Deducing type template arguments

The compiler can deduce template arguments from a type composed of several of the listed type structures. The following example demonstrates template argument deduction for a type composed of several type structures:

template<class T> class Y { };

template<class T, int i> class X {
      Y<T> f(char[20][i]) { return x; };
      Y<T> x;

template<template<class> class T, class U, class V, class W, int i>
   void g( T<U> (V::*)(W[20][i]) ) { };

int main()
   Y<int> (X<int, 20>::*p)(char[20][20]) = &X<int, 20>::f;

The type Y<int> (X<int, 20>::*p)(char[20][20])T<U> (V::*)(W[20][i]) is based on the type structure T (U::*)(V):

If you qualify a type with the class to which that type belongs, and that class (a nested name specifier) depends on a template parameter, the compiler will not deduce a template argument for that parameter. If a type contains a template argument that cannot be deduced for this reason, all template arguments in that type will not be deduced. The following example demonstrates this:

template<class T, class U, class V>
  void h(typename Y<T>::template Z<U>, Y<T>, Y<V>) { };

int main() {
  Y<int>::Z<char> a;
  Y<int> b;
  Y<float> c;

  h<int, char, float>(a, b, c);
  h<int, char>(a, b, c);
  // h<int>(a, b, c);

The compiler will not deduce the template arguments T and U in typename Y<T>::template Z<U> (but it will deduce the T in Y<T>). The compiler would not allow the template function call h<int>(a, b, c) because U is not deduced by the compiler.

The compiler can deduce a function template argument from a pointer to function or pointer to member function argument given several overloaded function names. However, none of the overloaded functions may be function templates, nor can more than one overloaded function match the required type. The following example demonstrates this:

template<class T> void f(void(*) (T,int)) { };

template<class T> void g1(T, int) { };

void g2(int, int) { };
void g2(char, int) { };

void g3(int, int, int) { };
void g3(float, int) { };

int main() {
//   f(&g1);
//   f(&g2);

The compiler would not allow the call f(&g1) because g1() is a function template. The compiler would not allow the call f(&g2) because both functions named g2() match the type required by f().

The compiler cannot deduce a template argument from the type of a default argument. The following example demonstrates this:

template<class T> void f(T = 2, T = 3) { };

int main() {
//   f();

The compiler allows the call f(6) because the compiler deduces the template argument (int) by the value of the function call's argument. The compiler would not allow the call f() because the compiler cannot deduce template argument from the default arguments of f().

The compiler cannot deduce a template type argument from the type of a non-type template argument. For example, the compiler will not allow the following:

template<class T, T i> void f(int[20][i]) { };

int main() {
   int a[20][30];

The compiler cannot deduce the type of template parameter T.

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