JobRun table

The JobRun table contains details of all job runs.

Table 1. JobRun table
Column name Column type code Description
RUNID SK A surrogate primary key to identify the job run.
CONTROLLING_RUNID SK If the job run was started from another run, such as a sequence job, the foreign key to the RUNID for that other run in this table.
JOBID SK The foreign key to the job executable for this job run in the JobExec table.
CONFIGID SK For parallel job runs, the foreign key for the details of the configuration file that is used for the run in the ParallelConfig table.
InvocationId 255 For a multi-instanced job, a string that identifies the instance.

For a job that is not multi-instanced, this column contains a single hyphen character (-) to indicate that it has no invocation ID.

CreationTimestamp Tim Set when the run event is created by the engine.

The combination of JOBID, CreationTimestamp, and InvocationId uniquely identifies a run as only one run of a particular job executable with a given invocation ID can start at a particular time.

LastUpdateTimestamp Tim The time that this row in the table was last updated.
RunStartTimestamp Tim The time that the run started; otherwise, the value is null.
RunEndTimestamp Tim The time that the run finished, otherwise null.

If the value of RunMajorStatus is FIN and the value of RunMinorStatus is SYN, the time that the run was synchronized as the end time is unknown.

ElapsedRunSecs Int If the job has not finished, the length of time in seconds that the job has been running for.

If the job has finished, the length of time in seconds that the job ran for. The length of time is calculated from the RunStartTimestamp and the RunEndTimestamp columns.

However, if the value of RunMinorStatus is SYN, the value of ElapsedRunSecs is set to the last value reported by the job run.

RunType Ref Distinguishes a normal run from a validate or reset run. See the RunTypeRef view for the possible values.
RunMajorStatus Ref Distinguishes between queued, running, and finished job runs. See the RunMajorStatusRef view for the possible values.
RunMinorStatus Ref Status of the job run. This column is updated when the first warning or fatal message is issued. See RunMinorStatusRef for the possible values.
UserStatus 40 The value set by the DSSetUserStatus() function. This value is recorded at the end of the run.
MasterPid Big The process ID of the DSD.RUN process.
ConductorPid Big For parallel jobs only, the process ID of the OSH conductor process, after it is known.
NumMessagesTotal Int The number of messages that are logged by the job run. If the run is not complete, the total is updated periodically rather than after every log event.
NumMessagesWarning Int The number of warnings that are logged by the job run. A subset of these warnings are logged in the JobRunLog table, depending on the configuration. If the run is not complete, the total is updated at intervals rather than after every log event.
NumMessagesFatal Int The number of fatal messages that are logged by the run. If the run is not complete, the total is updated at intervals rather than after every log event. All fatal messages are logged in the JobRunLog table, unless configured differently.
TotalRowsConsumed Big The total of all the row counts from source stage links. If the run is not complete, the total is updated periodically.
TotalRowsProduced Big The total of all the row counts from target stage links. If the run is not complete, the total is updated periodically.
TotalCPU Big The total of the CPU used, in milliseconds, for all stages and control processes.
ConfigFileName 255 For parallel jobs only, the path to the APT_CONFIG_FILE that is used for the run.
TotalPhysicalNodes Int For parallel jobs only, the number of different physical node names (fastnames) found in the configuration file. The details of the nodes are in the ParallelConfig table.
TotalLogicalNodes Int For parallel jobs only, the number of different logical node names found in the configuration file. The details of the nodes are in the ParallelConfig table.
ISUserName 40 The Information Server user that started the run.
DSUserName 40 The credential-mapped InfoSphere DataStage user.
CustomBatchId 40 The string that is optionally supplied with each job run that you can use to group runs in whatever way is required. A configuration file is used to associate named job parameters with this column.
CustomJobType, CustomContact, CustomSequence, CustomField1, CustomField2 40 Similar to the CustomBatchId column, custom values for named job parameters.

You can configure these columns to pick up the values from any named job parameters, or you can leave them null.

QueueName 80 The name of the workload management queue that the job run was submitted to.