Retrieve Controller Description (QDCRCTLD) API

  Required Parameter Group:

1 Receiver variable Output Char(*)
2 Length of receiver variable Input Binary(4)
3 Format name Input Char(8)
4 Controller name Input Char(10)
5 Error code I/O Char(*)

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The Retrieve Controller Description (QDCRCTLD) API retrieves information about a controller description.

Authorities and Locks

Controller Description Authority
Device Description Authority
Controller Description Lock
Device Description Lock

Required Parameter Group

Receiver variable

The variable that is to receive the controller information.

Length of receiver variable

The length of the area referenced by the receiver variable parameter. If the amount of information to be returned is greater than this value, the information will be truncated to this length.

Format name

The content and format of the information returned for each controller description. The possible format names are:

CTLD0100 Basic controller information.
CTLD0200 Basic controller information, plus list of attached devices.
CTLD0300 Detailed information for controller category *APPC
CTLD0400 Detailed information for controller category *ASC
CTLD0500 Detailed information for controller category *BSC
CTLD0600 Detailed information for controller category *FNC
CTLD0700 Detailed information for controller category *HOST
CTLD0800 Detailed information for controller category *NET
CTLD0900 Detailed information for controller category *RTL
CTLD1000 Detailed information for controller category *RWS
CTLD1100 Detailed information for controller category *VWS
CTLD1200 Detailed information for controller category *LWS
CTLD1300 Detailed information for controller category *TAP

See Format of Controller Information for a description of these formats.

Controller name

The name of the controller description to be retrieved.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Format of Controller Information

When the controller category is unknown, specify CTLD0100 or CTLD0200 and the basic information (including controller category) will be returned. When the controller category is known, specify one of the other category-specific formats.

For detailed descriptions of the fields returned in these formats, see Field Descriptions.

CTLD0100 Format

Use this format to find out the controller category, plus some very basic information about the controller. Then you may use the returned controller category to select one of the other (category-specific) formats to call the API again for detailed information about the controller description. This format also returns the number of devices currently attached to this controller.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Bytes returned
4 4 BINARY(4) Bytes available
8 8 BINARY(4) Number of attached devices
12 C CHAR(7) Date information retrieved
19 13 CHAR(6) Time information retrieved
25 19 CHAR(10) Controller name
35 23 CHAR(10) Controller category
45 2D CHAR(10) Online at IPL
55 37 CHAR(50) Text description
105 69 CHAR(3) Reserved

CTLD0200 Format

This format returns basic controller information, plus a list of attached devices. Some basic information is also included for each attached device.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format CTLD0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached devices
112 70 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached devices
These fields repeat for each attached device CHAR(10) Attached device name
CHAR(10) Device category
CHAR(10) Device type
CHAR(50) Device text description

CTLD0300 Format

This format returns detailed information about a controller of category *APPC.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format CTLD0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Maximum frame size
112 70 BINARY(4) IDLC default window size
116 74 BINARY(4) IDLC frame retry
120 78 BINARY(4) IDLC response timer
124 7C BINARY(4) IDLC connect retry
128 80 BINARY(4) Predial delay
132 84 BINARY(4) Redial delay
136 88 BINARY(4) Dial retries
140 8C BINARY(4) Disconnect timer: minimum connect
144 90 BINARY(4) Disconnect timer: disconnect delay
148 94 BINARY(4) Short-hold mode disconnect limit
152 98 BINARY(4) Short-hold mode disconnect timer
156 9C BINARY(4) SDLC poll limit
160 A0 BINARY(4) SDLC out limit
164 A4 BINARY(4) SDLC connect poll retry
168 A8 BINARY(4) SDLC NDM poll timer
172 AC BINARY(4) LAN frame retry
176 B0 BINARY(4) LAN connection retry
180 B4 BINARY(4) LAN response timer
184 B8 BINARY(4) LAN connection timer
188 BC BINARY(4) LAN acknowledgement timer
192 C0 BINARY(4) LAN inactivity timer
196 C4 BINARY(4) LAN acknowledgement frequency
200 C8 BINARY(4) LAN maximum outstanding frames
204 CC BINARY(4) LAN access priority
208 D0 BINARY(4) LAN window step
212 D4 BINARY(4) Default packet size: transmit
216 D8 BINARY(4) Default packet size: receive
220 DC BINARY(4) Negotiated packet size: transmit
224 E0 BINARY(4) Negotiated packet size: receive
228 E4 BINARY(4) Default window size: transmit
232 E8 BINARY(4) Default window size: receive
236 EC BINARY(4) Negotiated window size: transmit
240 F0 BINARY(4) Negotiated window size: receive
244 F4 BINARY(4) X.25 frame retry
248 F8 BINARY(4) X.25 connection retry
252 FC BINARY(4) X.25 response timer
256 100 BINARY(4) X.25 connection timer
260 104 BINARY(4) X.25 delayed connection timer
264 108 BINARY(4) X.25 acknowledgement timer
268 10C BINARY(4) X.25 inactivity timer
272 110 BINARY(4) APPN transmission group number
276 114 BINARY(4) Autodelete device
280 118 BINARY(4) User-defined 1
284 11C BINARY(4) User-defined 2
288 120 BINARY(4) User-defined 3
292 124 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
296 128 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
300 12C BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached devices
304 130 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached devices
308 134 BINARY(4) Offset to list of switched lines
312 138 BINARY(4) Number of switched lines
316 13C BINARY(4) Entry length for list of switched lines
320 140 CHAR(10) Link type
330 14A CHAR(10) Controller type
340 154 CHAR(10) Switched connection
350 15E CHAR(10) Short-hold mode
360 168 CHAR(10) Switched network backup
370 172 CHAR(10) Activate switched network backup
380 17C CHAR(10) APPN capable
390 186 CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched line name
400 190 CHAR(10) Character code
410 19A CHAR(10) Remote network identifier
420 1A4 CHAR(10) Remote control point name
430 1AE CHAR(10) Exchange identifier
440 1B8 CHAR(12) System service control point identifier
452 1C4 CHAR(10) Initial connection
462 1CE CHAR(10) Dial initiation
472 1D8 CHAR(32) Connection number
504 1F8 CHAR(10) Answer number
514 202 CHAR(10) Activate X.25 network address
524 20C CHAR(10) Connection list
534 216 CHAR(10) Connection list entry
544 220 CHAR(10) Switched disconnect
554 22A CHAR(10) Data link role
564 234 CHAR(10) Station address
574 23E CHAR(10) SDLC poll priority
584 248 CHAR(12) LAN remote adapter address
596 254 CHAR(10) Destination service access point
606 25E CHAR(10) Source service access point
616 268 CHAR(10) X.25 network level
626 272 CHAR(10) X.25 link protocol
636 27C CHAR(10) X.25 logical channel ID
646 286 CHAR(10) X.25 connection password
656 290 CHAR(10) X.25 switched line selection
666 29A CHAR(10) X.25 user group ID
676 2A4 CHAR(10) X.25 reverse charging
686 2AE CHAR(10) APPC CP session support
696 2B8 CHAR(10) Remote APPN node type
706 2C2 CHAR(10) APPN minimum switched status
716 2CC CHAR(10) Model controller description
726 2D6 CHAR(10) Connection network identifier
736 2E0 CHAR(10) Connection network CP name
746 2EA CHAR(10) Control owner
756 2F4 CHAR(218) User facilities
974 3CE CHAR(10) Autocreate device
984 3D8 CHAR(10) APPN/HPR capable
994 3E2 CHAR(10) Active switched line
1004 3EC CHAR(8) Remote system name
1012 3F4 CHAR(10) HPR path switching
1022 3FE CHAR(10) System job name
1032 408 BINARY(4) Current maximum frame size
1036 40C CHAR(10) Message queue: name
1046 416 CHAR(10) Message queue: library
1056 420 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
1066 42A CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
1076 434 CHAR(10) Branch extender role
1086 43E CHAR(15) Remote Internet address
1101 44D CHAR(15) Local Internet address
1116 45C BINARY(4) LDLC retry count
1120 460 BINARY(4) LDLC retry timer
1124 464 BINARY(4) LDLC liveness timer
1128 468 BINARY(4) LDLC link speed
1132 46C BINARY(4) LDLC transmission group: cost/connect time
1136 470 BINARY(4) LDLC transmission group: cost/byte
1140 474 CHAR(10) LDLC transmission group: security
1150 47E CHAR(10) LDLC transmission group: propagation delay
1160 488 CHAR(7) Last activity date
1167 48F CHAR(255) Remote host name
1422 58E CHAR(45) IPv6 Local internet address
1467 5BB CHAR(45) IPv6 Remote internet address
These fields repeat for each attached device CHAR(10) Attached device name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each switched line CHAR(10) Switched line name
CHAR(2) Reserved

