Merging Problems

Because of differences between the RPG III and RPG IV languages, the Conversion Aid must reorder certain source statements. An example of this reordering is shown in Example of Source Conversion for the RPG III source member TEST1. If you compare the placement of the data structure DS1 in Figure 221 and in Figure 222, you can see that the data structure DS1 was moved so that it precedes the record format FORMAT1.

Now suppose that the RPG III member TEST1 was split into two members, TEST2 and COPYDS1, where the data structure DS1 and the named constant CONST1 are in a copy member COPYDS1. This copy member is included in source TEST2. Figure 228 and Figure 229 show the source for TEST2 and COPYDS1 respectively.

Figure 228. RPG III Source for TEST2
     H                                                                    TSTPGM
     FFILE1   IF  E                    DISK                               COMM1
     FQSYSPRT O   F     132     OF    LPRINTER
     LQSYSPRT  60FL 56OL
     E                    ARR1    3   3  1               COMM2
     E                    ARR2    3   3  1
     I              OLDNAME                         NAME
     C           ARR1,3    DSPLY
     C                     READ FORMAT1                  01
     C           NAME      DSPLY
     C                     SETON                     LR
     C                     EXCPTOUTPUT
     OQSYSPRT E   01           OUTPUT
     O                         ARR2,3    10
Figure 229. RPG III Source for COPYDS1
     IDS1         DS
     I                                        1   3 FIELD1
     I              'XYZ'                 C         CONST1                COMM3
     I                                        4   6 ARR1

In this situation, the Conversion Aid would convert both member TEST2 and the copy member COPYDS1 correctly. However, when the copy member is included at compile time, it will be inserted below FORMAT1, because this is where the /COPY directive is located. As a result, all source lines in the copy member COPYDS1 will get a "source record is out of sequence" error. In RPG IV, definition specifications must precede input specifications.

Note that the Conversion Aid could not move the /COPY directive above FORMAT1 because the contents of /COPY member are unknown.

There are two methods of correcting this type of problem:

  1. Use the EXPCPY(*YES) option of the CVTRPGSRC command to include all /COPY members in the converted RPG IV source member.

    This approach is easy and will work most of the time. However, including the /COPY members in each source member reduces the maintainability of your application.

  2. Manually correct the code after conversion using the information in the ILE RPG compiler listing and the IBM Rational Development Studio for i: ILE RPG Reference.

Other examples of this type of problem include:

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