Class ChangeableResource

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    NetServer, NetServerShare, RIFSFile, RJavaProgram, RJob, RPrinter, RSoftwareResource, RUser

    Use packages and instead.

    public abstract class ChangeableResource
    extends Resource
    The ChangeableResource represents a system resource. This is an abstract subclass of Resource which adds the ability to change attribute values of a system resource. Attribute changes are cached internally until they are committed or canceled. This allows you to change many attribute values at once. Every attribute is identified using an attribute ID. Any given subclass of ChangeableResource will normally document the attribute IDs that it supports.

    One example of a concrete subclass of ChangeableResource is RJob, which represents a server job. RJob supports many attribute IDs, each of which can be used to access attribute values. Here is an example which sets two attribute values for an RJob:

    // Create an RJob object to refer to a specific job.
    AS400 system = new AS400("MYSYSTEM", "MYUSERID", "MYPASSWORD");
    RJob job = new RJob(system, "AJOBNAME", "AUSERID", "AJOBNUMBER");
    // Set the date format attribute value. job.setAttributeValue(RJob.DATE_FORMAT, RJob.DATE_FORMAT_JULIAN);
    // Set the country ID attribute value. job.setAttributeValue(RJob.COUNTRY_ID, RJob.USER_PROFILE);
    // Commit both attribute changes. job.commitAttributeChanges();

    In addition to using concrete subclasses directly, you can write generic code to work with any ChangeableResource subclass. Such code may improve reusability and maintainability and will work with future ChangeableResource subclasses without modification. Every attribute has an associated attribute meta data object which describes various properties of the attribute. These properties include whether or not the attribute is read only and what the default and possible values are. Here is an example of generic code which resets all attributes of a ChangeableResource to their default values:

    void resetAttributeValues(ChangeableResource resource) throws ResourceException
        // Get the attribute meta data.
        ResourceMetaData[] attributeMetaData = resource.getAttributeMetaData();
    // Loop through all attributes. for(int i = 0; i < attributeMetaData.length; ++i) { // If the attribute is changeable (not read only), then // reset its value to the default. if (! attributeMetaData[i].isReadOnly()) { Object attributeID = attributeMetaData[i].getID(); Object defaultValue = attributeMetaData[i].getDefaultValue(); resource.setAttributeValue(attributeID, defaultValue); } }
    // Commit all of the attribute changes. resource.commitAttributeChanges(); }

    Subclass notes:

    If you are extending this class to override the mechanism for getting attribute values, you need to override either getAttributeUnchangedValue(Object) or getAttributeUnchangedValue(Object, int), but not getAttributeValue(Object) or getAttributeValue(Object, int). This is because getAttributeValue() will automatically call getAttributeUnchangedValue() only when needed.

    Consider whether you need to support bidirectional character conversion. If you do not plan to support bidirectional character conversion, then you only need to override getAttributeUnchangedValue(Object). If you do plan to support bidirectional character conversion, then you need to override isBidiEnabled() to return true and getAttributeUnchangedValue(Object, int).

    In either case, the overriding method should call the superclass's method of the same name and perform extra processing only when null is returned:

        public Object getAttributeUnchangedValue(Object attributeID)
        throws ResourceException
            // Call the superclass first.
            Object value = super.getAttributeUnchangedValue(attributeID);
            if (value == null) {
    // Establish the connection if needed. if (! isConnectionEstablished()) establishConnection();
    // Go get the attribute value. value = ...; } return value; }

    If you are extending this class to override the mechanism for setting attribute values, you need to override either commitAttributeChanges(Object[], Object[]) or commitAttributeChanges(Object[], Object[], int[]), but not commitAttributeChanges(), setAttributeValue(Object, Object), or setAttributeValue(Object, Object, int).

    If you do not plan to support bidirectional character conversion, then you only need to override commitAttributeChanges(Object[], Object[]). If you do plan to support bidirectional character conversion, then you need to override isBidiEnabled() to return true and commitAttributeChanges(Object[], Object[], int[])}.

