Encrypt Data (QC3ENCDT, Qc3EncryptData) API

  Required Parameter Group:

1 Clear data Input Char(*)
2 Length of clear data Input Binary(4)
3 Clear data format name Input Char(8)
4 Algorithm description Input Char(*)
5 Algorithm description format name Input Char(8)
6 Key description Input Char(*)
7 Key description format name Input Char(8)
8 Cryptographic service provider Input Char(1)
9 Cryptographic device name Input Char(10)
10 Encrypted data Output Char(*)
11 Length of area provided for encrypted data Input Binary(4)
12 Length of encrypted data returned Output Binary(4)
13 Error code I/O Char(*)

  Service Program Name: QC3DTAEN

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The Encrypt Data (OPM, QC3ENCDT; ILE, Qc3EncryptData) API protects data privacy by scrambling clear data into an unintelligible form. To recover the clear data from the encrypted data, use the Decrypt Data (OPM, QC3DECDT; ILE, Qc3DecryptData) API.

Information on cryptographic standards can be found in Create Algorithm Context (OPM, QC3CRTAX; ILE, Qc3CreateAlgorithmContext) API.

Authorities and Locks

Required device description authority

Required file authority

Required Parameter Group

Clear data

The data to encrypt.
The format of the clear data is specified in the clear data format name parameter

Length of clear data

For clear data format DATA0100, this is the length of the data to encrypt. For restrictions on the length of clear data, refer to the clear data length field below.
For clear data format DATA0200, this is the number of entries in the array.

Clear data format name

The format of the clear data parameter.
The possible format names follow.

The clear data parameter contains the data to encrypt.

The clear data parameter contains an array of pointers and lengths to the data to encrypt.
See Clear Data Formats for a description of this format.

Algorithm description

The algorithm and associated parameters for encrypting the data.
The format of the algorithm description is specified in the algorithm description format name parameter.

Algorithm description format name

The format of the algorithm description.
The possible format names follow.

The token for an algorithm context. This format must be used when performing the encrypt operation over multiple calls. After the last call (when the final operation flag is on), the context will reset to its initial state and can be used in another API. To create an algorithm context, use the Create Algorithm Context (OPM, QC3CRTAX; ILE, Qc3CreateAlgorithmContext) API.

Parameters for a block cipher algorithm (DES, Triple DES, AES, and RC2).

Parameters for a stream cipher algorithm (RC4-compatible).

Parameters for a public key algorithm (RSA).

See Algorithm Description Formats for a description of these formats.

Key description

The key to use for encrypting the data.
The format of the key description is specified in the key description format name parameter.
If the encrypt operation extends over multiple calls (see ALGD0100 description above), only the key description from the first call will be used. Therefore, on subsequent calls, you may set the pointer to this parameter to NULL.

Key description format name

The format of the key description.
If the pointer to the key description parameter is NULL, this parameter will be ignored.
The possible format names follow.

Key context token. This format identifies a key context. A key context is used to store a key value so it need not be recreated or retrieved every time it is used. To create a key context, use the Create Key Context (OPM, QC3CRTKX; ILE, Qc3CreateKeyContext) API.

Key parameters.

Keystore label. This format identifies a key from keystore. For more information on cryptographic services keystore, see the Cryptographic Services Keystore topic.

PKCS5 passphrase. This format derives a key using RSA Data Security, Inc. Public-Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS) #5.

PEM certificate. This format uses the PKA key in an ASCII encoded PEM based certificate.

Certificate label. This format uses the public PKA key identified by a label into system certificate keystore (*SYSTEM).

Distinguished name. This format uses the public PKA key identified by a distinguished name for a certificate in system certificate keystore (*SYSTEM).

Application identifier. This format uses the private PKA key identified by an application identifier. The application identifier must be assigned to a valid certificate label in system certificate keystore (*SYSTEM).

See Key Description Formats for a description of these formats.

