ldap_ssl_environment_init()--Initialize SSL for a Secure Connection


  #include <ldap.h>
  #include <ldapssl.h>
  int ldap_ssl_environment_init(
char *keyfile,
char *keyfile_pw,
int sslTimeout,
int *pSSLReasonCode)

  Library Name/Service Program: QSYS/QGLDCLNT

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The ldap_ssl_environment_init() function is used to initialize SSL for a secure connection between a client and server. It has the same parameters as ldap_ssl_client_init() but can be called more than once. It returns LDAP_SUCCESS or the appropriate LDAP error code. It does not return LDAP_SSL_ALREADY_INITIALIZED. An application that requires SSL connections to different servers can initialize environments in separate calls to this function, with different keyring files. The environment created is used by all SSL connections established by calling ldap_ssl_init() until the next call is made to ldap_ssl_environment_init(). Subsequent calls to ldap_ssl_environment_init() do not affect existing SSL connections.

Note: Do not call this function when other threads in this process are starting secure connections.

Authorities and Locks

Read, *R, authority is needed to the selected Certificate Store and Execute, *X, to the associated directories.


(Input) Specifies the name of a key database file (with "kdb" extension). The key database file typically contains one or more certificates of certification authorities (CAs) that are trusted by the client. These types of X.509 certificates are also known as trusted roots. A key database can also be used to store the client's private key(s) and associated client certificate(s). A private key and associated client certificate are required only if the LDAP server is configured to require client and server authentication. If the LDAP server is configured to provide only server authentication, a private key and client certificate are not required.

A fully-qualified path and filename is recommended. If a filename without a fully-qualified path is specified, the LDAP library will look in the current directory for the file. The key database file specified here must have been created using the Digital Certificate Manager (DCM). If a key database is not supplied, keyfile is NULL, the *SYSTEM Certificate Store is used.

(Input) Specifies the password that is used to protect the contents of the key database. This password is important since it protects the private key stored in the key database. The password was specified when the key database was initially created. NULL may be specified if the keyfile does not have a password.
(Input) Specifies the SSL timeout value in seconds. The timeout value controls the frequency with which the SSL protocol stack regenerates session keys. If sslTimeout is set to 0, the default value SSLV3_CLIENT_TIMEOUT will be used. Otherwise, the value supplied will be used, provided it is less than or equal to 86,400. If sslTimeout is greater than 86,400, LDAP_PARAM_ERROR is returned.
(Output) Specifies a pointer to the SSL Reason Code, which provides additional information in the event that an error occurs during initialization of the SSL stack (when ldap_ssl_client_init() is called). See QSYSINC/H.LDAPSSL for reason codes that can be returned.

Return Value

if the request was successful.
if the request was not successful.
if the request was not successful.
if the timeout value specified is greater than 86400.
if the request was not successful.

Error Conditions

If ldap_ssl_environment_init() is not successful, it returns an LDAP error code. See LDAP Client API Error Conditions for possible values for the error codes.

Error Messages

The following message may be sent from this function.

Message ID Error Message Text
CPF3CF2 E Error(s) occurred during running of ldap_ssl_environment_init API.

Related Information

API Introduced: V5R4

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