If this field is set to false , then replies will always contain an RFH2 header, even though the receiver might not understand the reply.

        Note that this applies only to point-to-point destinations. This field is set to true by default.

        matchClient - a boolean indicating whether to enable or disable target client matching.
      • setTemporaryModel

        public void setTemporaryModel(java.lang.String queueName)
                               throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the name of a WebSphere MQ model queue used when creating JMS temporary destinations.
        queueName - the name of the WebSphere MQ model queue. If refers to a model queue that can be used to create a permanent dynamic queue then you must call the MQTemporaryQueue.delete() method to destroy the queue after use.

        Within the WebSphere Application Server, MQTemporaryQueue.delete() will be called by the application server when a connection is being closed. Therefore even if a permanent dynamic model queue is used, the created temporary queue will be destroyed.

        javax.jms.JMSException - if queueName is either null or too long.
      • setTempTopicPrefix

        public void setTempTopicPrefix(java.lang.String prefix)
                                throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the prefix to use when creating temporary topic names.
        prefix - property applicable to all instances of ConnectionFactory, TopicConnectionFactory and their XA equivalents. When creating Temporary Topics, JMS will generate a Topic string of the form TEMP/prefix/<unique id>, or if this property is left with the default value, just TEMP/<unique id>.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • setTempQPrefix

        public void setTempQPrefix(java.lang.String newTempQPrefix)
                            throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the prefix to be used to form the name of a WebSphere MQ dynamic queue.
        newTempQPrefix - the prefix to be used to form the name of a WebSphere MQ dynamic queue. This must end with the '*' character.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if the string is null, empty, greater than 33 characters in length, consists solely of a single character, or ends with a character other than '*'.
      • setTransportType

        public void setTransportType(int type)
                              throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the transport type.
        type - the transport type. Valid types are:
        javax.jms.JMSException - if the transport is not one of the above.
      • setUseConnectionPooling

        public void setUseConnectionPooling(boolean usePooling)
        Deprecated. JMS does not use connection pooling anymore. Any connection pooling should be done using the facilities provided by the App Server.
        Set the use of ConnectionPooling in earlier versions of the WebSphere MQ classes for JMS. This method is retained for compatibility with older MQJMS applications, but, because this Connection Pooling functionality has been removed from version 7, setting this property will have no effect.
        usePooling - true sets the useConnectionPooling property.
      • setWildcardFormat

        public void setWildcardFormat(int format)
                               throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the formatting to accept when using wildcards.
        format - property applicable to all instances of ConnectionFactory, TopicConnectionFactory and their XA equivalents. In the v6 implementation, where publish/subscribe messaging is performed via a broker, different topic wildcard syntax is used depending on which broker is used. In v7, using native publish/subscribe within the queue manager, the wildcard syntax can be chosen via this property.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if an internal error occurs.
      • setAppName

        public void setAppName(java.lang.String name)
                        throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Set the application name on the connection factory
        name -
      • setAsyncExceptions

        public void setAsyncExceptions(int flags)
                                throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Sets the exception types that should be passed to the user's exception listener.
        flags - the ASYNC_EXCEPTIONS_* filter options
      • createConnection

        public javax.jms.Connection createConnection()
                                              throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Creates a connection with the default user identity. The connection is created in stopped mode. No messages are delivered until Connection.start() is explicitly called.

        Note that the application process ID is used as the default user identity to be passed to the queue manager. If the application is running in client transport mode then this process ID must exist with the relevant authorizations on the server machine. If a different identity is required, then the application should use the createConnection(username, password) method.

        Specified by:
        createConnection in interface javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
        createConnection in class
        a newly created connection.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to create the connection due to some internal error.
        javax.jms.JMSSecurityException - if client authentication fails due to an invalid user name or password.
      • createConnection

        public javax.jms.Connection createConnection(java.lang.String userID,
                                            java.lang.String password)
                                              throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Creates a connection with the specified user identity. The connection is created in stopped mode. No messages are delivered until Connection.start() is explicitly called.
        Specified by:
        createConnection in interface javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
        createConnection in class
        userID - the caller's user identity.
        password - the caller's password.
        a newly created connection.
        javax.jms.JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to create the connection due to some internal error.
        javax.jms.JMSSecurityException - if client authentication fails due to an invalid user name or password.
      • getClientReconnectOptions

        public int getClientReconnectOptions()
                                      throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Get the client reconnection options
        The client reconnection options
        javax.jms.JMSException - If the reconnection options cannot be retrieved
      • setClientReconnectOptions

        public void setClientReconnectOptions(int options)
                                       throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Specifies the client reconnect options for new connections created by this factory. These can be found in WMQConstants, and will be one of:
        • WMQ_CLIENT_RECONNECT_AS_DEF (default) - Use the value specified in the mqclient.ini file. This is set using the 'DefRecon' property within the 'Channels' stanza. It can be set to one of:
          • YES - behaves as the WMQ_CLIENT_RECONNECT option
          • NO - default. Does not specify any reconnection options
          • QMGR - behaves as the WMQ_CLIENT_RECONNECT_Q_MGR option
          • DISABLED - behaves as the WMQ_CLIENT_RECONNECT_DISABLED option
        • WMQ_CLIENT_RECONNECT - Reconnect to the any of the queue managers specified in the connection name list
        • WMQ_CLIENT_RECONNECT_Q_MGR - Reconnect to the same queue manager we were originally connected to. This will throw MQRC_RECONNECT_QMID_MISMATCH if the queue manager it tries to connect to (specified in the connection name list) has a different QMID to the queue manager originally connected to.
        • WMQ_CLIENT_RECONNECT_DISABLED - Reconnection is disabled
        options - New reconnection options
        javax.jms.JMSException - If the reconnection options cannot be set
      • getConnectionNameList

        public java.lang.String getConnectionNameList()
                                               throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Get the hosts to which the client will attempt to connect to
        The client hosts to which the client will attempt to connect
        javax.jms.JMSException - If the connection name list cannot be retrieved
      • setConnectionNameList

        public void setConnectionNameList(java.lang.String hosts)
                                   throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Specifies the hosts to which the client will attempt to reconnect to after its connection is broken. The connection name list is a comma seperated list of host/ip port pairs.

        eg., The default setting of this property is 'localhost(1414)' A null, or empty string is taken to mean localhost(1414)

        hosts - The hosts to connect to
        javax.jms.JMSException - If the connection name list cannot be set
      • getClientReconnectTimeout

        public int getClientReconnectTimeout()
                                      throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Get the amount of time, in seconds, that a client connection will attempt to reconnect.
        the amount of time, in seconds, that a client connection will attempt to reconnect
        javax.jms.JMSException - if the reconnection timeout cannot be retrieved
      • setClientReconnectTimeout

        public void setClientReconnectTimeout(int timeout)
                                       throws javax.jms.JMSException
        Set the amount of time, in seconds, that a client connection will attempt to reconnect. After attempting to reconnect for this amount of time, the client will fail with MQRC_RECONNECT_FAILED. The default setting for this property is WMQConstants.WMQ_CLIENT_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT.
        timeout - is the time in seconds to reconnect
        javax.jms.JMSException - if the reconnection timeout cannot be set
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