CTLD0400 Format

This format returns detailed information about a controller of category *ASC.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format CTLD0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Predial delay
112 70 BINARY(4) Redial delay
116 74 BINARY(4) Dial retries
120 78 BINARY(4) File transfer acknowledgement timer
124 7C BINARY(4) File transfer retry
128 80 BINARY(4) Default packet size: transmit
132 84 BINARY(4) Default packet size: receive
136 88 BINARY(4) Negotiated packet size: transmit
140 8C BINARY(4) Negotiated packet size: receive
144 90 BINARY(4) Default window size: transmit
148 94 BINARY(4) Default window size: receive
152 98 BINARY(4) Negotiated window size: transmit
156 9C BINARY(4) Negotiated window size: receive
160 A0 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
164 A4 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
168 A8 BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached devices
172 AC BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached devices
176 B0 BINARY(4) Offset to list of switched lines
180 B4 BINARY(4) Number of entries in list of switched lines
184 B8 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of switched lines
188 BC CHAR(10) Link type
198 C6 CHAR(10) Switched connection
208 D0 CHAR(10) Switched network backup
218 DA CHAR(10) Activate switched network backup
228 E4 CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched line name
238 EE CHAR(10) Initial connection
248 F8 CHAR(32) Connection number
280 118 CHAR(10) Answer number
290 122 CHAR(10) Activate X.25 network address
300 12C CHAR(10) Switched disconnect
310 136 CHAR(10) Remote verify
320 140 CHAR(10) Local location name
330 14A CHAR(10) Local identifier
340 154 CHAR(10) PAD emulation
350 15E CHAR(10) X.25 logical channel ID
360 168 CHAR(10) X.25 switched line selection
370 172 CHAR(10) X.25 user group ID
380 17C CHAR(10) X.25 reverse charging
390 186 CHAR(218) User facilities
608 260 CHAR(10) Message queue: name
618 26A CHAR(10) Message queue: library
628 274 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
638 27E CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
648 288 CHAR(10) System job name
658 292 CHAR(7) Last activity date
These fields repeat for each attached device CHAR(10) Attached device name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each switched line CHAR(10) Switched line name
CHAR(2) Reserved

CTLD0500 Format

This format returns detailed information about a controller of category *BSC.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format CTLD0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Predial delay
112 70 BINARY(4) Redial delay
116 74 BINARY(4) Dial retries
120 78 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
124 7C BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
128 80 BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached devices
132 84 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached devices
136 88 BINARY(4) Offset to list of switched lines
140 8C BINARY(4) Number of entries in list of switched lines
144 90 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of switched lines
148 94 BINARY(4) Offset to list of remote identifiers
152 98 BINARY(4) Number of entries in list of remote identifiers
156 9C BINARY(4) Entry length for list of remote identifiers
160 A0 CHAR(10) Connection type
170 AA CHAR(10) Switched network backup
180 B4 CHAR(10) Activate switched network backup
190 BE CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched line name
200 C8 CHAR(10) Application type
210 D2 CHAR(10) Initial connection
220 DC CHAR(32) Connection number
252 FC CHAR(10) Local identifier
262 106 CHAR(10) RJE host type
272 110 CHAR(80) RJE host signon/logon
352 160 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
362 16A CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
372 174 CHAR(10) System job name
382 17E CHAR(7) Last activity date
These fields repeat for each attached device CHAR(10) Attached device name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each switched line CHAR(10) Switched line name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each remote identifier CHAR(30) Remote identifier
CHAR(2) Reserved

CTLD0600 Format

This format returns detailed information about a controller of category *FNC.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format CTLD0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Maximum frame size
112 70 BINARY(4) Predial delay
116 74 BINARY(4) Redial delay
120 78 BINARY(4) Dial retries
124 7C BINARY(4) Short-hold mode disconnect limit
128 80 BINARY(4) Short-hold mode disconnect timer
132 84 BINARY(4) SDLC poll limit
136 88 BINARY(4) SDLC out limit
140 8C BINARY(4) SDLC connect poll retry
144 90 BINARY(4) SDLC NDM poll timer
148 94 BINARY(4) LAN frame retry
152 98 BINARY(4) LAN connection retry
156 9C BINARY(4) LAN response timer
160 A0 BINARY(4) LAN connection timer
164 A4 BINARY(4) LAN acknowledgement timer
168 A8 BINARY(4) LAN inactivity timer
172 AC BINARY(4) LAN acknowledgement frequency
176 B0 BINARY(4) LAN maximum outstanding frames
180 B4 BINARY(4) LAN access priority
184 B8 BINARY(4) LAN window step
188 BC BINARY(4) Default packet size: transmit
192 C0 BINARY(4) Default packet size: receive
196 C4 BINARY(4) Negotiated packet size: transmit
200 C8 BINARY(4) Negotiated packet size: receive
204 CC BINARY(4) Default window size: transmit
208 D0 BINARY(4) Default window size: receive
212 D4 BINARY(4) Negotiated window size: transmit
216 D8 BINARY(4) Negotiated window size: receive
220 DC BINARY(4) X.25 frame retry
224 E0 BINARY(4) X.25 connection retry
228 E4 BINARY(4) X.25 response timer
232 E8 BINARY(4) X.25 connection timer
236 EC BINARY(4) X.25 delayed connection timer
240 F0 BINARY(4) X.25 acknowledgement timer
244 F4 BINARY(4) X.25 inactivity timer
248 F8 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
252 FC BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
256 100 BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached devices
260 104 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached devices
264 108 BINARY(4) Offset to list of switched lines
268 10C BINARY(4) Number of entries in list of switched lines
272 110 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of switched lines
276 114 CHAR(10) Controller type
286 11E CHAR(10) Controller model
296 128 CHAR(10) Link type
306 132 CHAR(10) Switched connection
316 13C CHAR(10) Short-hold mode
326 146 CHAR(10) Switched network backup
336 150 CHAR(10) Activate switched network backup
346 15A CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched line name
356 164 CHAR(10) Character code
366 16E CHAR(10) Exchange identifier
376 178 CHAR(12) System service control point identifier
388 184 CHAR(10) Initial connection
398 18E CHAR(32) Connection number
430 1AE CHAR(10) Answer number
440 1B8 CHAR(10) Activate X.25 network address
450 1C2 CHAR(10) Switched disconnect
460 1CC CHAR(10) Station address
470 1D6 CHAR(10) SDLC poll priority
480 1E0 CHAR(12) LAN remote adapter address
492 1EC CHAR(10) Destination service access point
502 1F6 CHAR(10) Source service access point
512 200 CHAR(10) X.25 network level
522 20A CHAR(10) X.25 link protocol
532 214 CHAR(10) X.25 logical channel ID
542 21E CHAR(10) X.25 connection password
552 228 CHAR(10) X.25 switched line selection
562 232 CHAR(10) X.25 user group ID
572 23C CHAR(10) X.25 reverse charging
582 246 CHAR(218) User facilities
800 320 BINARY(4) Current maximum frame size
804 324 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
814 32E CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
824 338 CHAR(10) System job name
834 342 CHAR(7) Last activity date
These fields repeat for each attached device CHAR(10) Attached device name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each switched line CHAR(10) Switched line name
CHAR(2) Reserved

