STEP 007 : Update System Name in BRMS Media Information

When you save objects on a system to media, BRMS assigns the system name to the saved objects and to the media. If you are recovering to a system or logical partition that has a system name different from the saved system name, you must change the "owning" system name in the BRMS database in order for you to view the saved history when using the STRRCYBRM command. If you use this command and see no items in the list, you probably need to change the name of the system in the media and history information to the current system name. You can view the current system name using the DSPNETA command.

STEP 007 : Update System Name in BRMS Media Information                                             
   Start date/time __________________  Stop date/time __________________  Duration _________________
        BRMS uses the network identifier and default local location name from                       
        the system network attributes to assign a system owner to saved items                       
        and the media containing those saved items.                                                 
        The network attributes for the saved system are:                                            
            Local network ID . . . . . . . . . . .: APPN                                            
            Default local location . . . . . . . .: RCHASPIG                                        
        Display the network attributes of the recovery system.                                      
        To do so, type the following command then press "Enter".                                    
        Record the network attributes of the recovery system:                                       
            Local network ID . . . . . . . . . . .: ____________________                            
            Default local location . . . . . . . .: ____________________                            
        If the local network identifier or default local location for the                           
        saved system are different from the recovery system and the recovery                        
        system is correct, you must change the system owner of the saved                            
        items and media in the BRMS history to match the network attributes.                        
        To do so, type the following command then press "Enter".                                    
        -----  Attention  ---------------------------------------------------                       
        Be sure to specify a fully qualified name for the saved system                              
        using "local-network-id.default-local-location" format.                                     
        If the local network identifier or default local location for the                           
        saved system are different from the recovery system and the saved                           
        system is correct, you must change the network attributes of the                            
        recovery system to match the system owner of the saved items and                            
        media in the BRMS history.                                                                  
        To do so, type the following command then press "Enter".                                    
             CHGNETA LCLNETID(APPN    ) LCLLOCNAME(RCHASPIG)                                        

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