NotesItem (JavaScript)

Represents a discrete value or set of values in a document. The client interface displays items in a document through fields on a form. When a field on a form and an item in a document have the same name, the field displays the item (for example, the Subject field displays the Subject item). All items in a document are accessible programmatically, regardless of what form is used to display the document in the user interface.


To create a new NotesItem object:

You must call save on the document if you want the modified document to be saved to disk. The document won't display the new item in the user interface unless there is a field of the same name on the form used to display the document.

Explicitly call setSummary and specify true if you want the value to be displayed in a view or folder.


To access an existing NotesItem object:
Document has methods to access items without creating a NotesItem object. You need to know the name of the item.
  • To get an item's value, use getItemValue.
  • To create a new item or set an item's value, use replaceItemValue.
  • To check for the existence of a particular item in a document, use hasItem.
  • To delete an item from a document, use removeItem.

Rich-text items

RichTextItem inherits the properties and methods of Item and has additional properties and methods you can use to manipulate rich text.

Saving Changes

After you create or modify an item, you must save the changes by calling the parent document's save method. If you don't call save before the program finishes, all of your changes to a NotesItem object are lost.

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