Begin Fix Pack 11.4.02 information

Updating the Social UI configuration to display new attributes

If you extend the Social UI configuration to display new attributes, edit the ui_config.xml file to ensure that the attributes are available within the search interface sample.

About this task

After you change the data model for the high-level integration language and run the process to load the data, the corresponding HBase table contains the newly added attributes. You must then edit the ui_config.xml configuration file in order for the attributes to be available within the search interface.


  1. Go to the $BIGINSIGHTS_HOME\bigmatch\conf\pmeui directory.
    Note: If you installed the sample data for Big Match, the pmeui directory contains a ui_config.xml configuration file that is pre-configured for use with the sample data. If you did not install the sample data, use the ui_config.xml.template file to create a ui_config.xml configuration file as described in the following steps.
    1. Make a copy of the ui_config.xml.template file.
    2. Rename the copy to ui_config.xml.
  2. Open the new ui_config.xml configuration file in an XML editor. For more information about the individual XML elements, follow the link at the end of this topic.
  3. Edit the file:
    1. Add a <table> element for each HBase table you want to display in the interface. The search interface can display only tables that you have enabled for Big Match. For information about enabling tables, see the link at the end of this topic.
    2. Add a <field> element for each field from your table that you want to display. For example:
         displayName="First Name" 
    3. If you want to specify a default search value for any field, specify it as the value of the defaultSeachValue attribute.
         displayName="First Name" 
    4. Specify any additional fields that are defined for your HBase table but that are not specified in any table that is enabled for Big Match. Set the displayAsSearchField attribute to false because these attributes cannot be used in a Big Match search. Also, specify a data type. If no data type is specified, the value defaults to java.lang.String.
      • <field displayName="Extra String" hBaseName="pf:exstr" columnWidth="10px" datatype="java.lang.String" displayAsSearchField="false"/>
      • <field displayName="Small Number" hBaseName="pf:snum" columnWidth="10px" datatype="java.lang.Short" displayAsSearchField="false"/>
      • <field displayName="Middle Number" hBaseName="pf:mnum" columnWidth="10px" datatype="java.lang.Integer" displayAsSearchField="false"/>
      • <field displayName="Big Number" hBaseName="pf:bnum" columnWidth="10px" datatype="java.lang.Long" displayAsSearchField="false"/>
  4. Save and close the ui_config.xml file.

Last updated: 25 Jun 2015
End Fix Pack 11.4.02 information