    In either case, the overriding method should call the superclass's method of the same name and then perform extra processing:

        protected void commitAttributeChanges(Object[] attributeIDs, Object[] values)
        throws ResourceException
            // Call the superclass first.
            super.commitAttributeChanges(attributeIDs, values);
    // Establish the connection if needed. if (! isConnectionEstablished()) establishConnection();
    // Commit the attribute changes. // ... }
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChangeableResource

        public ChangeableResource()
        Constructs a ChangeableResource object.
      • ChangeableResource

        public ChangeableResource(Presentation presentation,
                          java.lang.Object resourceKey,
                          ResourceMetaData[] attributeMetaData)
        Constructs a ChangeableResource object.
        presentation - The presentation.
        resourceKey - The resource key.
        attributeMetaData - The attribute meta data, or null if not applicable.
      • ChangeableResource

        public ChangeableResource(Presentation presentation,
                          java.lang.Object resourceKey,
                          ResourceMetaDataTable attributes)
        Constructs a ChangeableResource object.
        presentation - The presentation.
        resourceKey - The resource key.
        attributes - The attribute meta data, or null if not applicable.
    • Method Detail

      • cancelAttributeChanges

        public void cancelAttributeChanges()
                                    throws ResourceException
        Cancels all uncommitted attribute changes. This method fires an attributeChangesCanceled() ResourceEvent.
        ResourceException - If an error occurs.
      • commitAttributeChanges

        public void commitAttributeChanges()
                                    throws ResourceException
        Commits all attribute changes. This method fires an attributeChangesCommitted() ResourceEvent.

        This method gathers information about which attribute changes need to be committed and calls commitAttributeChanges(Object[], Object[]). Subclasses should override commitAttributeChanges(Object[], Object[]) to define how attribute changes are physically committed.

        ResourceException - If an error occurs.
      • commitAttributeChanges

        protected void commitAttributeChanges(java.lang.Object[] attributeIDs,
                                  java.lang.Object[] values)
                                       throws ResourceException
        Commits the specified attribute changes.

        Subclasses should override this method to define how attribute changes are physically committed.

        attributeIDs - The attribute IDs for the specified attribute changes.
        values - The specified attribute changes
        ResourceException - If an error occurs.
        See Also:
        Subclass notes
      • commitAttributeChanges

        protected void commitAttributeChanges(java.lang.Object[] attributeIDs,
                                  java.lang.Object[] values,
                                  int[] bidiStringTypes)
                                       throws ResourceException
        Commits the specified attribute changes.

        Subclasses should override this method to define how attribute changes are physically committed.

        attributeIDs - The attribute IDs for the specified attribute changes.
        values - The specified attribute changes
        bidiStringTypes - The bidi string types as defined by the CDRA (Character Data Representataion Architecture). See BidiStringType for more information and valid values.
        ResourceException - If an error occurs.
        See Also:
        Subclass notes
      • fireAttributeChangesCanceled

        protected void fireAttributeChangesCanceled()
        Fires an attributeChangesCanceled() ResourceEvent.
      • fireAttributeChangesCommitted

        protected void fireAttributeChangesCommitted()
        Fires an attributeChangesCommitted() ResourceEvent.
      • fireAttributeValueChanged

        protected void fireAttributeValueChanged(java.lang.Object attributeID,
                                     java.lang.Object value)
        Fires an attributeValueChanged() ResourceEvent.
        attributeID - Identifies the attribute.
        value - The attribute value.
      • fireResourceCreated

        protected void fireResourceCreated()
        Fires an resourceCreated() ResourceEvent.
      • fireResourceDeleted

        protected void fireResourceDeleted()
        Fires an resourceDeleted() ResourceEvent.
      • getAttributeUnchangedValue

        public java.lang.Object getAttributeUnchangedValue(java.lang.Object attributeID)
                                                    throws ResourceException
        Returns the value of an attribute, disregarding any uncommitted changes.

