Function try block handlers (C++ only)

The scope and lifetime of the parameters of a function or constructor extend into the handlers of a function try block. The following example demonstrates this:

void f(int &x) try {
   throw 10;
catch (const int &i)
   x = i;

int main() {
   int v = 0;

The value of v after f() is called is 10.

A function try block on main() does not catch exceptions thrown in destructors of objects with static storage duration, or constructors of namespace scope objects.

The following example throws an exception from a destructor of a static object:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class E {
  const char* error;
  E(const char* arg) : error(arg) { }

class A {
  public: ~A() { throw E("Exception in ~A()"); }

class B {
  public: ~B() { throw E("Exception in ~B()"); }

int main() try {
  cout << "In main" << endl;
  static A cow;
  B bull;
catch (E& e) {
  cout << e.error << endl;

The following is the output of the above example:

In main
Exception in ~B()

The run time will not catch the exception thrown when object cow is destroyed at the end of the program.

The following example throws an exception from a constructor of a namespace scope object:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class E {
  const char* error;
  E(const char* arg) : error(arg) { }

namespace N {
  class C {
    C() {
      cout << "In C()" << endl;
      throw E("Exception in C()");

  C calf;

int main() try {
  cout << "In main" << endl;
catch (E& e) {
  cout << e.error << endl;

The following is the output of the above example:

In C()

The compiler will not catch the exception thrown when object calf is created.

In a function try block's handler, you cannot have a jump into the body of a constructor or destructor.

A return statement cannot appear in a function try block's handler of a constructor.

When the function try block's handler of an object's constructor or destructor is entered, fully constructed base classes and members of that object are destroyed. The following example demonstrates this:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class E {
      const char* error;
      E(const char* arg) : error(arg) { };

class B {
      B() { };
      ~B() { cout << "~B() called" << endl; };

class D : public B {
      ~D() { cout << "~D() called" << endl; };

D::D() try : B() {
   throw E("Exception in D()");
catch(E& e) {
   cout << "Handler of function try block of D(): " << e.error << endl;

int main() {
   try {
      D val;
   catch(...) { }

The following is the output of the above example:

~B() called
Handler of function try block of D(): Exception in D()

When the function try block's handler of D() is entered, the run time first calls the destructor of the base class of D, which is B. The destructor of D is not called because val is not fully constructed.

The run time will rethrow an exception at the end of a function try block's handler of a constructor or destructor. All other functions will return once they have reached the end of their function try block's handler. The following example demonstrates this:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class E {
      const char* error;
      E(const char* arg) : error(arg) { };

class A {
      A() try { throw E("Exception in A()"); }
      catch(E& e) { cout << "Handler in A(): " << e.error << endl; }

int f() try {
   throw E("Exception in f()");
   return 0;
catch(E& e) {
   cout << "Handler in f(): " << e.error << endl;
   return 1;

int main() {
   int i = 0;
   try { A cow; }
   catch(E& e) {
      cout << "Handler in main(): " << e.error << endl;

   try { i = f(); }
   catch(E& e) {
      cout << "Another handler in main(): " << e.error << endl;

   cout << "Returned value of f(): " << i << endl;

The following is the output of the above example:

Handler in A(): Exception in A()
Handler in main(): Exception in A()
Handler in f(): Exception in f()
Returned value of f(): 1

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