Cryptographic service provider

The cryptographic service provider (CSP) that will perform the encryption operation.

0 Any CSP.
The system will choose an appropriate CSP to perform the encryption operation.
1 Software CSP.
The system will perform the encryption operation using software. If the requested algorithm is not available in software, an error is returned.
2 Hardware CSP.
The system will perform the encryption operation using cryptographic hardware. If the requested algorithm is not available in hardware, an error is returned. A specific cryptographic device can be specified using the cryptographic device name parameter. If the cryptographic device is not specified, the system will choose an appropriate one.

Cryptographic device name

The name of a cryptographic device description.
This parameter is valid when the cryptographic service provider parameter specifies 2 (hardware CSP). Otherwise, this parameter must be blanks or the pointer to this parameter set to NULL.

Encrypted data

The area to store the encrypted data.

Length of area provided for encrypted data

The length of the encrypted data parameter.
If the mode of operation is CFB 1-bit, this length must be specified in bits.
If the length of area provided for encrypted data is too small, an error will be generated and no data will be returned in the encrypted data parameter.

Block ciphers The encrypted data parameter must be greater than or equal to the length of clear data. If padding and performing final processing, the encrypted data parameter must be large enough to include the pad characters. For more information, refer to the pad option description.
Stream ciphers The encrypted data parameter must be greater than or equal to the length of clear data.
PKA ciphers The encrypted data parameter must be greater than or equal to the key size.

Length of encrypted data returned

The length of encrypted data returned in the encrypted data parameter.
If the mode of operation is CFB 1-bit, this length will be returned in bits.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information.
For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Clear Data Formats

For detailed descriptions of the table fields, see Clear Data Formats Field Descriptions.

DATA0200 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
These fields repeat. PTR(SPP) Clear data pointer
BINARY(4) Clear data length
CHAR(12) Reserved

Clear Data Formats Field Descriptions

Clear data length
The length of data to encrypt. Some cipher algorithms have restrictions on the clear data length.
DES, Triple DES, AES, RC2
When mode is 0 (ECB), 1 (CBC), 2 (OFB), or 5 (CFB 64-bit) and pad option is 0 (no pad), the total of the clear data lengths for the entire encrypt operation must be a multiple of the block length. For mode 3 (CFB 1-bit), the clear data length is specified in bits, not bytes.
For PKA block formats 0, 1, and 2, the clear data length must be at least 11 bytes shorter than the key size. For PKA block format 4, the data to encrypt must be shorter than or equal to the key size.
Clear data pointer
A space pointer to the data to encrypt.
Must be null (binary 0s).

Algorithm Description Formats

For detailed descriptions of the table fields, see Algorithm Description Formats Field Descriptions. For algorithm standards and resources, see Create Algorithm Context (OPM, QC3CRTAX; ILE, Qc3CreateAlgorithmContext) API.

ALGD0100 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(8) Algorithm context token
8 8 CHAR(1) Final operation flag

ALGD0200 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Block cipher algorithm
4 4 BINARY(4) Block length
8 8 CHAR(1) Mode
9 9 CHAR(1) Pad option
10 A CHAR(1) Pad character
11 B CHAR(1) Reserved
12 C BINARY(4) MAC length
16 10 BINARY(4) Effective key size
20 14 CHAR(32) Initialization vector or counter

ALGD0300 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Stream cipher algorithm

ALGD0400 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Public key cipher algorithm
4 4 CHAR(1) PKA block format
5 5 CHAR(3) Reserved
8 8 BINARY(4) Signing hash algorithm

Algorithm Description Formats Field Descriptions

Algorithm context token
A token for an algorithm context. The algorithm context is created by using the Create Algorithm Context (OPM, QC3CRTAX; ILE, Qc3CreateAlgorithmContext) API.