CTLD0700 Format

This format returns detailed information about a controller of category *HOST.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 00   Returns everything from format CTLD0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Maximum frame size
112 70 BINARY(4) IDLC default window size
116 74 BINARY(4) IDLC frame retry
120 78 BINARY(4) IDLC response timer
124 7C BINARY(4) IDLC connect retry
128 80 BINARY(4) Predial delay
132 84 BINARY(4) Redial delay
136 88 BINARY(4) Dial retries
140 8C BINARY(4) Disconnect timer: minimum connect
144 90 BINARY(4) Disconnect timer: disconnect delay
148 94 BINARY(4) LAN frame retry
152 98 BINARY(4) LAN connection retry
156 9C BINARY(4) LAN response timer
160 A0 BINARY(4) LAN connection timer
164 A4 BINARY(4) LAN acknowledgement timer
168 A8 BINARY(4) LAN inactivity timer
172 AC BINARY(4) LAN acknowledgement frequency
176 B0 BINARY(4) LAN maximum outstanding frames
180 B4 BINARY(4) LAN access priority
184 B8 BINARY(4) LAN window step
188 BC BINARY(4) Default packet size: transmit
192 C0 BINARY(4) Default packet size: receive
196 C4 BINARY(4) Negotiated packet size: transmit
200 C8 BINARY(4) Negotiated packet size: receive
204 CC BINARY(4) Default window size: transmit
208 D0 BINARY(4) Default window size: receive
212 D4 BINARY(4) Negotiated window size: transmit
216 D8 BINARY(4) Negotiated window size: receive
220 DC BINARY(4) X.25 frame retry
224 E0 BINARY(4) X.25 response timer
228 E4 BINARY(4) X.25 acknowledgement timer
232 E8 BINARY(4) X.25 inactivity timer
236 EC BINARY(4) APPN transmission group number
240 F0 BINARY(4) Autodelete device
244 F4 BINARY(4) User-defined 1
248 F8 BINARY(4) User-defined 2
252 FC BINARY(4) User-defined 3
256 100 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
260 104 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
264 108 BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached devices
268 10C BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached devices
272 110 BINARY(4) Offset to list of switched lines
276 114 BINARY(4) Number of entries in list of switched lines
280 118 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of switched lines
284 11C CHAR(10) Link type
294 126 CHAR(10) Switched connection
304 130 CHAR(10) Short-hold mode
314 13A CHAR(10) Switched network backup
324 144 CHAR(10) Activate switched network backup
334 14E CHAR(10) APPN capable
344 158 CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched line name
354 162 CHAR(10) Character code
364 16C CHAR(10) Remote network identifier
374 176 CHAR(10) Remote control point name
384 180 CHAR(10) Adjacent link station
394 18A CHAR(12) System service control point identifier
406 196 CHAR(10) Local exchange identifier
416 1A0 CHAR(10) Initial connection
426 1AA CHAR(10) Dial initiation
436 1B4 CHAR(32) Connection number
468 1D4 CHAR(10) Answer number
478 1DE CHAR(10) Activate X.25 network address
488 1E8 CHAR(10) Connection list
498 1F2 CHAR(10) Connection list entry
508 1FC CHAR(10) Switched disconnect
518 206 CHAR(10) Station address
528 210 CHAR(12) LAN remote adapter address
540 21C CHAR(10) Destination service access point
550 226 CHAR(10) Source service access point
560 230 CHAR(10) X.25 network level
570 23A CHAR(10) X.25 link protocol
580 244 CHAR(10) X.25 logical channel ID
590 24E CHAR(10) X.25 connection password
600 258 CHAR(10) X.25 switched line selection
610 262 CHAR(10) X.25 user group ID
620 26C CHAR(10) X.25 reverse charging
630 276 CHAR(10) APPC CP session support
640 280 CHAR(10) Remote APPN node type
650 28A CHAR(10) APPN minimum switched status
660 294 CHAR(10) Recontact at vary off
670 29E CHAR(10) Autocreate device
680 318 CHAR(218) User facilities
898 382 CHAR(10) APPN/HPR capable
908 38C CHAR(10) Primary DLUS name--PU name
918 396 CHAR(10) Primary DLUS name--network ID
928 3A0 CHAR(10) Backup DLUS name--PU name
938 3AA CHAR(10) Backup DLUS name--network ID
948 3B4 CHAR(10) Dependent PU name
958 3BE CHAR(2) Reserved/unused for alignment
960 3C0 BINARY(4) Activation timer
964 3C4 BINARY(4) Reconnect timer
968 3C8 CHAR(10) HPR path switching
978 3D2 CHAR(2) Reserved
980 3D4 BINARY(4) Current maximum frame size
984 3D8 CHAR(10) Message queue: name
994 3E2 CHAR(10) Message queue: library
1004 3EC CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
1014 3F6 CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
1024 400 CHAR(10) Branch extender role
1034 40A CHAR(10) System job name
1044 414 CHAR(7) Last activity date
These fields repeat for each attached device CHAR(10) Attached device name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each switched line CHAR(10) Switched line name
CHAR(2) Reserved

CTLD0800 Format

This format returns detailed information about a controller of category *NET.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format CTLD0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Connection response timer
112 70 BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached devices
116 74 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached devices
120 78 CHAR(10) Attached line
130 82 CHAR(2) Reserved
132 84 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
142 8E CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
152 98 CHAR(10) System job name
162 A2 CHAR(7) Last activity date
These fields repeat for each attached device CHAR(10) Attached device name
CHAR(2) Reserved

