IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification


This package has the class MapPermission and class AdminPermission which represents the permissions for to access the ObjectGrid maps and ObjectGrid administration respectively.


Class Summary
AgentPermission This class represents permissions to the datagrid agents.
AnonymousPrincipal This Principal class represents an anonymous user.
MapPermission This class represents permissions to the ObjectMap.
ObjectGridPermission This class represents permissions to the ObjectGrid.
SecurityConstants This class contains the constants used for security configuration.
ServerMapPermission This class represents permissions to an ObjectMap hosted in a server, that is, a server-side distributed map.

Exception Summary
ObjectGridSecurityException This exception represents a general ObjectGrid security exception.

Package Description

This package has the class MapPermission and class AdminPermission which represents the permissions for to access the ObjectGrid maps and ObjectGrid administration respectively.

MapPermission action types.

The ObjectGrid defines 5 permission actions that are used to authorize accesses to the maps. These permissions allow access to maps to be controlled by an administrator. Objects within the ObjectGrid use a simple naming scheme. Each Map is named using the convention of the ObjectGrid name followed by a period followed by the Map name. For example, if the object grid name is "myObjectGrid" and the map name is "myMap", then the map name used in the permission is "myobjectgrid.mymap".

Wildcards can be used on names with some restrictions. A wild card "*" can be used to replace the map name or the object grid name, but not partially. For example, "myObjectGrid.*", "*.myMap", and "*.*" are valid names, but "myObject*.*" is not valid.

There are five actions with the permission object ObjectMapPermission.
Read boolean containsKey(Object)
boolean equals(Object)
Object get(Object)
Object get(Object, Serializable)
List getAll(List)
List getAll(List keyList, Serializable)
List getAllForUpdate(List)
List getAllForUpdate(List, Serializable)
Object getForUpdate(Object)
Object getForUpdate(Object, Serializable)
write Object put(Object key, Object value)
void put(Object, Object, Serializable)
void putAll(Map)
void putAll(Map, Serializable)
void update(Object, Object)
void update(Object, Object, Serializable)
insert public void insert(Object, Object)
void insert(Object, Object, Serializable)
remove Object remove(Object)
void removeAll(Collection)
invalidate public void invalidate(Object, boolean)
void invalidateAll(Collection, boolean)
int setTimeToLive(int)

An authroizationMechanism setting of the ObjectGrid has two possible values: JAAS and custom. Users can also use API ObjectGrid.setAuthorizationMechanism(int) to set which authorization mechanism the object grid will use.

A value "JAAS" means ObjectGrid will rely on JAAS authorization mechanism to handle the authorization. A JAAS policy file should be configured to associate permissions with a set of credentials and/or groups of credentials. We recommend that groups should be used as then new users can be added to groups without modifying the policy file.

A value "custom" means ObjectGrid will rely on custom authorization mechanism to handle the authorization. Users can set call ObjectGrid.setObjectGridAuthorization( ogAuthorization) to set their custom authorization plug-in. Users can also configure the objectgrid.xml to achieve the same result.

AdminPermission types

An AdminPermission has two types: ADMIN and MONITOR. An AdminPermission with ADMIN name grants permissions to access all the ManagementMBean methods. An AdminPermission with MONITOR name grants permissions to access the ManagementMBean read-only methods. Therefore, ADMIN permission implies MONITOR permission.

The detailed operations granted to users with different permissions are listed in the following table. These operations correspond to the methods in the ManagementMBean interface:

operations admin monitor
startServer Y N
stopServer Y N
forceStopServer Y N
setServerTrace Y N
retrieveServerStatus Y Y
getMapStats Y Y
getOGStats Y Y
getReplicationStats Y Y

The table can read like this: If the client has admin permission, it can execute "startServer" task; if the client has monitor permission, it cannot execute "startServer" task.

AgentPermission types

An AgentPermission represents permissions to the datagrid agents. The name of the permission is the full name of the ObjectGrid map, and the action is a "," delimited string of agent implementation class names or package names.

The following methods in the class AgentManager requires AgentPermission:

ObjectGridPermission types

An ObjectGridPermission represents permissions to an ObjectGrid. The name of the permission is the ObjectGrid name, and the action is either "query" or "dynamicmap".

The detailed methods which require different permissions are listed in the following table:

methods action
Session.createObjectQuery(String) query
EntityManager.createQuery(String) query
Session.getMap(String) dynamicmap

ServerMapPermission types

An ServerMapPermission represents permissions to an ObjectMap hosted in a server. The name of the permission is the full name of the ObjectGrid map name, and the action is either "replicate" or "dynamicIndex".

The detailed methods which require different ServerMapPermission are listed in the following table:

methods action
ClientReplicableMap.enableClientReplication(Mode, int[], ReplicationMapListener) replicate
BackingMap.createDynamicIndex(String, boolean, String, DynamicIndexCallback) dynamicIndex
BackingMap.removeDynamicIndex(String) dynamicIndex


SecurityConstants class contains constants used for representing the security parameters.

IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification

© Copyright International Business Machines Corp 2005,2012. All rights reserved.