Block cipher algorithm
The encryption algorithm. Following are the valid block cipher algorithms.
20 DES
21 Triple DES
22 AES
23 RC2

Block length
The algorithm block length. For DES, Triple DES, and RC2 the block length field must specify 8. The valid block length values for AES are 16, 24, and 32.

Effective key size
For RC2, the number of key bits to use in the cipher operation. Valid values are from 1 to 1024. If RC2 is not specified for the block cipher algorithm, this field must be set to 0.

Final operation flag
The final processing indicator.
0 Continue.
The system will not perform final processing and the algorithm context will maintain the state of the operation. The algorithm context can be used on future calls to this API to continue the encryption operation.
1 Final.
The system will perform final processing (e.g. padding) and the algorithm context will reset to its initial state. The algorithm context can then be used to begin a new cryptographic operation (encrypt, decrypt, etc.). When performing a final operation, the pointer to the clear data parameter may be set to NULL and the length of clear data parameter set to 0. This option must be specified if performing RSA encryption.

Initialization vector or counter
An initialization vector (IV) is used for modes CBC, OFB, CFB, and CUSP. A counter is used for CTR mode. Refer to the mode standards for an explanation of how each mode uses the IV or counter. This field is not used for ECB mode, and must be set to NULL (binary 0s).
For DES, Triple DES, and RC2, the first 8 bytes are used as the IV/counter. For AES, the length is that specified by block length.
The IV/Counter need not be secret, but it should be unique for each message. For CBC, CFB, and CUSP modes, the IV must be significantly unique. If not unique, it may compromise security.
The IV can be any value. To obtain a good random IV or counter value, use the Generate Pseudorandom Numbers (OPM, QC3GENPRN; ILE, Qc3GenPRNs)API.

MAC length
This field is not used on an encrypt operation and must be set to null (binary 0s).

The mode of operation. Information on modes can be found in FIPS PUB 81, NIST Special Publication 800-38A, and ANSI X9.52. Following are the valid modes.
0 ECB.
1 CBC.
2 OFB. Not valid with AES or RC2.
3 CFB 1-bit. Not valid with AES or RC2.
4 CFB 8-bit. Not valid with AES or RC2.
5 CFB 64-bit. Not valid with AES or RC2.
6 CUSP. CUSP is a special type of CBC mode documented in the z/OS® ICSF Application Programmer's Guide (SA22-7522). It is used for handling data not a multiple of the block length. The length of encrypted data in CUSP mode will always equal the length of clear text data.
7 CTR. Only valid with AES.

Pad character
The pad character for pad option 1. Using hex 00 as the pad character is equivalent to ANSI X9.23 padding.

Pad option
If requested, padding is performed at the end of the encrypt operation. Be sure the encrypted data parameter is large enough to include any padding. The data will be padded up to the next block length byte multiple. For example, when using DES and total data to encrypt is 20, the text is padded to 24. The last byte is filled with a 1-byte binary counter containing the number of pad characters used. The preceeding pad characters are filled as specified by this field. Padding is not performed for modes CFB 1-bit, CFB 8-bit, and CUSP. In these cases, the pad option must be set to 0. Following are the valid pad options.
0 No padding is performed.
1 Use the character specified in the pad character field for padding.
2 The pad counter is used as the pad character. This is equivalent to PKCS #5 padding.

PKA block format
The public key algorithm block format. Following are the valid values.
0 PKCS #1 block type 00
1 PKCS #1 block type 01
2 PKCS #1 block type 02
This format is recommended when encrypting non-hash items (such as keys). The other formats are normally used in sign and verify functions.
4 Zero pad
The clear data is placed in the low-order bit positions of a string of the same bit-length as the key modulus. All leading bits are set to zero.

Public key cipher algorithm
The encryption algorithm. Following are the valid public key cipher algorithms.
50 RSA

Must be null (binary 0s).

Signing hash algorithm
This field is not used on an encrypt operation and must be set to null (binary 0s).