CTLD0900 Format

This format returns detailed information about a controller of category *RTL.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format CTLD0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Maximum frame size
112 70 BINARY(4) Predial delay
116 74 BINARY(4) Redial delay
120 78 BINARY(4) Dial retries
124 7C BINARY(4) SDLC poll limit
128 80 BINARY(4) SDLC out limit
132 84 BINARY(4) SDLC connect poll retry
136 88 BINARY(4) SDLC NDM poll timer
140 8C BINARY(4) LAN frame retry
144 90 BINARY(4) LAN connection retry
148 94 BINARY(4) LAN response timer
152 98 BINARY(4) LAN connection timer
156 9C BINARY(4) LAN acknowledgement timer
160 A0 BINARY(4) LAN inactivity timer
164 A4 BINARY(4) LAN acknowledgement frequency
168 A8 BINARY(4) LAN maximum outstanding frames
172 AC BINARY(4) LAN access priority
176 B0 BINARY(4) LAN window step
180 B4 BINARY(4) Default packet size: transmit
184 B8 BINARY(4) Default packet size: receive
188 BC BINARY(4) Negotiated packet size: transmit
192 C0 BINARY(4) Negotiated packet size: receive
196 C4 BINARY(4) Default window size: transmit
200 C8 BINARY(4) Default window size: receive
204 CC BINARY(4) Negotiated window size: transmit
208 D0 BINARY(4) Negotiated window size: receive
212 D4 BINARY(4) X.25 frame retry
216 D8 BINARY(4) X.25 connection retry
220 DC BINARY(4) X.25 response timer
224 E0 BINARY(4) X.25 connection timer
228 E4 BINARY(4) X.25 delayed connection timer
232 E8 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
236 EC BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
240 F0 BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached devices
244 F4 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached devices
248 F8 BINARY(4) Offset to list of switched lines
252 FC BINARY(4) Number of entries in list of switched lines
256 100 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of switched lines
260 104 CHAR(10) Controller type
270 10E CHAR(10) Controller model
280 118 CHAR(10) Link type
290 122 CHAR(10) Switched line
300 12C CHAR(10) Switched network backup
310 136 CHAR(10) Activate switched network backup
320 140 CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched line name
330 14A CHAR(10) Character code
340 154 CHAR(10) Exchange identifier
350 15E CHAR(12) System service control point identifier
362 16A CHAR(10) Initial connection
372 174 CHAR(32) Connection number
404 194 CHAR(10) Answer number
414 19E CHAR(10) Activate X.25 network address
424 1A8 CHAR(10) Switched disconnect
434 1B2 CHAR(10) Station address
444 1BC CHAR(10) SDLC poll priority
454 1C6 CHAR(12) LAN remote adapter address
466 1D2 CHAR(10) Destination service access point
476 1DC CHAR(10) Source service access point
486 1E6 CHAR(10) X.25 network level
496 1F0 CHAR(10) X.25 logical channel ID
506 1FA CHAR(10) X.25 connection password
516 204 CHAR(10) X.25 switched line selection
526 20E CHAR(10) X.25 user group ID
536 218 CHAR(10) X.25 reverse charging
546 222 CHAR(218) User facilities
764 2FC BINARY(4) Current maximum frame size
768 300 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
778 30A CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
788 314 CHAR(10) System job name
798 31E CHAR(7) Last activity date
These fields repeat for each attached device CHAR(10) Attached device name
CHAR(2) Reserved
These fields repeat for each switched line CHAR(10) Switched line name
CHAR(2) Reserved

CTLD1000 Format

This format returns detailed information about a controller of category *RWS.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format CTLD0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Device wait timer
112 70 BINARY(4) Maximum frame size
116 74 BINARY(4) IDLC default window size
120 78 BINARY(4) IDLC frame retry
124 7C BINARY(4) IDLC response timer
128 80 BINARY(4) IDLC connect retry
132 84 BINARY(4) Predial delay
136 88 BINARY(4) Redial delay
140 8C BINARY(4) Dial retries
144 90 BINARY(4) Short-hold mode disconnect limit
148 94 BINARY(4) Short-hold mode disconnect timer
152 98 BINARY(4) SDLC poll limit
156 9C BINARY(4) SDLC out limit
160 A0 BINARY(4) SDLC connect poll retry
164 A4 BINARY(4) SDLC NDM poll timer
168 A8 BINARY(4) LAN frame retry
172 AC BINARY(4) LAN connection retry
176 B0 BINARY(4) LAN response timer
180 B4 BINARY(4) LAN connection timer
184 B8 BINARY(4) LAN acknowledgement timer
188 BC BINARY(4) LAN inactivity timer
192 C0 BINARY(4) LAN acknowledgement frequency
196 C4 BINARY(4) LAN maximum outstanding frames
200 C8 BINARY(4) LAN access priority
204 CC BINARY(4) LAN window step
208 D0 BINARY(4) Default packet size: transmit
212 D4 BINARY(4) Default packet size: receive
216 D8 BINARY(4) Negotiated packet size: transmit
220 DC BINARY(4) Negotiated packet size: receive
224 E0 BINARY(4) Default window size: transmit
228 E4 BINARY(4) Default window size: receive
232 E8 BINARY(4) Negotiated window size: transmit
236 EC BINARY(4) Negotiated window size: receive
240 F0 BINARY(4) X.25 frame retry
244 F4 BINARY(4) X.25 connection retry
248 F8 BINARY(4) X.25 response timer
252 FC BINARY(4) X.25 connection timer
256 100 BINARY(4) X.25 delayed connection timer
260 104 BINARY(4) X.25 acknowledgement timer
264 108 BINARY(4) X.25 inactivity timer
268 10C BINARY(4) Allocation retry timer
272 110 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: count limit
276 114 BINARY(4) Recovery limits: time interval
280 118 BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached devices
284 11C BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached devices
288 120 BINARY(4) Offset to list of switched lines
292 124 BINARY(4) Number of entries in list of switched lines
296 128 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of switched lines
300 12C CHAR(10) Controller type
310 136 CHAR(10) Controller model
320 140 CHAR(10) Link type
330 14A CHAR(10) Switched connection
340 154 CHAR(10) Short-hold mode
350 15E CHAR(10) Switched network backup
360 168 CHAR(10) Activate switched network backup
370 172 CHAR(10) Attached nonswitched line name
380 17C CHAR(10) TDLC line name
390 186 CHAR(10) Character code
400 190 CHAR(10) Remote location name
410 19A CHAR(10) Local location name
420 1A4 CHAR(10) Remote network identifier
430 1AE CHAR(10) Exchange identifier
440 1B8 CHAR(12) System service control point identifier
452 1C4 CHAR(10) Initial connection
462 1CE CHAR(10) Dial initiation
472 1D8 CHAR(32) Connection number
504 1F8 CHAR(10) Answer number
514 202 CHAR(10) Activate X.25 network address
524 20C CHAR(10) Connection list
534 216 CHAR(10) Connection list entry
544 220 CHAR(10) Station address
554 22A CHAR(10) SDLC poll priority
564 234 CHAR(12) LAN remote adapter address
576 240 CHAR(10) Destination service access point
586 24A CHAR(10) Source service access point
596 254 CHAR(10) X.25 network level
606 25E CHAR(10) X.25 link protocol
616 268 CHAR(10) X.25 logical channel ID
626 272 CHAR(10) X.25 connection password
636 27C CHAR(10) X.25 switched line selection
646 286 CHAR(10) X.25 user group ID
656 290 CHAR(10) X.25 reverse charging
666 29A CHAR(218) User facilities
884 374 CHAR(10) Autocreate device
894 37E CHAR(10) Switched disconnect
904 388 CHAR(10) Associated APPC device
914 392 CHAR(10) Serial number
924 39C CHAR(10) Release level
934 3A6 CHAR(2) Reserved
936 3A8 BINARY(4) Current maximum frame size
940 3AC CHAR(10) Message queue: name
950 3B6 CHAR(10) Message queue: library
960 3C0 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
970 3CA CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
980 3D4 CHAR(10) System job name
990 3DE CHAR(7) Last activity date
These fields repeat for each attached device CHAR(10) Attached device name
CHAR(10) Serial number
These fields repeat for each switched line CHAR(10) Switched line name
CHAR(2) Reserved

