Rational Asset Manager command-line reference

IBM® Rational® Asset Manager includes a command-line interface that provides flexible, scriptable access to library server functions from a command shell.

The command-line functions depend on a configuration file. The configuration file stores information required to communicate with the library server, such as the URL, user ID, and password. The command-line interface searches for the configuration file in the .ram subdirectory in the home directory of the current user. Alternately, you can specify the location of the configuration file using the -config parameter. For example, ram publish package.zip -config /etc/ram/ramcli.properties.

Configuration file syntax

The URL of the library server (the server running Rational Asset Manager)
The ID to use when accessing the library server
The encrypted password for the user ID
The default community name
You can create or update a configuration file from the command line. If you are creating a configuration file, all parameters are required. If you are updating a configuration file, you specify only the parameters to change.
ram config -url library_server -u username -p password -c community_name -config configuration_file