Stream cipher algorithm
The encryption algorithm. Following are the valid stream cipher algorithms.
30 RC4-compatible

Key Description Formats

For detailed descriptions of the table fields, see Key Description Formats Field Descriptions.

KEYD0100 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(8) Key context token

KEYD0200 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Key type
4 4 BINARY(4) Key string length
8 8 CHAR(1) Key format
9 9 CHAR(3) Reserved
12 C CHAR(*) Key string

KEYD0400 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(20) Qualified keystore file name
20 14 CHAR(32) Record label
52 34 CHAR(4) Reserved

KEYD0500 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Key type
4 4 BINARY(4) Derived key length
8 8 BINARY(4) Iteration count
12 C BINARY(4) Salt length
16 10 CHAR(16) Salt
32 20 BINARY(4) Passphrase CCSID
36 24 BINARY(4) Passphrase length
40 28 CHAR(*) Passphrase

KEYD0600 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) PEM certificate length
4 4 CHAR(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(*) PEM certificate

KEYD0700 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Certificate label length
4 4 CHAR(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(*) Certificate label

KEYD0800 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Distinguished name length
4 4 CHAR(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(*) Distinguished name

KEYD0900 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Application identifier length
4 4 CHAR(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(*) Application identifier

Key Description Formats Field Descriptions

Application identifer
The application ID assigned to a certificate with a private key in system certificate keystore (*SYSTEM).

Application identifier length
The length of the application ID. The length can not be greater than 32.

Certificate label
The label of the certificate in system certificate keystore (*SYSTEM). The certificate's public key will be used in the encryption operation.

Certificate label length
The length of the certificate label.

Derived key length
The length of key requested. The minimum allowed length is 1.

Distinguished name
The distinguished name of the certificate in system certificate keystore (*SYSTEM). The certificate's public key will be used in the encryption operation.

Distinguished name length
The length of the distinguished name.

File name
The name of a keystore file. Keystore files are created by using the Create Keystore (OPM, QC3CRTKS; ILE, Qc3CreateKeyStore) API.

Iteration count
Used to greatly increase the cost of an exhaustive search while modestly increasing the cost of key derivation. The minimum allowed value is 1. The standard recommends a minimum of 1000. The maximum allowed length is 100,000.
Key context token
A token for a key context. The key context is created by using the Create Key Context (OPM, QC3CRTKX; ILE, Qc3CreateKeyContext) API.

Key format
The format of the key string field. Following are the valid values.
0 Binary string.
The key is specified as a binary value. To obtain a good random key value, use the Generate Symmetric Key (OPM, QC3GENSK; ILE, Qc3GenSymmetricKey) API or the Generate Pseudorandom Numbers (OPM, QC3GENRN; ILE, Qc3GenPRNs) API.
1 BER string
If the key type field specifies 50 (RSA public), the key must be specified in BER encoded X.509 Certificate or SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. For specifications of this format, refer to RFC 3280. If the key type field specifies 51 (RSA private), the key must be specified in BER encoded PKCS #8 format. For specifications of this format, refer to RSA Security Inc. Public-Key Cryptography Standards. To generate a PKA key pair, use the Generate PKA Key Pair (OPM, QC3GENPK; ILE, Qc3GenPKAKeyPair) API.

Key string
The key to use in the encrypt operation.

Key string length
Length of the key string specified in the key string field.