CTLD1100 Format

This format returns detailed information about a controller of category *VWS.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format CTLD0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached devices
112 70 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached devices
116 74 CHAR(10) Message queue: name
126 7E CHAR(10) Message queue: library
136 88 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
146 92 CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
156 9C CHAR(10) System job name
166 A6 CHAR(2) Reserved
168 A8 BINARY(4) Device wait timer
172 AC CHAR(7) Last activity date
These fields repeat for each attached device CHAR(10) Attached device name
CHAR(2) Reserved

CTLD1200 Format

This format returns detailed information about a controller of category *LWS.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format CTLD0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Device wait timer
112 70 BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached devices
116 74 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached devices
120 78 CHAR(10) Controller type
130 82 CHAR(10) Controller model
140 8C CHAR(10) Resource name
150 96 CHAR(10) TDLC line name
160 A0 CHAR(10) Automatic configuration
170 AA CHAR(10) Initialization source file name
180 B4 CHAR(10) Initialization source file library name
190 BE CHAR(10) Initialization source member name
200 C8 CHAR(10) Initialization program name
210 D2 CHAR(10) Initialization program library name
220 DC CHAR(10) Message queue: name
230 E6 CHAR(10) Message queue: library
240 F0 CHAR(10) Current message queue: name
250 FA CHAR(10) Current message queue: library
260 104 CHAR(10) System job name
270 10E CHAR(7) Last activity date
These fields repeat for each attached device CHAR(10) Attached device name
CHAR(2) Reserved

CTLD1300 Format

This format returns detailed information about a controller of category *TAP.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0   Returns everything from format CTLD0100
108 6C BINARY(4) Offset to list of attached devices
112 70 BINARY(4) Entry length for list of attached devices
116 74 CHAR(10) Controller type
126 7E CHAR(10) Controller model
136 88 CHAR(10) Resource name
146 92 CHAR(10) Automatic configuration
These fields repeat for each attached device CHAR(10) Attached device name
CHAR(2) Reserved

Field Descriptions

Some of the fields in the various formats returned by this API are described in greater detail in the documentation for the particular CL command that was used to create the controller description object. See CL command finder. They are also described in the online help for the particular command. For these fields, the CL parameter keyword is specified in parentheses following the field name. The CL command name is specified in the field description.

In certain cases, numeric values are assigned by this API to represent character values for some of the returned fields. Where a numeric value is assigned, the numeric value and the equivalent character value are listed as an Exception in the following field descriptions.

Activate switched network backup. Shows whether the switched network backup is activated.

Activate X.25 network address. The current X.25 network address for active X.25 controller descriptions.

Activation timer (ACTTMR). This timer is used when the system attempts to activate a session to the remote dependent-logical-unit-server (DLUS) node (initial connection *DIAL). It is the amount of time this system will wait for an answer from the remote DLUS. (See the ACTTMR parameter in the CRTCTLHOST command.)

Active switched line. The switched line that is active and that the controller is using for communications. If no switched line is active, the value in this field is blanks.

Adjacent link station (ADJLNKSTN). The link station name of the adjacent system. (See the ADJLNKSTN parameter in the CRTCTLHOST command.)

Allocation retry timer (ALCRTYTMR). The time to wait between attempts to activate devices associated with this controller. (See the ALCRTYTMR parameter in the CRTCTLRWS command.)

Answer number (ANSNBR). The X.25 network addresses from which this controller can accept calls. (See the ANSNBR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

APPC CP session support (CPSSN). Whether this controller supports control point-to-control point sessions. (See the CPSSN parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC or CRTCTLHOST command.)

Application type (APPTYPE). The type of application that this controller is to be used for. (See the APPTYPE parameter in the CRTCTLBSC command.)

APPN capable (APPN). Whether the local system appears to the adjacent system as either a network node or an end node in the local system network attributes, or the local system appears to the adjacent system as a low-entry networking node. (See the APPN parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC or CRTCTLHOST command.)

APPN/HPR capable (HPR). Whether to use APPN high-performance routing (HPR) support. (See the HPR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC or CRTCTLHOST command.)

APPN minimum switched status (MINSWTSTS). The minimum status required for this controller description to be considered eligible for APPN routing. (See the MINSWTSTS parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC or CRTCTLHOST command.)

APPN transmission group number (TMSGRPNBR). The value to be used by the APPN support for transmission group negotiation with the remote system. (See the TMSGRPNBR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC or CRTCTLHOST command.)


Associated APPC device. The APPC device associated with the remote workstation controller description. This is the device name that is displayed when F15 (Display associated APPC device) is used on the Display Controller Description (DSPCTLD) command. If there is no associated APPC device, the value in this field is blanks.

Attached device name (DEV). The name of one or more devices to be attached to this controller. (See the DEV parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLBSC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLLWS, CRTCTLNET, CRTCTLRTL, CRTCTLRWS, CRTCTLTAP, or CRTCTLVWS command.)

Attached line. For network controllers, the name of the line that connects the network to the system.

Attached nonswitched line name (LINE). The name of the line description that connects the network to the system. (See the LINE parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLBSC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLNET, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Autocreate device (AUTOCRTDEV). Which devices are automatically created. (See the AUTOCRTDEV parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Autodelete device (AUTODLTDEV). The number of minutes an automatically created device can remain in an idle state with no bound sessions and no active conversations on the device. (See the AUTODLTDEV parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC or CRTCTLHOST command.)


Automatic configuration. Whether this controller has been configured automatically.

Bytes available. The number of bytes of data available to be returned. All available data is returned if enough space is provided.

Bytes returned. The number of bytes of data returned.

Backup DLUS name--network ID (BKUDLUS). The backup DLUS network ID. This is the network ID of the APPN network (subnet) that the remote DLUS resides in. It is the network-qualified CP name of the remote DLUS (SSCP) that the System i™ dependent-logical-unit-requester (DLUR) host controller communicates with in the absence of the primary DLUS node (See the BKUDLUS parameter in the CRTCTLHOST command.)

Backup DLUS name--PU name (BKUDLUS). The backup DLUS name. This is the physical unit name of the remote DLUS. This is the network-qualified CP name of the remote DLUS (SSCP) that the System i DLUR host controller communicates with in the absence of the primary DLUS node (See the BKUDLUS parameter in the CRTCTLHOST command.)

Branch extender role (BEXROLE). The role of the the local system in an APPN network for the remote controller being configured. This parameter is used only when the local system supports the branch extender function. (See the BEXROLE parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC or CRTCTLHOST command.)

