Create Algorithm Context (QC3CRTAX, Qc3CreateAlgorithmContext) API

  Required Parameter Group:

1 Algorithm description Input Char(*)
2 Algorithm description format name Input Char(8)
3 Algorithm context token Output Char(8)
4 Error code I/O Char(*)

  Service Program Name: QC3CTX

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The Create Algorithm Context (OPM, QC3CRTAX; ILE, Qc3CreateAlgorithmContext) API creates a temporary area for holding the algorithm parameters and the state of the cryptographic operation. The API returns a token which can be used on subsequent cryptographic APIs. The algorithm context token can be used to extend a cryptographic operation over multiple calls. The algorithm context can not be shared between jobs. It should be destroyed using the Destroy Algorithm Context (OPM, QC3DESAX; ILE, Qc3DestroyAlgorithmContext) API. If not explicitly destroyed, the algorithm context will be destroyed at job end.

Authorities and Locks


Required Parameter Group

Algorithm description

The algorithm and associated parameters.
The format of the algorithm description is specified in the algorithm description format name parameter.

Algorithm description format name

The format of the algorithm description.
The possible format names follow.

Block cipher algorithm (DES, Triple DES, AES, and RC2).

Stream cipher algorithm (RC4-compatible).

Public key algorithm (RSA).

Hash algorithm (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512).

See Algorithm Description Formats for a description of these formats.

Algorithm context token

The area to store the token for the created algorithm context.
Each token will contain an authentication value. If the token is used on a subsequent API but with an incorrect authentication value, the user will be subjected to a 10 second penalty wait. For each authentication error in that job, the penalty wait will increase 10 seconds up to a maximum of 10 minutes.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information.
For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Algorithm Description Formats

For detailed descriptions of the fields in the tables, see Algorithm Description Formats Field Descriptions.

ALGD0200 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Block cipher algorithm
4 4 BINARY(4) Block length
8 8 CHAR(1) Mode
9 9 CHAR(1) Pad option
10 A CHAR(1) Pad character
11 B CHAR(1) Reserved
12 C BINARY(4) MAC length
16 10 BINARY(4) Effective key size
20 14 CHAR(32) Initialization vector or counter

ALGD0300 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Stream cipher algorithm

ALGD0400 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Public key algorithm
4 4 CHAR(1) PKA block format
5 5 CHAR(3) Reserved
8 8 BINARY(4) Signing hash algorithm

ALGD0500 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Hash algorithm

Algorithm Description Formats Field Descriptions

Block cipher algorithm
Following are the valid block cipher algorithms:
20 DES
Documented in FIPS 46-3. DES is no longer considered secure enough for today's fast computers. It should be used for compatibility purposes only.
21 Triple DES
Documented in FIPS 46-3.
22 AES
Documented in FIPS 197.
23 RC2
Documented in RFC 2268.

Block length
The algorithm block length. For DES, Triple DES, and RC2, this field must specify 8. The valid block length values for AES are 16, 24, and 32.

Effective key size
For RC2, the number of key bits to use in the cipher operation. Valid values are from 1 to 1024. If RC2 is not specifed for the block cipher algorithm, this field must be set to 0.

Hash algorithm
Following are the valid hash algorithms:
1 MD5
Documented in RFC 1321.
2 SHA-1
Documented in FIPS 180-2.
3 SHA-256
Documented in FIPS 180-2.
4 SHA-384
Documented in FIPS 180-2.
5 SHA-512
Documented in FIPS 180-2.

Initialization vector or counter
An initialization vector (IV) is used for modes CBC, OFB, CFB, and CUSP. A counter is used for CTR mode. Refer to the mode standards for an explanation of how each mode uses the IV or counter. This field is not used for ECB mode, and must be set to NULL (binary 0s).
For DES, Triple DES, and RC2, the first 8 bytes are used as the IV/counter. For AES, the length of IV/counter is that specified by block length.
The IV need not be secret, but it should be unique for each message. If not unique, it may compromise security. The IV can be any value. To obtain a good random IV value, use the Generate Pseudorandom Numbers (OPM, QC3GENPRN; ILE, Qc3GenPRNs) API.

