JobRunLink table

The JobRunLink table contains details of the use of every link in all job runs.

Table 1. JobRunLink table
Column name Column type code Description
RUNID SK The foreign key to the job run in the JobRun table.
LINKID SK The foreign key to the link in the JobLink table.

The combination of RUNID and LINKID is unique.

LOCATORID SK The foreign key to a locator in the DataLocator table, if the link reports that information.
LastUpdateTimeStamp Tim The time that this row in the table was last updated.
InstanceRowsList 512 The count of the rows handled by the link. This column is a comma-separated list if more than one instance of the link was used, for example by a parallel job running on multiple nodes.
TotalRows Big The total of all the rows handled by all the instances of the links in the InstanceRowsList column.