Installing the Rational Asset Manager command-line interface

IBM® Rational® Asset Manager includes a command-line interface that provides flexible, scriptable access to library server functions from a command shell. You install the command-line interface by downloading client API JAR files from the Rational Asset Manager server.

Before you begin

You must have access to a Rational Asset Manager server to install the command-line interface files.


  1. In the Rational Asset Manager web client, click the Help icon and then click Extensions.
  2. On the Extensions page, in the Client API Jars section, click The file is downloaded to your computer.
  3. Extract the archive file. The archive file contains the client API JAR files, as well as the batch file for use with Microsoft Windows and the shell script for use with Linux.


You can now use the Rational Asset Manager command-line interface from your local computer. To learn more about the command-line interface, see Rational Asset Manager command-line reference. To learn more about the client API, see Using Rational Asset Manager Java API.