MAC length
The message authentication code length. This field is used only by the Calculate MAC (OPM, QC3CALMA; ILE, Qc3CalMAC) API. MAC length can not exceed the block length value. When calculating a MAC, the leftmost MAC length bytes from the last block of encrypted data are returned as the MAC.

The mode of operation. Information on modes can be found in FIPS PUB 81 and ANSI X9.52. Following are the valid modes:
0 ECB.
1 CBC.
2 OFB. Not valid with AES or RC2.
3 CFB 1-bit. Not valid with AES or RC2.
4 CFB 8-bit. Not valid with AES or RC2.
5 CFB 64-bit. Not valid with AES or RC2.
6 CUSP. CUSP is a special type of CBC mode documented in the z/OS® ICSF Application Programmer's Guide (SA22-7522). It is used for handling data not a multiple of the block length. The length of encrypted data in CUSP mode will always equal the length of clear text data.
7 CTR. Only valid with AES.

Pad character
The pad character for pad option 1. Using hex 00 as the pad character is equivalent to ANSI X9.23 padding.

Pad option
Padding, if requested, is performed at the end of the operation. Be sure the area provided for the encrypted data is large enough to include the pad characters. The data will be padded up to the next block length byte multiple. For example, when using DES and and total data to encrypt is 20, the text is padded to 24. The last byte is filled with a 1-byte binary counter containing the number of pad characters used. The preceeding pad characters are filled as specified by this field. Padding is not performed for modes CFB 1-bit, CFB 8-bit, and CUSP. In these cases, the pad option must be set to 0. Following are the valid pad options.
0 No padding is performed.
1 Use the character specified in the pad character field for padding.
2 The pad counter is used as the pad character. This is equivalent to PKCS #5 padding.

PKA block format
The public key algorithm block format. Following are the valid values:
0 PKCS #1 block type 00
1 PKCS #1 block type 01
2 PKCS #1 block type 02
This format is allowed on encryption and decryption operations only.
3 ISO 9796-1
This format is allowed on calculate signature and verify signature operations only. Because of security weaknesses, this format should be used for compatibility purposes only.
4 Zero pad
This format is allowed on encryption and decryption operations only. The clear data is placed in the low-order bit positions of a string of the same bit-length as the key modulus. All leading bits are set to zero.
5 ANSI X9.31
This format is allowed on calculate signature and verify signature operations only.

Public key algorithm
Following are the valid public key algorithms:
50 RSA
Documented in Public-Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS) #1.

Must be null (binary 0s).

Signing hash algorithm
The hash algorithm for a sign or verify operation. Following are the valid values for the signing hash algorithm:
0 This algorithm context will not be used in a sign or verify operation.
1 MD5
Documented in RFC 1321.
2 SHA-1
Documented in FIPS 180-2.

Stream cipher algorithm
Following are the valid stream cipher algorithms:
30 RC4-compatible

Standards Resources

Error Messages

Message ID Error Message Text
CPF24B4 E Severe error while addressing parameter list.
CPF3C1E E Required parameter &1 omitted.
CPF3CF1 E Error code parameter not valid.
CPF9872 E Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3.
CPF9DD2 E Algorithm description format name not valid.
CPF9DD9 E Effective key size not valid.
CPF9DDA E Unexpected return code &1.
CPF9DDE E Cipher algorithm not valid.
CPF9DDF E Block length not valid.
CPF9DE0 E Hash algorithm not valid.
CPF9DE1 E Initialization vector not valid.
CPF9DE2 E MAC (message authentication code) length not valid.
CPF9DE3 E Mode not valid.
CPF9DE4 E Pad option not valid.
CPF9DE5 E PKA (public key algorithm) block format not valid.
CPF9DE6 E Public key algorithm not valid.
CPF9DEE E Reserved field not null.

API introduced: V5R3

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