Linkage of inline functions

C only

In C, inline functions are treated by default as having static linkage; that is, they are only visible within a single translation unit. Therefore, in the following example, even though function foo is defined in exactly the same way, foo in file A and foo in file B are treated as separate functions: two function bodies are generated, and assigned two different addresses in memory:

// File A

#include <stdio.h>

__inline__ int foo(){
return 3;

void g() {
printf("foo called from g: return value = %d, address = %#p\n", foo(), &foo);

// File B

#include <stdio.h>

__inline__ int foo(){
return 3;

void g();

int main() {
printf("foo called from main: return value = %d, address = %#p\n", foo(), &foo);

The output from the compiled program is:

foo called from main: return value = 3, address = A100000000000000D8ED5D51EA000B68 
foo called from g: return value = 3, address = A100000000000000D8ED5D51EA000B58

Since inline functions are treated as having internal linkage, an inline function definition can co-exist with a regular, external definition of a function with the same name in another translation unit. However, when you call the function from the file containing the inline definition, the compiler may choose either the inline version defined in the same file or the external version defined in another file for the call; your program should not rely on the inline version being called. In the following example, the call to foo from function g could return either 6 or 3:

// File A

#include <stdio.h>

__inline__ int foo(){
return 6;

void g() {
printf("foo called from g: return value = %d\n", foo());

// File B

#include <stdio.h>

int foo(){
return 3;

void g();

int main() {
printf("foo called from main: return value = %d\n", foo());
Similarly, if you define a function as extern inline, or redeclare an inline function as extern, the function simply becomes a regular, external function and is not inlined.
End of C only
C++ only

You must define an inline function in exactly the same way in each translation unit in which the function is used or called. Furthermore, if a function is defined as inline, but never used or called within the same translation unit, it is discarded by the compiler.

Nevertheless, in C++, inline functions are treated by default as having external linkage, meaning that the program behaves as if there is only one copy of the function. The function will have the same address in all translation units and each translation unit will share any static locals and string literals. Therefore, compiling the previous example gives the following output:

foo called from main: return value = 3, address =  A100000000000000D8ED5D51EA000B58
foo called from g: return value = 3, address = A100000000000000D8ED5D51EA000B68
Redefining an inline function with the same name but with a different function body is illegal; however, the compiler does not flag this as an error, but simply generates a function body for the version defined in the first file entered on the compilation command line, and discards the others.

Therefore, the following example, in which inline function foo is defined differently in two different files, may not produce the expected results:

// File A

#include <stdio.h>

inline int foo(){
return 6;

void g() {
printf("foo called from g: return value = %d, address = %#p\n", foo(), &foo);

// File B

#include <stdio.h>

inline int foo(){
return 3;

void g();

int main() {
printf("foo called from main: return value = %d, address = %#p\n", foo(), &foo);

When file A and file B are bound into a single ILE program, the output is:

foo called from main: return value = 6, address = A100000000000000F3551B782F000B38
foo called from g: return value = 6, address = A100000000000000F3551B782F000B38

The call to foo from main does not use the inline definition provided in file B, but rather calls foo as a regular external function defined in file A. It is your responsibility to ensure that inline function definitions with the same name match exactly across translation units, to avoid unexpected results.

Because inline functions are treated as having external linkage, any static local variables or string literals that are defined within the body of an inline function are treated as the same object across translation units. The following example demonstrates this:

// File A

#include <stdio.h>

inline int foo(){
static int x = 23;
printf("address of x = %#p\n", &x);
return x;

void g() {
printf("foo called from g: return value = %d\n", foo());

// File B

#include <stdio.h>

inline int foo()
static int x=23;
printf("address of x = %#p\n", &x);
return x; 

void g();

int main() {
printf("foo called from main: return value = %d\n", foo());

The output of this program shows that x in both definitions of foo is indeed the same object:

address of x = A100000000000000F3551B782F000B38
foo called from main: return value = 24
address of x = A100000000000000F3551B782F000B38
foo called from g: return value = 25

If you want to ensure that each instance of function defined as inline is treated as a separate function, you can use the static specifier in the function definition in each translation unit. Note, however, that static inline functions are removed from name lookup during template instantiation, and are not found.

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