Media Slotting

Use the media slotting technique when you want to file and track media by slot number. You can use this technique at all of your storage locations, at selected ones, or not at all. You can indicate media slotting use on the Add or Change Storage Location displays using the Work with Locations using BRM (WRKLOCBRM) command.

The default value in the Media slotting field is *NO. If you want BRMS to track volumes in a media slotting system, you must change the value in the Media slotting field to *YES. If a location is changed from *NO to *YES, all volumes currently in that location will be allocated a slot the next time a volume is moved to that location.

BRMS automatically updates the slot number at storage locations that use the media slotting technique. When BRMS moves media to that location, it assigns it a slot number. You must ensure that you move the volumes to the allocated slot. If using slotting in a tape library, the slot number will be assigned by the OS when the cartridge is added to the tape library via ADDMLMBRM.

BRMS automatically updates the slot numbers for containers that are processed through a move command. If you want to use the media slotting technique for volumes in a container, BRMS assigns the media in the container and the container itself the same slot number.

A volume and a container take one slot each.

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