Creating the IBM Service and Support proxy

Create the IBM® Service and Support proxy as your connection to IBM Support.

Creating the IBM Service and Support proxy is done using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT). Select Help from the SMIT panels if you have questions about the specific panel or the information to enter.

To create the IBM Service and Support proxy, complete the following steps:

  1. Log on to the system as root for AIX® or padmin for VIOS.
  2. Enter smit for AIX or cfgassist for VIOS at the command prompt.
  3. Select Electronic Service Agent > Configure Service Connectivity > Manage Service and Support Proxy > Create/change the Service and Support Proxy
  4. Enter the information appropriate to your environment and press Enter to create the IBM Service and Support proxy.
  5. Enter yes in the Enable field
  6. Go back to the Manage Service and Support Proxy panel and select Start the Service and Support Proxy.
  7. After starting the IBM Service and Support Proxy, go back to Connecting to IBM Support through a proxy and complete the procedure.