Class JmqiException

  • java.lang.Object
    • java.lang.Throwable
      • java.lang.Exception
  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JmqiException
    extends java.lang.Exception
    The JmqiException class is thrown when errors occur in the Java Message Queueing Interface (JMQI) which is the interface which represents the native MQI in the Java environment. There is an implementation which calls through a JNI native library to the native MQI library, and another implementation which communicates with a remote Queue Manager using a WebSphere MQ Channel. When these implementations encounter a problem a JmqiException containing the details may be thrown.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      int getCompCode()
      Getter for completion code
      java.lang.String getMessage()
      Output a summary message in the form: RC=XXX;CC=XXX;AMQXXXX: summary
      java.lang.String getMessage(boolean displayInserts)
      Output a summary message in the form: RC=XXX;CC=XXX;AMQXXXX: summary
      int getReason()
      Getter for reason code
      java.lang.String getWmqLogMessage()
      Get a detailed message summary formatted similarly to the WMQ logs
      java.lang.String getWmqMsgExplanation()
      The AMQXXXX message explaination, or null if no AMQXXXX message is associated with exception.
      int getWmqMsgSeverity()
      The AMQXXXX message severity, or -1 if no AMQXXXX message associated with exception
      java.lang.String getWmqMsgSummary()
      The AMQXXXX message summary, or null if no AMQXXXX message is associated with exception
      java.lang.String getWmqMsgUserResponse()
      The message user response, or null if no AMQXXXX message is associated with exception
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable

        addSuppressed, fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getStackTrace, getSuppressed, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • JmqiException

        public JmqiException()
    • Method Detail

      • getMessage

        public java.lang.String getMessage()
        Output a summary message in the form: RC=XXX;CC=XXX;AMQXXXX: summary
        getMessage in class java.lang.Throwable
        Output a summary message
      • getMessage

        public java.lang.String getMessage(boolean displayInserts)
        Output a summary message in the form: RC=XXX;CC=XXX;AMQXXXX: summary
        displayInserts - If true, outputs the inserts which were used in a message as well as the message.
        Output a summary message
      • getWmqMsgSummary

        public java.lang.String getWmqMsgSummary()
        The AMQXXXX message summary, or null if no AMQXXXX message is associated with exception
        The message summary
      • getWmqMsgExplanation

        public java.lang.String getWmqMsgExplanation()
        The AMQXXXX message explaination, or null if no AMQXXXX message is associated with exception.
        The message explaination
      • getWmqMsgUserResponse

        public java.lang.String getWmqMsgUserResponse()
        The message user response, or null if no AMQXXXX message is associated with exception
        The message user response
      • getWmqMsgSeverity

        public int getWmqMsgSeverity()
        The AMQXXXX message severity, or -1 if no AMQXXXX message associated with exception
        The message severity
      • getWmqLogMessage

        public java.lang.String getWmqLogMessage()
        Get a detailed message summary formatted similarly to the WMQ logs
        A formatted log message, or null if no AMQXXXX message is associated with exception
      • getCompCode

        public int getCompCode()
        Getter for completion code
        The completion code
      • getReason

        public int getReason()
        Getter for reason code
        The reason qualifying the completion code
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