DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Installing Query Patroller with the DB2 Setup Wizard (Windows)

If you know which Query Patroller components and tools you want to install, and the kind of environment you will be installing on, you can follow the steps below to install Query Patroller on your Windows server and your Windows clients.

About this task

Important: With the new workload management features introduced in DB2® Version 9.5, Query Patroller and its components have been deprecated in Version 9.7 and might be removed in a future release. For more information, see "DB2 Governor and Query Patroller have been deprecated".


To install Query Patroller (Windows):
  1. Ensure that the dyn_query_mgmt database configuration parameter is set to DISABLE. This parameter must be set to ENABLE for Query Patroller to intercept and manage queries, but it must be set to DISABLE prior to installation to prevent the interception of any internal queries run by the installer. You must connect to the database to update dyn_query_mgmt .

    If you upgraded your DB2 server to DB2 Version 9.7, the dyn_query_mgmt configuration parameter would have automatically been disabled during database upgrade. The owner of the instance containing the database that you want to run Query Patroller on must also have SETSESSIONUSER privilege on PUBLIC.

  2. Install Query Patroller server with the DB2 Setup wizard (Windows).
  3. Verify the installation of Query Patroller server.
  4. Install the Query Patroller client tools with the DB2 Setup wizard (Windows).

What to do next

After Query Patroller is installed, you must set the dyn_query_mgmt configuration parameter to ENABLE so that Query Patroller can intercept and manage queries.