Using the Fetch-Overflow Routine in Program-Described Files

When there is not enough space left on a page to print the remaining detail, total, exception, and heading lines conditioned by the overflow indicator, the fetch overflow routine can be called. This routine causes an overflow. To determine when to fetch the overflow routine, study all possible overflow situations. By counting lines and spaces, you can calculate what happens if overflow occurs on each detail, total, and exception line.

The fetch-overflow routine allows you to alter the basic ILE RPG overflow logic to prevent printing over the perforation and to let you use as much of the page as possible. During the regular program cycle, the compiler checks only once, immediately after total output, to see if the overflow indicator is on. When the fetch overflow function is specified, the compiler checks overflow on each line for which fetch overflow is specified.

Figure 186 shows the normal processing of overflow printing when fetch overflow is set on and when it is set off.

Figure 186. Overflow Printing: Setting of the Overflow Indicator
When fetch overflow is not specified, the overflow lines print after total output. No matter when overflow occurs (OA is on), the overflow indicator OA remains on through overflow output time and is set off after heading and detail output time.
When fetch overflow is specified, the overflow lines are written before the output line for which fetch overflow was specified, if the overflow indicator OA is on. When OA is set on, it remains on until after heading and detail output time. The overflow lines are not written a second time at overflow output time unless overflow is sensed again since the last time the overflow lines were written.

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