Interface ThreadsData

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ThreadsData
    extends HealthCenterData
    This class represents a snapshot of all the threads in the monitored application and their current status
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String THREADDATA
        Used to get only Threads Data when comparing against NotificationListener.getUserData()
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String THREADSCOUNTDATA
        Used to get only Threads Count Data when comparing against NotificationListener.getUserData()
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getThreads

        ThreadData[] getThreads()
        Returns all the threads that are currently in the monitored application. NOTE If running in "event only" mode, this data will always return an empty array. This is because "event only" does not store any data to inquire on. Instead, you need to use the api calls to register listeners and get notification of when events occur
        an array of ThreadData objects containing the current threads
      • getThreadCounts

        CountData[] getThreadCounts()
        Returns the number of threads in the application over time. NOTE If running in "event only" mode, this data will always return an empty array. This is because "event only" does not store any data to inquire on. Instead, you need to use the api calls to register listeners and get notification of when events occur
        an array of CountData objects. Each object contains a time and the number of threads that were in the monitored application at that time.
      • deadlockDetected

        boolean deadlockDetected()
        Returns whether a deadlock scenario has been detected in the monitored threads.
        true if a deadlock scenario has been detected, otherwise false.
      • getLatestThreads

        ThreadData[] getLatestThreads()
        Returns the latest set of threads in the monitored application. NOTE If running in "event only" mode, this data will always return an empty array. This is because "event only" does not store any data to inquire on. Instead, you need to use the api calls to register listeners and get notification of when events occur
        an array of ThreadData objects containing the latest threads
      • getAllThreads

        java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Long,ThreadData[]> getAllThreads()
        Returns all the threads in the monitored application over time.
        a HashMap containing the time of the thread snapshot and an array of ThreadData objects
      • addThreadListener

        void addThreadListener(ThreadEventListener listener)
        Add a listener for notification of when a thread event occurs
        implementation - of the ThreadEventListener class
      • removeThreadListener

        void removeThreadListener(ThreadEventListener listener)
        Remove one of registered listeners.
        implementation - of the ThreadEventListener class
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