STEP 005 : Recover BRMS Related Media Information

Now you need to recover the BRMS media information which contains updates to the BRMS database files that contain the latest media information about your last save. The media information in the QUSRBRM library assists BRMS in recovering the remainder of your data. When you perform this step, use the file sequence numbers to ensure that you restore the correct objects; there may be more than one QUSRBRM item on that tape. Using the sequence number also improves the performance of the restore.

STEP 005 : Recover BRMS Related Media Information                                                   
   Start date/time __________________  Stop date/time __________________  Duration _________________
       You must recover this information for the BRMS product to accurately                         
       guide you through the remaining recovery steps.                                              
       Recover the libraries listed below specifying the saved-item, the                            
       device name of the stand-alone drive or media library you are using,                          
       and the volume identifiers and sequence numbers listed.                                      
       To do so, type the following command then press "Enter".                                     
            RSTOBJ OBJ(*ALL) SAVLIB(saved-item) DEV(device-name)                                    
                   VOL(volume-identifier) SEQNBR(sequence-number)                                   
                                                         --- Objects ---                            
   Saved      Save    ----- ASP ------  Save     Save            Not     Sequence  Control    Volume
   Item       Type    Name      Number  Date     Time    Saved   Saved   Number    Group      Identi
   ---------- ------- ---------- ----- -------- -------- ------- ------- --------- ---------- ------
__ QUSRBRM    *QBRM   *SYSBAS    00001  7/25/05 15:58:26      11       0       108  *SYSGRP   VOL003

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