What's new for IBM i 7.2

Read about new information for the Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) topic collection.

Color Management

Print Services Facility (PSF) is enhanced to provide color management support for IPDS printers. For more information, see Color and grayscale printing using AFP.

Data object resource access tables

PSF provides support for the use of Data Object Resource Access Tables for IFS-based resources. Color management resources can be specified in Data Object Resource Access Tables for AFP and non-AFP resources without changing an application. For more information, see Resource directory management.

Changes to the TrueType and OpenType fonts

  • The font names of the TrueType and OpenType fonts provided in option 43 of the IBM i have changed. Support for the use of the old names is provided.
  • More directories that contain these fonts can be specified by using environment variable QIBM_FONT_RESOURCES_PATH specified at either the job level or system level.
For more information, see TrueType and OpenType fonts.

Suppress message text in an email

PSF offers the capability to send emails without any text placed into the body of an email. For more information, see Suppress message text in an email.

PDF map generic support

Generic values can be specified for the User data and Form type selection criteria in a PDF map entry. For more information, see Generic support for PDF map object selection criteria.

Variable data taken from spooled file attributes

This function causes variable data to be inserted into the subject and body text of an email that is sent by PSF. The variable data can be taken from any of the following: User data spooled file attribute, the Form type spooled file attribute, mail tag that is specified on the User defined data spooled file attribute or the routing tag that is contained within spooled file data. For more information, see Variable data taken from spooled file attributes.

Preventing the copying of the spooled file attribute USRDFNOPT when respooling AFP

When the AFP respool function is done, PSF copies the User Defined Option (USRDFNOPT) spooled file attribute from the original spooled file to the new AFP spooled file. If the original spooled file is split into multiple respooled files, then each of the respooled files contains the USRDFNOPT spooled file attribute of the original spooled file. If you want to prevent the User Defined Option from being copied, you can do so. For more information, see Preventing the copying of spooled file attribute USRDFNOPT when respooling AFP.

Add user directories to PSF's Java class path

If your PDF user program starts a Java™ program, you can tell PSF the directory where the Java program can be found. PSF appends the directory to its class path. For more information, see PSF Mapping Exit Program.

How to see what's new or changed

To help you see where technical changes were made, the information center uses:
  • The Begin change image to mark where new or changed information begins.
  • The End change image to mark where new or changed information ends.
In PDF files, you might see revision bars (|) in the left margin of new and changed information.

To find other information about what's new or changed this release, see the Memo to Users.