Parameter declarations

The function declarator includes the list of parameters that can be passed to the function when it is called by another function, or by itself.

C++ In C++, the parameter list of a function is referred to as its signature. The name and signature of a function uniquely identify it. As the word itself suggests, the function signature is used by the compiler to distinguish among the different instances of overloaded functions.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramFunction parameter declaration syntax
      V               |
        '-parameter-'    '-,--...-'
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramparameter
   '-register-'                  '-declarator-'
C++ only

An empty argument list in a function declaration or definition indicates a function that takes no arguments. To explicitly indicate that a function does not take any arguments, you can declare the function in two ways: with an empty parameter list, or with the keyword void:

      int f(void);
      int f();
End of C++ only
C only

An empty argument list in a function definition indicates a function that takes no arguments. An empty argument list in a function declaration indicates that a function may take any number or type of arguments. Thus,

int f()

indicates that function f takes no arguments. However,

int f();

simply indicates that the number and type of parameters is not known. To explicitly indicate that a function does not take any arguments, you should define the function with the keyword void.

End of C only

An ellipsis at the end of the parameter specifications is used to specify that a function has a variable number of parameters. The number of parameters is equal to, or greater than, the number of parameter specifications.

      int f(int, ...);

C++ The comma before the ellipsis is optional. In addition, a parameter declaration is not required before the ellipsis.

C At least one parameter declaration, as well as a comma before the ellipsis, are both required in C.

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