IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification


This package contains the classes and interfaces for entity metadata introspection.


Interface Summary
EntityMetadata The metadata for an entity.
TupleAssociation The metadata for an association between two entities.
TupleAssociation.CascadeInfo Cascade information for entity association persistence.
TupleAssociation.OrderByInfo Ordering information for multi-valued associations.
TupleAssociation.OrderByInfo.OrderByElement Ordering details for an attribute in the target entity.
TupleAttribute The metadata for a single basic attribute.
TupleMetadata This describes the metadata for a Tuple.

Class Summary
AccessType The method in which the persistent state of an entity is accessed.
AssociationType The type of relationship or association between entities.
FetchType Defines strategies for fetching data from the TupleStore.

Package Description

This package contains the classes and interfaces for entity metadata introspection.


The projector converts entities to Tuples. The Tuple contains the persistent data of the entity and the EntityMetadata and associated objects contain the metadata for the entity. This package contains the interfaces and classes for the entity metadata.

IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification

© Copyright International Business Machines Corp 2005,2012. All rights reserved.