Key type
The type of key. Following are the valid values.
20 DES
The key string length or derived key string length must be 8 bytes. For key description KEYD0200, the key format must be 0. Only 7 bits of each byte are used as the actual key. The rightmost bit of each byte is used to set parity. Some cryptographic service providers require that a DES key have odd parity in every byte. Others ignore parity.
21 Triple DES
The key string length or the derived key length can be 8, 16, or 24. For key description KEYD0200, the key format must be 0. Triple DES operates on an encryption block by doing a DES encrypt, followed by a DES decrypt, and then another DES encrypt. Therefore, it actually uses three 8-byte DES keys. If 24 bytes are supplied in the key string, the first 8 bytes are used for key 1, the second 8 bytes for key 2, and the third 8 bytes for key 3. If 16 bytes are supplied, the first 8 bytes are used for key 1 and key 3, and the second 8 bytes for key 2. If only 8 bytes are supplied, it will be used for all 3 keys (essentially making the operation equivalent to a single DES operation). Only 7 bits of each byte are used as the actual key. The rightmost bit of each byte is used to set parity. Some cryptographic service providers require that a Triple DES key have odd parity in every byte. Others ignore parity.
22 AES
The key string length or derived key length can be 16, 24, or 32. For key description KEYD0200, the key format must be 0.
23 RC2
The key string length or derived key length can be from 1 to 128. For key description KEYD0200, the key format must be 0.
30 RC4-compatible
The key string length or derived key length can be from 1 to 256. For key description KEYD0200, the key format must be 0. Because of the nature of the RC4-compatible algorithm, using the same key for more than one message will severely compromise security.
50 RSA public
Valid only for key description KEYD0200. The key format must be 1. Encryption with a public key and decryption with a private key is used for data privacy.
51 RSA private
Valid only for key description KEYD0200. The key format must be 1. Encryption with a private key and decryption with a public key is used for data authentication (e.g. signing).

A text string.

Passphrase CCSID

The CCSID of the passphrase. The passphrase will be converted from the specified CCSID to Unicode before calling the PKCS5 algorithm.

0 The CCSID of the job is used to determine the CCSID of the data to be converted. If the job CCSID is 65535, the CCSID from the default CCSID (DFTCCSID) job attribute is used.
1-65533 A valid CCSID in this range is used. For a list of valid CCSIDs, see the i5/OS globalization topic collection.

Passphrase length
The length of passphrase. The length must be in the range of 1 to 256.

PEM certificate
An ASCII encoded PEM formated certificate.

PEM certificate length
The length of the PEM certificate.

Qualified keystore file name
The keystore file where the key is stored. Keystore files are created by using the Create Keystore (OPM, QC3CRTKS; ILE, Qc3CreateKeyStore) API. The first 10 characters contain the file name. The second 10 characters contain the name of the library where the keystore file is located. You can use the following special values for the library name.
*CURLIB The job's current library is used to locate the keystore file. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
*LIBL The job's library list is searched for the first occurence of the specified file name.

Record label
The label of a key record in a keystore file. The label will be converted from the job CCSID, or if 65535, the job default CCSID (DFTCCSID) job attribute to CCSID 1200 (Unicode UTF-16). Key records are created by using the Write Key Record (OPM, QC3WRTKR; ILE, Qc3WriteKeyRecord) API or the Generate Key Record (OPM, QC3GENKR; ILE, Qc3GenKeyRecord) API.

Must be null (binary 0s).

Used to help thwart attacks by producing a large set of keys for each passphrase. The standard recommends the salt be generated at random and be at least 8 bytes long. You can use the Generate Pseudorandom Numbers (OPM, QC3GENPRN; ILE, Qc3GenPRNs) API to obtain a random value. Additionally, data that distinguishes between various operations can be added to the salt for additional security. Refer to the standard for more information.

Salt length
The length of salt. The length must be in the range of 1 to 16.