Character code (CODE). The type of character code (EBCDIC or ASCII) used to send the information in a remote work station data stream over the communications line. (See the CODE parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Connection list (CNNLSTOUT). The name of a connection list containing the network-assigned numbers used for outgoing calls on this controller. (See the CNNLSTOUT parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Connection list entry (CNNLSTOUTE). The name of the connection list entry containing the network-assigned numbers used for outgoing calls on this controller. (See the CNNLSTOUTE parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Connection network CP name (CNNCPNAME). The name of the connection network control point. (See the CNNCPNAME parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)

Connection network identifier (CNNNETID). The name of the connection network identifier. (See the CNNNETID parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)

Connection number (CNNNBR). The number (for a switched connection or a nonswitched connection with switched network backup) of the remote controller that is called from the system to establish a connection. (See the CNNNBR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLBSC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Connection response timer (CNNRSPTMR). The amount of time to wait for a response to an incoming connection request. (See the CNNRSPTMR parameter in the CRTCTLNET command.)

Connection type (CNN). The type of connection this BSC controller will be used on. (See the CNN parameter in the CRTCTLBSC command.)

Control owner. Whether this description is owned by the system or the user. *USER identifies the user as the owner, and *SYS identifies the system as the owner. If the system is the control owner, the user cannot make any changes to the description.

Controller category. This value will be one of the following:

The category value is derived from the command used to create the controller description.

Controller model (MODEL). The model number of the controller. (See the MODEL parameter in the CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLLWS, CRTCTLRTL, CRTCTLRWS, or CRTCTLTAP command.)

Controller name (CTLD). The name of the controller description. (See the CTLD parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLBSC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLLWS, CRTCTLNET, CRTCTLRTL, CRTCTLRWS, CRTCTLTAP, or CRTCTLVWS command.)

Controller type (TYPE). The type of controller being described. (See the TYPE parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLLWS, CRTCTLRTL, CRTCTLRWS, or CRTCTLTAP command.)

Cost/byte. The cost of sending and receiving data over the link. (See the LDLCTMSGRP parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)

Cost/connect time. The cost of being connected over the link. (See the LDLCTMSGRP parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)

Current maximum frame size. The maximum frame size that is currently being used by this controller. This field is only valid for controllers that have been varied on and are connected to a LAN.

Current message queue (MSGQ). The message queue to which messages are currently being sent using this controller description. This field is valid only for controllers that are varied on. Note that the value of the current message queue may be different from the message queue field (MSGQ parameter) under certain error conditions. (See the MSGQ parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLLWS, CRTCTLRWS, or CRTCTLVWS command.) This information is returned in two separate fields:

Data link role (ROLE). Whether the remote system is primary, secondary, or dynamically negotiates its role. (See the ROLE parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)

Date information retrieved. The date that the information was provided by the API. This is returned as 7 characters in the form CYYMMDD, where:

C Century, where 0 indicates years 19xx and 1 indicates years 20xx.
YY Year
MM Month
DD Day

Default packet size (DFTPKTSIZE). The default packet size to use on the virtual circuit represented by this controller. This information is returned in two separate fields:



Default window size (DFTWDWSIZE). The default window size to use on the virtual circuit represented by this controller. This information is returned in two separate fields:



Dependent PU name. The dependent location name that is used for DLUR, which provides additional security for the connection.

Destination service access point (DSAP). The logical address that this system will send to when it communicates with the remote controller. (See the DSAP parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Device category. This value will be one of the following:

The category value is derived from the command used to create the device description.

Device name. The name of a device associated with this controller.

Device text description. A brief description of a device associated with this controller.

Device type (TYPE). The type of device being described. (See the TYPE parameter in the CRTDEVDSP, CRTDEVFNC, CRTDEVMLB, CRTDEVNET, CRTDEVOPT, CRTDEVPRT, or CRTDEVTAP command.)

Device wait timer (DEVWAITTMR). The device wait time-out value. (See the DEVWAITTMR parameter in the CRTCTLLWS, CRTCTLRWS, or CRTCTLVWS command.)

Dial initiation (DIALINIT). Whether or not the system should dial the remote system or controller immediately when this controller description is varied on. (See the DIALINIT parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Dial retries (DIALRTY). The number of times to retry dialing the number before considering the dialing unsuccessful. (See the DIALRTY parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLBSC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Disconnect timer (DSCTMR). The options for automatic disconnection. These options are returned in two separate fields:

(See the DSCTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC or CRTCTLHOST command.)

Entry length for list of attached devices. Entry length in bytes of each element in the list of attached devices returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Entry length for list of remote identifiers. Entry length in bytes of each element in the list of remote identifiers returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Entry length for list of switched lines. Entry length in bytes of each element in the list of switched lines returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Exchange identifier (EXCHID). A hexadecimal value used to identify the remote controller. (See the EXCHID parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

File transfer acknowledgement timer (ACKTMR). The time allowed, in seconds, for an acknowledgement when using file transfer support. (See the ACKTMR parameter in the CRTCTLASC command.)

File transfer retry (RETRY). The number of attempts to transmit a frame after an unsuccessful transmission when using file transfer support. (See the RETRY parameter in the CRTCTLASC command.)

HPR path switching (HPRPTHSWT). Whether or not path switching is done for HPR connections that use this controller at the time the controller is varied off. (See the HPRPTHSWT parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC or CRTCTLHOST command.)

IDLC connect retry (IDLCCNNRTY). The number of times to retry a transmission at connection time. (See the IDLCCNNRTY parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

IDLC default window size (IDLCWDWSIZ). The default window size used for this line description. (See the IDLCWDWSIZ parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

IDLC frame retry (IDLCFRMRTY). The maximum number of transmissions to attempt before reporting an error. (See the IDLCFRMRTY parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

IDLC response timer (IDLCRSPTMR). The length of time to wait before retransmitting a frame when an acknowledgement is not received. (See the IDLCRSPTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


Note: This field is no longer supported as of V5R3M0.

Initial connection (INLCNN). Whether the initial switched connection is made by the system when it answers an incoming call or by a call started from the system. (See the INLCNN parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLBSC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Initialization program library name. The name of the library in which the initialization program resides.

Initialization program name. The name of a program that is called to manage configuration initialization data.

Initialization source file library name. The name of the library in which the initialization source file resides.

Initialization source file name. The name of a source file containing configuration initialization data.

Initialization source member name. The name of a source member containing configuration initialization data.

IPv6 Local internet address. The TCP/IP interface specified in IPv6 form to be used to communicate with the remote system. (See the LCLINTNETA parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)


IPv6 Remote internet address. The Remote internet address specified in IPv6 form to which the controller responds. (See the RMTINTNETA parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)


LAN access priority (LANACCPTY). The priority set in the actual frames that the system will send to the remote controller. (See the LANACCPTY parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


LAN acknowledgement frequency (LANACKFRQ). The maximum number of frames the system can receive before sending an acknowledgement to the remote controller. (See the LANACKFRQ parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


LAN acknowledgement timer (LANACKTMR). The length of time the system will delay before sending an acknowledgement to the remote controller for a received data frame. (See the LANACKTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


LAN connection retry (LANCNNRTY). The number of times a frame will be retransmitted during the connection establishment if there is no acknowledgement from the remote controller in the time period specified by the LANCNNTMR parameter. (See the LANCNNRTY parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


LAN connection timer (LANCNNTMR). The length of time to wait for an acknowledgement from the remote controller during the connection establishment before retransmitting a frame. (See the LANCNNTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


LAN frame retry (LANFRMRTY). The number of times a frame will be retransmitted if there is no acknowledgement from the remote controller in the time period specified by the LANRSPTMR parameter. (See the LANFRMRTY parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


