Placement syntax

Arguments specifying an allocated storage location can be supplied to new by using the argument_list, also called the placement syntax. If placement arguments are used, a declaration of operator new() or operator new[]() with these arguments must exist. For example:

#include <new>
using namespace std;

class X
      void* operator new(size_t,int, int){ /* ... */ }

// ...

int main ()
      X* ptr = new(1,2) X;

The placement syntax is commonly used to invoke the global placement new function. The global placement new function initializes an object or objects at the location specified by the placement argument in the placement new expression. This location must address storage that has previously been allocated by some other means, because the global placement new function does not itself allocate memory. In the following example, no new memory is allocated by the calls new(whole) X(8);, new(seg2) X(9);, or new(seg3) X(10); Instead, the constructors X(8), X(9), and X(10) are called to reinitialize the memory allocated to the buffer whole.

Because placement new does not allocate memory, you should not use delete to deallocate objects created with the placement syntax. You can only delete the entire memory pool (delete whole). In the example, you can keep the memory buffer but destroy the object stored in it by explicitly calling a destructor.

#include <new>
class X
      X(int n): id(n){ }
      ~X(){ }
      int id;
      //	...

int main()
   char* whole = new char[ 3 * sizeof(X) ];  // a 3-part buffer
   X * p1 = new(whole) X(8);                 // fill the front
   char* seg2 = &whole[ sizeof(X) ];         // mark second segment
   X * p2 = new(seg2) X(9);                  // fill second segment
   char* seg3 = &whole[ 2 * sizeof(X) ];     // mark third segment
   X * p3 = new(seg3) X(10);                 // fill third segment

   p2->~X();   // clear only middle segment, but keep the buffer
   // ...
   return 0;

The placement new syntax can also be used for passing parameters to an allocation routine rather than to a constructor.

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