A Strategy to Avoid

ILE provides many alternatives for creating programs and applications. However, not all are equally good. In general, you should avoid a situation where an application consisting of OPM and ILE programs is split across the OPM default activation group and a named activation group. In other words, try to avoid the scenario shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Scenario to Avoid
Scenario to Avoid

When an application is split across the default activation group and any named activation group, you are mixing OPM behavior with ILE behavior. For example, programs in the default activation group may be expecting the ILE programs to free their resources when the program ends. However, this will not occur until the activation group ends.

Similarly, the scope of overrides and shared ODPs will be more difficult to manage when an application is split between the default activation group and a named one. By default, the scope for the named group will be at the activation group level, but for the default activation group, it can be either call level or job level, not activation group level.

Calling an ILE program from the command line, or from an OPM program that simply makes a call, is not a problem. The problems, which can all be solved, stem from OPM programs and ILE programs using shared resources such as overrides and commitment control, and from OPM programs trying to using OPM commands such as RCLRSC which have no effect on programs running in a named activation group.

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