LAN inactivity timer (LANINACTMR). The length of time that the system will wait for a frame from the remote controller before requesting data with a frame of its own. (See the LANINACTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


LAN maximum outstanding frames (LANMAXOUT). The maximum number of outstanding frames that the system sends to the remote controller before it waits for an acknowledgment. (See the LANMAXOUT parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


LAN remote adapter address (ADPTADR). The adapter address of the remote controller. (See the ADPTADR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

LAN response timer (LANRSPTMR). The length of time to wait for an acknowledgement from the remote controller before retransmitting a data frame. (See the LANRSPTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


LAN window step (LANWDWSTP). Whether the number of outstanding frames (frames sent without receiving an acknowledgement from the remote system) should be reduced during periods of network congestion. (See the LANWDWSTP parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


Last activity date. The date of last activity on the object. The date format used is CYYMMDD, where:

blank No activity date has been determined by the operating system
C Century, where 0 indicates years 19xx and 1 indicates years 20xx
YY Year
MM Month
DD Day

LDLC link speed (LDLCLNKSPD). The LDLC link speed. (See the LDLCLNKSPD parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)

LDLC liveness timer. The LDLC liveness timer. (See the LDLCTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)

LDLC retry count. The LDLC retry counter. (See the LDLCTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)

LDLC retry timer. The LDLC retry timer. (See the LDLCTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)

Link type (LINKTYPE). The type of line this controller will be attached to. (See the LINKTYPE parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Local exchange identifier (LCLEXCHID). A hexadecimal value used to identify the local system to the remote system. (See the LCLEXCHID parameter in the CRTCTLHOST command.)

Local identifier (LCLID). The name that, when combined with the local location name, identifies your controller to a remote system. (See the LCLID parameter in the CRTCTLASC or CRTCTLBSC command.)

Local internet address (LCLINTNETA). The TCP/IP interface to be used to communicate with the remote system. (See the LCLINTNETA parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)


Local location name (LCLLOCNAME). The name which, when combined with the local identifier, identifies your controller to a remote system. (See the LCLLOCNAME parameter in the CRTCTLASC or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Maximum frame size (MAXFRAME). The maximum path information unit (PIU) size that the controller can send or receive. (See the MAXFRAME parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL or CRTCTLRWS command.)


Message queue (MSGQ). The message queue to which operational messages for this controller should normally be sent. Note that this is the value entered on the MSGQ parameter of the CL command, but under certain error conditions it may not be the message queue currently in use. See the current message queue field to determine what message queue is actually being used at a given time. (See the MSGQ parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLLWS, CRTCTLRWS, or CRTCTLVWS command.) This information is returned in two separate fields:

Model controller description (MDLCTL). Whether this controller description is to be used as a model controller for automatically created controller descriptions associated with the line description specified on the SWTLINLST parameter. (See the MDLCTL parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)

Negotiated packet size (DFTPKTSIZE). The default packet size to use on the virtual circuit represented by this controller. This information is returned in two separate fields:


Negotiated window size. The default window size to use on the virtual circuit represented by this controller. This information is returned in two separate fields:


Number of attached devices. The number of elements in the list of attached devices returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Number of remote identifiers. The number of elements in the list of remote identifiers returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Number of switched lines. The number of elements in the list of switched lines returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Offset to list of attached devices. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of attached devices returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Offset to list of remote identifiers. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of remote identifiers returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Offset to list of switched lines. The offset in bytes to the first element in the list of switched lines returned with this format. A value of zero is returned if the list is empty.

Online at IPL (ONLINE). Whether the controller is varied on automatically when the system is turned on or you want to vary it on manually by using the Vary Configuration (VRYCFG) command. (See the ONLINE parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLBSC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLLWS, CRTCTLNET, CRTCTLRTL, CRTCTLRWS, CRTCTLTAP, or CRTCTLVWS command.)

PAD emulation (PADEML). Whether or not this controller is to emulate an X.25 packet assembler/disassembler (PAD). (See the PADEML parameter in the CRTCTLASC command.)

Predial delay (PREDIALDLY). The length of time to wait before dialing the number to establish a connection to the specified controller. (See the PREDIALDLY parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLBSC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Primary DLUS name--network ID (PRIDLUS). The primary DLUS network ID. This is the network ID of the APPN network (subnet) that the remote DLUS resides in. It is the network-qualified CP name of the remote DLUS (SSCP) that the System i DLUR host controller prefers to communicate with (See the PRIDLUS parameter in the CRTCTLHOST command.)

Primary DLUS name--PU name (PRIDLUS). The primary DLUS name. This is the physical unit name of the remote DLUS. This is the network-qualified CP name of the remote DLUS (SSCP) that the System i DLUR host controller prefers to communicate with (See the PRIDLUS parameter in the CRTCTLHOST command.)

Propagation delay. The time required for a signal to travel from one end of a link to the other end.(See the LDLCTMSGRP parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)

Reconnect timer (RECNNTMR). This timer is used when a session outage occurs to the remote DLUS node. It is the amount of time the System i DLUR support will wait for the DLUS node to drive an activation request back to the system(See the RECNNTMR parameter in the CRTCTLHOST command.)

Recontact at vary off (RECONTACT). Whether a recontact request is to be sent to the host system when this controller is varied off normally. (See the RECONTACT parameter in the CRTCTLHOST command.)

Recovery limits (CMNRCYLMT). The second-level communications recovery limit for each controller description. These limits are returned in two separate fields:



Redial delay (REDIALDLY). The length of time to wait before redialing the number to establish a connection to the specified controller if the previous attempt was unsuccessful. (See the REDIALDLY parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLBSC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Release level. The release level reported by the remote control unit the last time the controller was varied on. The value is blanks when no release level is reported.

Remote control point name (RMTCPNAME). The name of the remote control point. (See the RMTCPNAME parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC or CRTCTLHOST command.)

Remote host name.The remote TCP/IP host name to which the controller will respond. (See the RMTINTNETA parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command).

Remote identifier. The identifier used to identify the remote system to the local system.

Remote internet address (RMTINTNETA). The Remote internet address to which the controller will respond. (See the RMTINTNETA parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)


Remote location name (RMTLOCNAME). The name by which the remote work station controller is known to the network. (See the RMTLOCNAME parameter in the CRTCTLRWS command.)

Remote network identifier (RMTNETID). The name of the remote network in which the adjacent control point resides. (See the RMTNETID parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Remote APPN node type (NODETYPE). The type of node that this controller represents. (See the NODETYPE parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC or CRTCTLHOST command.)

Remote system name (RMTSYSNAME). The remote system name supplied should be a current system name of an adjacent system to which there is an OptiConnect bus connection. The current system name of that system can be found by using the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command on that system. (See the RMTSYSNAME parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)

Remote verify (RMTVFY). Whether a remote system requires verification if a generic controller and device are configured to accept calls from any X.25 network address. (See the RMTVFY parameter in the CRTCTLASC command.)

Reserved. Space included for alignment.

Resource name (RSRCNAME). The unique name that is assigned by the system to the physical equipment (in this case, a communications port) attached to the system. (See the RSRCNAME parameter in the CRTCTLLWS or CRTCTLTAP command.)

RJE host type (RJEHOST). The name of the host system used by remote job entry. (See the RJEHOST parameter in the CRTCTLBSC command.)

