ldap_start_tls_s_np()--Start a TLS Session with a Certificate


  #include <ldap.h>

  int ldap_start_tls_s_np(
LDAP *ld,
const char *certificateName)

  Library Name/Service Program: QSYS/QGLDCLNT

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The ldap_start_tls_s_np() function is used to secure a previously unsecured connection. It takes a handle from an existing LDAP connection and the name of the certificate to use. If the command is successful, then communication on the connection will be secure until either the connection is closed or an ldap_stop_tls_s_np() call is made.

The secure environment must be initialized by calling ldap_ssl_client_init() or ldap_ssl_environment_init().

Authorities and Locks

Read, *R, authority is needed to the keyring file and the associated stash file. Execute, *X, authority is needed to the associated directories.


(Input) Specifies the LDAP pointer returned by previous call to ldap_init(). Must not be NULL.

(Input) Specifies the name of the certificate to use. The value is the label of a private key in the keyring file specified in the secure environment or NULL. If NULL, the default certificate for the keyring file specified in the secure environment will be used.

Return Value

if the request was successful.
if the connection is already secure.
if a secure environment has not been initialized.
if the TLS handshake with the server fails.
if the server is not configured to allow TLS.

Related Information

API Introduced: V5R4

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