Default installation locations

If you run IBM® Installation Manager for installation, IBM Security Directory Server and its corequisite software is installed in the predefined installation location.

Table 1. The default installation location of IBM Security Directory Server, DB2, and IBM SDK Java Technology Edition.
Operating system IBM Security Directory Server DB2 IBM SDK Java Technology Edition
Linux® /opt/ibm/ldap/V6.4 /opt/ibm/sdsV6.4db2 /opt/ibm/ldap/V6.4/java
AIX® /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.4 /opt/IBM/sdsV6.4db2 /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.4/java
Microsoft Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\ldap\V6.4 C:\Program Files\IBM\sdsV6.4db2 C:\Program Files\IBM\ldap\V6.4\java

IBM Security Directory Server can be installed only at the predefined location on the AIX and Linux systems. The path is specified by default in the Installation Directory field in IBM Installation Manager. Though this field is editable in IBM Installation Manager, if you change the path that is specified by default, you cannot click Next to proceed with the installation. You must revert to the default installation path for IBM Security Directory Server.

This restriction does not apply to Microsoft Windows operating systems. IBM Security Directory Server can be installed at any custom location on Microsoft Windows operating systems. Even if you select a custom installation location for IBM Security Directory Server, the idsinstinfo directory and the idsinstances.ldif file that it contains are always created on the partition that is specified by %SystemDrive%. If IBM Security Directory Server is installed on the E: drive and the operating system is on the C: drive, you might observe the following changes:
  • The idsinstinfo directory is created in the C: drive (C:\idsinstinfo), instead of in the E:\Program Files\IBM\ldap directory.