Directory Services Markup Language

You can use Directory Services Markup Language to represent the directory structure information, directory queries and updates, and results of directory operations in XML format.

When you complete the installation of IBM® Security Directory Server Web Administration Tool, an archive file of Directory Services Markup Language (DSML) files,, are stored on your computer. The is stored in the idstools subdirectory in IBM Security Directory Server installation location. For more information about the default IBM Security Directory Server installation location, see Default installation locations.

The file contains DSML installable and documentation that guides you with DSML installation, configuration, usage. The file contains the following files:

The DSMLReadme.txt files lists the files in the package and instruction for the installation and configuration of DSML.
The dsml.pdf file is in PDF format and describes how to use DSML.
The dsml.htm file is in HTML format and describes how to use DSML.