IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3     Supports:  FileNet P8

URL or UNC attachments to a workflow or in Process Designer are missing in the Attachments tab

When you attach URL or UNC attachments to a workflow or in the process designer, those attachments might not be displayed in the Attachments tab in the launch step or step processor.


You added URL or UNC attachments to a workflow or in Process Designer, but those attachments are now missing from the Attachments tab in the launch step or step processor.


URL and UNC attachments are not supported in IBM® Content Navigator and are not displayed in workflow launch and step processors.

Resolving the problem

Instead of creating URL or UNC attachments, create documents in Content Engine that are of the type No Content or External Reference. Attach those documents to the workflow or step processor. You can use these types of documents in your workflow attachments.