Previous release to current release support
This topic describes considerations when you are moving specific types of information from an earlier release to the most current release.
Considerations when moving your data to the current release
Before you begin a data migration, see the Data migrations topic.
Generally, the system to which you are restoring objects must be at the same or a higher release level than the system from which the objects were saved, unless you specified a target release value when you saved. When moving data to a higher level release, you should only move user data. This might include user libraries, user directories, user profiles, user objects in IBM-supplied libraries, document library objects (DLOs), and mail. IBM-supplied libraries and IBM-supplied directories should not be restored to a higher release because these are handled during the licensed program install process. The target system should have the current-level release installed. This includes the Licensed Internal Code, i5/OS operating system, IBM-supplied libraries QGPL and QUSRSYS, i5/OS optional libraries, and any licensed programs that are purchased.
Alternatively, you can obtain preventive service planning
(PSP) information from your software service provider. You should
check the PSP before beginning your system upgrade or data migration.
The PSP identifier for information that pertains to upgrading your
system or migrating your data is SF98170. Information within this
PSP describes known high-impact and pervasive problems related to
upgrades and migrations. To receive this PSP information by using
electronic customer support, type this command: SNDPTFORD