BRMS User-Defined System Name Support

This function allows a user to specify a user-defined system name for BRMS regardless of network configuration of the system. A BRMS user-defined system name is independent of the operating system's attribute. What does that enable a user to do? A user-defined system name might give you the capability to add two systems with exactly the same network attributes, for example, same system names for the operating system. This provides an easier role swap in a high availability environment (HA) between production and backup systems. This also enables HA and production systems to be in the same BRMS network and share the same tape resources.

To setup a BRMS user defined system name, perform the following steps:

  1. Use the following command to set the required system name for BRMS.

    QSYS/CALL QBRM/Q1AOLD PARM('BRMSYSNAME' '*SET ' 'User_defined_system')

    1. BRMS System Name will be used for all backup history instead of network attribute.
    2. 'User_defined_system' should be a unique name that can be used for system names across the BRMS network. This value cannot exceed 8 characters.
    3. Any backup performed by this system will be treated as if backup were performed on this specified system.
    4. It is recommended that the system be taken out of any BRMS network before this is done.
  2. Display the BRMS system name by issuing the following commands:

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