        Subclasses should override this method to implement how attribute values are physically retrieved.

        attributeID - Identifies the attribute.
        The attribute value, or null if the attribute value is not available.
        ResourceException - If an error occurs.
        See Also:
        Subclass notes
      • getAttributeUnchangedValue

        public java.lang.Object getAttributeUnchangedValue(java.lang.Object attributeID,
                                                  int bidiStringType)
                                                    throws ResourceException
        Returns the value of an attribute, disregarding any uncommitted changes.

        Subclasses should override this method to implement how attribute values are physically retrieved.

        attributeID - Identifies the attribute.
        bidiStringType - The bidi string type as defined by the CDRA (Character Data Representataion Architecture). See BidiStringType for more information and valid values.
        The attribute value, or null if the attribute value is not available.
        ResourceException - If an error occurs.
        See Also:
        Subclass notes
      • getAttributeValue

        public java.lang.Object getAttributeValue(java.lang.Object attributeID)
                                           throws ResourceException
        Returns the current value of an attribute. If the attribute value has an uncommitted change, this returns the changed (uncommitted) value.
        getAttributeValue in class Resource
        attributeID - Identifies the attribute.
        The attribute value, or null if the attribute value is not available.
        ResourceException - If an error occurs.
        See Also:
        Subclass notes
      • getAttributeValue

        public java.lang.Object getAttributeValue(java.lang.Object attributeID,
                                         int bidiStringType)
                                           throws ResourceException
        Returns the current value of an attribute. If the attribute value has an uncommitted change, this returns the changed (uncommitted) value.
        getAttributeValue in class Resource
        attributeID - Identifies the attribute.
        bidiStringType - The bidi string type as defined by the CDRA (Character Data Representataion Architecture). See BidiStringType for more information and valid values.
        The attribute value, or null if the attribute value is not available.
        ResourceException - If an error occurs.
        See Also:
        Subclass notes
      • hasUncommittedAttributeChanges

        public boolean hasUncommittedAttributeChanges(java.lang.Object attributeID)
        Indicates if an attribute has an uncommitted change.
        attributeID - Identifies the attribute.
        true if the attribute has a uncommitted change, false otherwise.
      • initializeAttributeValue

        protected void initializeAttributeValue(java.lang.Object attributeID,
                                    java.lang.Object value)
        Initializes an attribute value. This is intended for use by the subclass when it is initializing attribute values.
        initializeAttributeValue in class Resource
        attributeID - Identifies the attribute.
        value - The attribute value. This cannot be null.
      • refreshAttributeValues

        public void refreshAttributeValues()
                                    throws ResourceException
        Refreshes the values for all attributes. This does not cancel uncommitted changes. This method fires an attributeValuesRefreshed() ResourceEvent.
        refreshAttributeValues in class Resource
        ResourceException - If an error occurs.
      • setAttributeValue

        public void setAttributeValue(java.lang.Object attributeID,
                             java.lang.Object value)
                               throws ResourceException
        Sets the current value of an attribute. The changed value will be uncommitted until changes are committed. This method fires an attributeValueChanged() ResourceEvent.
        attributeID - Identifies the attribute.
        value - The attribute value. This cannot be null.
        ResourceException - If an error occurs.
      • setAttributeValue

        public void setAttributeValue(java.lang.Object attributeID,
                             java.lang.Object value,
                             int bidiStringType)
                               throws ResourceException
        Sets the current value of an attribute. The changed value will be uncommitted until changes are committed. This method fires an attributeValueChanged() ResourceEvent.
        attributeID - Identifies the attribute.
        value - The attribute value. This cannot be null.
        bidiStringType - The bidi string type as defined by the CDRA (Character Data Representataion Architecture). See BidiStringType for more information and valid values.
        ResourceException - If an error occurs.