RJE host signon/logon (RJELOGON). The logon information required by the host system if you specified remote job entry as the application type. (See the RJELOGON parameter in the CRTCTLBSC command.)

SDLC connect poll retry (CNNPOLLRTY). The number of connect poll retries that will be attempted before the system indicates an error in contacting the remote system. (See the CNNPOLLRTY parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


SDLC NDM poll timer (NDMPOLLTMR). The minimum interval at which a secondary station should be polled if a poll from the primary to the secondary station (which is in normal disconnect mode) does not result in receiving the appropriate response. (See the NDMPOLLTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


SDLC out limit (OUTLMT). The number of additional frame sequences the system will send to the controller before polling the next station in the poll list. (See the OUTLMT parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


SDLC poll limit (POLLLMT). The number of additional consecutive polls the system will send to a controller when that controller responds by sending a number of frames equal to the maximum outstanding frames (MAXOUT parameter) specified on the line description. (See the POLLLMT parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

SDLC poll priority (POLLPTY). Whether this controller should have priority when being polled. (See the POLLPTY parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Security. The security over the link. (See the LDLCTMSGRP parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC command.)

Serial number. The serial number reported by the resource the last time the resource was varied on. The value is blanks when no serial number is reported.

Short-hold mode (SHM). Whether this controller is used for X.21 short-hold mode. (See the SHM parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Short-hold mode disconnect limit (SHMDSCLMT). The number of consecutive nonproductive responses (RR or RNR) that are required from the remote station before the connection can be suspended for this X.21 short-hold mode connection. (See the SHMDSCLMT parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


Short-hold mode disconnect timer (SHMDSCTMR). The minimum length of time that the primary station will maintain the connection to the remote system for this X.21 short-hold mode controller. (See the SHMDSCTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Source service access point (SSAP). The logical address this system will use when it sends data to the remote controller. (See the SSAP parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Station address (STNADR). The station address to be used when communicating with the remote system using SDLC. (See the STNADR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Switched connection (SWITCHED). Whether this controller is attached to a switched line, a local area network, or an X.25 switched virtual circuit (SVC) connection. (See the SWITCHED parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Switched disconnect (SWTDSC). Whether the switched connection is dropped when the last session is unbound and the disconnect timer (DSCTMR) has ended. (See the SWTDSC parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Switched line. Whether this controller is attached to a switched line. (See the SWITCHED parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Switched line name (SWTLINLST). The name of a line that can be connected to this controller for switched connections. (See the SWTLINLST parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLBSC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Switched network backup (SNBU). Whether you want the switched network backup capability. (See the SNBU parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLBSC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

System job name. The name of the system job that is associated with this controller.

System service control point identifier (SSCPID). The system service control point identifier that the system sends to the remote system in the activate physical unit (ACTPU) request. (See the SSCPID parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

TDLC line name. The name of a line associated with this controller.

Text description (TEXT). A brief description of the controller and its location. (See the TEXT parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLBSC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLLWS, CRTCTLNET, CRTCTLRTL, CRTCTLRWS, CRTCTLTAP, or CRTCTLVWS command.)

Time information retrieved. The time that the information was provided by the API. It is returned as 6 characters in the form HHMMSS, where:

HH Hour
MM Minute
SS Second

User facilities (USRFCL). Allows network subscribers to request network-supplied facilities that are not available through the system parameters. (See the USRFCL parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

User-defined 1, 2, and 3 (USRDFN1, USRDFN2, USRDFN3). Used to describe any unique characteristics of this connection that you want to control. (See the USRDFN1, USRDFN2, or USRDFN3 parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC or CRTCTLHOST command.)


X.25 acknowledgement timer (X25ACKTMR). The ELLC LT2 acknowledgement timer, which is only used for controllers that have the X.25 link protocol (LINKPCL) set to *ELLC. (See the X25ACKTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

X.25 connection password. For X.25 SVC connections, the password used when connecting to this controller.

X.25 connection retry (X25CNNRTY). Same as the X25FRMRTY parameter, except that it applies only to logical link control (LLC) connection establishment, such as LSABME-LUA LLC protocol data units for ELLC and QSM-QUA for QLLC LLC protocol data units. (See the X25CNNRTY parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

X.25 connection timer (X25CNNTMR). Same as the X25RSPTMR parameter, except that it applies only to LLC connection establishment, such as LSABME-LUA LLC protocol data units for ELLC and QSM-QUA LLC protocol data units for QLLC. (See the X25CNNTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

X.25 delayed connection timer (X25DLYTMR). The time between retries of polling exchange identifier commands when the system is trying to establish a connection to the remote data terminal equipment (DTE) represented by the controller description. (See the X25DLYTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)


X.25 frame retry (X25FRMRTY). The number of times that a data or logical link disconnection protocol data unit (PDU) can be retransmitted if no acknowledgement is received from the adjacent logical link station in the remote DTE in the time specified by the X.25 response timer (X25RSPTMR). (See the X25FRMRTY parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

X.25 inactivity timer (X25INACTMR). The ELLC LTI inactivity timer, which is only used for controllers that have the X.25 link protocol (LINKPCL) set to *ELLC. (See the X25INACTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

X.25 link protocol (LINKPCL). The logical link protocol to be used to communicate with the remote DTE represented by this controller description. (See the LINKPCL parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

X.25 logical channel ID (LGLCHLID). The logical channel identifier that is to be used for this controller. (See the LGLCHLID parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

X.25 network level (NETLVL). The level of the support by the X.25 network and the remote DTE represented by this controller description. (See the NETLVL parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

X.25 response timer (X25RSPTMR). The maximum amount of time allowed between the transmission of a data or logical link disconnection link protocol data unit (PDU) and the receipt of a corresponding acknowledgement from the adjacent link station on the remote DTE. (See the X25RSPTMR parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

X.25 reverse charging (RVSCRG). For incoming calls, whether reverse charging will be accepted, and for outgoing calls, whether reverse charging will be requested. (See the RVSCRG parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

X.25 switched line selection (SWTLINSLCT). Which of the lines listed on the SWTLINLST parameter will be selected for making the switched connection. (See the SWTLINSLCT parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

X.25 user group ID (USRGRPID). A value that is supplied as a unique identifier by the network if the closed user group facility is subscribed to. (See the USRGRPID parameter in the CRTCTLAPPC, CRTCTLASC, CRTCTLFNC, CRTCTLHOST, CRTCTLRTL, or CRTCTLRWS command.)

Error Messages

Message ID Error Message Text
CPF24B4 E Severe error while addressing parameter list.
CPF2625 E Not able to allocate object &1.
CPF2634 E Not authorized to object &1.
CPF268B E &1 not valid for controller &2.
CPF26A7 E Category of object not compatible with API format.
CPF26D5 E Function not supported.
CPF2702 E Device description &1 not found.
CPF2703 E Controller description &1 not found.
CPF3C19 E Error occurred with receiver variable specified.
CPF3C21 E Format name &1 is not valid.
CPF3C24 E Length of the receiver variable is not valid.
CPF3CF1 E Error code parameter not valid.
CPF3C90 E Literal value cannot be changed.
CPF8104 E Controller description &4 damaged.
CPF8105 E Device description &4 damaged.
CPF8125 E Line description &4 damaged.
CPF9872 E Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3.

API introduced: V2R3

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