Error Messages

Message ID Error Message Text
CPF24B4 E Severe error while addressing parameter list.
CPF3C1E E Required parameter &1 omitted.
CPF3CF1 E Error code parameter not valid.
CPF3CF2 E Error(s) occurred during running of &1 API.
CPF9872 E Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3.
CPF9D94 E A pending value exists for a master key.
CPF9D99 E Error openning certificate store.
CPF9D9A E Key is protected by a cryptographic coprocessor.
CPF9D9B E Internal error occured retrieving key from system certificate store.
CPF9D9C E Function is disallowed with specified key context.
CPF9D9F E Not authorized to keystore file.
CPF9DA0 E Error occured opening keystore file.
CPF9DA1 E Key record not found.
CPF9DA2 E Option 34 is not installed.
CPF9DA3 E Not authorized to use APPIDs.
CPF9DA4 E APPID is not valid.
CPF9DA5 E Keystore file not found.
CPF9DA6 E The keystore file is not available.
CPF9DA7 E File is corrupt or not a valid keystore file.
CPF9DA8 D The application identifier length is not valid.
CPF9DA9 D The format of the PEM certificate is not valid.
CPF9DAA D A key requires translation.
CPF9DAB E A key can not be decrypted.
CPF9DB1 E The CCSID is not valid.
CPF9DB3 E Qualified keystore file name not valid.
CPF9DB6 E Record label not valid.
CPF9DB8 E Error occured retrieving key record from keystore.
CPF9DBA E Derived key length not valid.
CPF9DBB E Iteration count not valid.
CPF9DBC E Salt length not valid.
CPF9DBD E Passphrase length not valid.
CPF9DBE E PEM certificate length not valid.
CPF9DBF E Certificate label length not valid.
CPF9DC0 E Distinghished name length not valid.
CPF9DC2 E Key-encrypting algorithm context not compatible with key-encrypting key context.
CPF9DC3 E Unable to decrypt data or key.
CPF9DC6 E Algorithm not valid for encrypting or decrypting a key.
CPF9DC8 E The input data parameter specifies a NULL pointer.
CPF9DC9 E The total length of data in the input data array is not valid.
CPF9DCE E A data length is not valid.
CPF9DCF E A data pointer is not valid.
CPF9DD0 E Clear data format name not valid.
CPF9DD2 E Algorithm description format name not valid.
CPF9DD3 E Key description format name not valid.
CPF9DD4 E Length of clear data not valid.
CPF9DD6 E Length of area provided for output data is too small.
CPF9DD7 E The key-encrypting key context for the specified key is not valid or was previously destroyed.
CPF9DD8 E The key-encrypting algorithm context for the specified key is not valid or was previously destroyed.
CPF9DD9 E Effective key size not valid.
CPF9DDA E Unexpected return code &1.
CPF9DDB E The key string or Diffie-Hellman parameter string is not valid.
CPF9DDD E The key string length is not valid.
CPF9DDE E Cipher algorithm not valid.
CPF9DDF E Block length not valid.
CPF9DE0 E Hash algorithm not valid.
CPF9DE1 E Initialization vector not valid.
CPF9DE2 E MAC (message authentication code) length not valid.
CPF9DE3 E Mode not valid.
CPF9DE4 E Pad option not valid.
CPF9DE5 E PKA (public key algorithm) block format not valid.
CPF9DE6 E Public key algorithm not valid.
CPF9DE7 E Key type not valid.
CPF9DE9 E Key format not valid.
CPF9DEC E Cryptographic service provider not valid.
CPF9DED E Final operation flag not valid.
CPF9DEE E Reserved field not null.
CPF9DF0 E Operation, algorithm, or mode not available on the requested CSP (cryptographic service provider).
CPF9DF1 E The algorithm context token does not reference a valid algorithm context.
CPF9DF2 E The algorithm context is not found or was previously destroyed.
CPF9DF3 E Algorithm in algorithm context not valid for requested operation.
CPF9DF4 E The key context token does not reference a valid key context.
CPF9DF5 E The key context is not found or was previously destroyed.
CPF9DF7 E Algorithm context not compatible with key context.
CPF9DF8 E Cryptographic device name not valid.
CPF9DF9 E Cryptographic device not found.
CPF9DFA E Multiple-block encryption not valid with the requested mode.
CPF9DFB E Cryptographic service provider (CSP) conflicts with the key context CSP.
CPF9DFD E Not authorized to device.
CPF9DFE E Cryptographic device not available.

API introduced: V5R3

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