Completing the setup of the runtime environment

Submitting the batch jobs created in the preceding step is the final step in setting up the runtime environment (RTE) using the configuration software.


  1. From the Quick Configuration Workflow - Primary Option Menu, select Submit batch jobs to complete PARMGEN setup.
    Option ===>                                                                    
                            Quick Configuration Mode                               
    GBL_USER_JCL:   TDITN.IDTST.PARMGEN.JCL                                       
    RTE_PLIB_HILEV: TDITN.IDTST                                                   
    RTE_NAME:       SYSA                                                         
    Notes: Perform steps 1 through 5 in sequence, repeating steps as necessary.    
           If reconfiguring this RTE, see Maintenance Scenarios F1=Help topic.     
           Enter n (1-5) to perform tasks.                                         
           Enter ns (1s-5s) for detailed job/task status.                          
                        Description                  Job/Label  Status      Date   
        -------------------------------------------- --------- --------- ----------
    1.  Set up/Refresh PARMGEN work environment.      KCIJPCFG  
    2.  Customize PARMGEN configuration profiles.     SYSA                       
    3.  Create this RTE's runtime members and jobs.   $PARSE   Enter 3 for details.
    4.  Submit batch jobs to complete PARMGEN setup.  SUBMIT   Enter 4 for details.
    5.  Perform post configuration steps.             POSTCFG   
    R   Create next RTE - Reset fields.               New RTE                      
    Press F1=Help for more information.  Type U or UTIL to access utility menu.    

    The Submit Batch Jobs To Complete PARMGEN Setup panel (KCIP@SUB) is displayed.

    Option ===>                                                                    
    Select option 1 to SUBMIT the composite jobs in WKANSAMU for SYSA RTE.       
    Tip: Review the SUBMIT commands in the KCIJPSUB composite job.                 
    Alternatively, select other options (2-12) to submit each job individually.    
    Enter ns (1s-12s) for detailed job/task status.                                
                       Description               REQ  Job Name   Status     Date   
        --------------------------------------- ----- -------- --------- ----------
                                                                       More:     + 
    1.  Composite SUBMIT job (See JCL comments)       KCIJPSUB 
        ** or **                                                                   
    2.  Allocate runtime RO and RW datasets     (Yes) KCIJPALO 
    3.  Copy SMP/E mbrs from TK*->RK* RO libs   (Yes) KCIJPLOD 
    4.  Run product security steps              (Yes) KCIJPSEC 
    5.  Update variable-named runtime mbrs      (No ) KCIJPUPV                     
    6.  (Re)Create USS runtime mbrs in RKANDATV (Yes) KCIJPUSP 
    7.  Create USS dirs./ (Re)Copy USS files    (Yes) KCIJPUSS 
    8.  Copy runtime mbrs to SYS1-type libs (Caution) KCIJPSYS                     
    9.  Run post-SMP/E RKANMODU ASM/LINK steps  (Yes) KCIJPLNK 
    10. Verify the configuration jobs           (Tip) KCIJPIVP                     
    11. Back-up RK* product execution user libs (Tip) KCIJPCPR 
    12. Copy runtime mbrs from WK*->RK* RW libs (Yes) Enter 12 for details. 
    Press F1=Help for more information.  Type UTIL to access utility menu.
    The jobs that you need to submit to set up this RTE are indicated by a Yes in the REQ column.
  2. Submit the required jobs either by using the composite SUBMIT job, or by submitting them individually.

    If you choose to use the composite SUBMIT job, review and edit it as necessary. For example, some options, such as z/OS® UNIX System Services system setup, may require specific user authorization to make changes to the file system. Because the user who has been configuring the RTE may not have the correct authorization in place, specific jobs can be excluded from the composite job and submitted separately by a user who does have the correct authorization.

  3. If the jobs complete with any errors, review the $IVPRPT verification report, correct the errors noted, and resubmit the jobs.

    For more information on the verification report, see Completing the setup of the runtime environment.

What to do next

Complete any configuration required outside the configuration software. In Quick configuration mode, you can access "Complete the configuration" instructions for all installed products and components by selecting option 5 from the Workflow - Primary Option Menu. For more detailed instructions, see the following information: