JobRunUsage table

The JobRunUsage table contains snapshots, stored as XML fragments, of the number of rows consumed and produced by job runs over the period of their execution.

The number of snapshots in each row is limited so that the size of the row does not exceed a fixed maximum. This limit can be specified in the configuration files. When a snapshot is taken, it is either added to the current row, or, if the maximum size of the row would be exceeded, it is inserted as a new row.

Table 1. JobRunUsage table
Column name Column type code Description
StartTimestamp Tim The time when the first snapshot in the row is recorded.
RUNID SK The foreign key to the job run in the JobRun table that this set of snapshots belongs to.

The combination of the RUNID and the StartTimestamp columns are a unique key for the table.

EndTimestamp Tim The time that the last snapshot in the row was recorded.
ResourceInfo Txt An XML fragment containing the snapshot data. Use the JobRunTotalRowUsage view to extract this information.