IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification


This package contains the interfaces and classes for interact with data objects using the ObjectMap API and plug-ins when they are in their serialized form.


Interface Summary
DataObjectContext Context for for interacting with a data object.
DataObjectContextAware This interface is implemented by DataObjectEntry implementations or sub-interfaces to identify that they are associated with a DataObjectContext.
DataObjectEntry A common interface for all data object wrappers.
DataObjectKey Interface for all key data object wrappers.
DataObjectKeyFactory A factory for creating a key wrapper.
DataObjectValue Interface for all data object value wrappers.
DataObjectValueFactory A factory for creating a data object value.
SerializedEntry A data object wrapper that wraps a data object and its serialized form.
SerializedKey This interface is used by eXtreme Scale when storing keys in serialized form.
SerializedValue This interface is used by eXtreme Scale when storing values in serialized form.

Package Description

This package contains the interfaces and classes for interact with data objects using the ObjectMap API and plug-ins when they are in their serialized form.


When a DataSerializer is used with a BackingMap, the data is stored in it's serialized form and exposed to all plug-ins and APIs in this form whenever possible. Plug-ins, such as a Loader, that interact with LogElements will always receive objects that allow access to either the serialized form of the data or the native form of the data.

For keys, the object is a SerializedKey, and for values, it's a SerializedValue.

The ObjectMap API may also receive SerializedKey objects when using APIs that return keys such as an Index. SerializedValue object will be returned when using the CopyMode.COPY_TO_BYTES_RAW copy mode.

The DataSerializer can be used directly by applications that wish to access individual attributes of the serialized form of the entry directly. Use the SerializerAccessor interface to retrieve access to the DataSerializer and the default DataObjectContext.

IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification

© Copyright International Business Machines Corp 2005,2012. All rights reserved.