IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification


This package contains the primary interfaces and exceptions for the Projector component.


Interface Summary
FetchPlan A FetchPlan object allows you to customize how to fetch relations.
Projector The Projector is used to convert entities to Tuple objects.
Tuple A Tuple is a data structure that holds primitive attributes and associations (relationships) to other tuples.

Exception Summary
EntityExistsException Thrown by the ObjectGraph or TupleStore when an entity persisted into the graph or inserted into the TupleStore is a duplicate.
FieldAccessEntityNotInstrumentedException This exception will occur when the Java instrumentation is enabled, but the field-access Entity class is not included in the instrumentation domain.
MetadataException Base exception for all entity metadata errors.
OptimisticLockException Thrown when there is an optimistic collision when merging, flushing or committing an entity that has an out of date version.
ProjectorException Base exception class for all exceptions thrown by the Projector component.

Package Description

This package contains the primary interfaces and exceptions for the Projector component.


The projector allows converting Java objects to Tuples. The Java objects are described using Java SE 5 annotations or an XML descriptor file as entities. Each entity has persistent attributes and relationships to other entities.

IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification

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