IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification
Interface ValueDataSerializer.Mergeable

All Superinterfaces:
DataSerializer, DataSerializer.DataAttributeInflatable, ValueDataSerializer
Enclosing interface:

public static interface ValueDataSerializer.Mergeable
extends ValueDataSerializer

ValueDataSerializers implement the optional Mergeable interface when it is possible that the clients or replicas in the grid may have multiple versions of the serializer. The Mergeable interface allows the VersionDataSerializer to merge the two serialized forms when the data is updated, to prevent data loss.


Nested Class Summary
static class ValueDataSerializer.Mergeable.MergeType
          Used by the mergeDataObjects(DataObjectContext, XsDataInputStream, XsDataInputStream, XsDataOutputStream) method to indicate the form of the data object's merged result.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
ValueDataSerializer.Mergeable, ValueDataSerializer.Versionable
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
DataSerializer.DataAttributeInflatable, DataSerializer.Identifiable, DataSerializer.SpecialValue, DataSerializer.UserReadable
Method Summary
 ValueDataSerializer.Mergeable.MergeType mergeDataObjects(DataObjectContext ctx, XsDataInputStream existingDataObjectInputStream, XsDataInputStream updatedDataObjectInputStream, XsDataOutputStream mergedDataObjectOutputStream)
          This method is invoked when updating a cache value.
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
getAttributeContexts, inflateDataObjectAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
inflateDataObject, serializeDataObject

Method Detail


ValueDataSerializer.Mergeable.MergeType mergeDataObjects(DataObjectContext ctx,
                                                         XsDataInputStream existingDataObjectInputStream,
                                                         XsDataInputStream updatedDataObjectInputStream,
                                                         XsDataOutputStream mergedDataObjectOutputStream)
                                                         throws IOException
This method is invoked when updating a cache value. If the existing object contains data that the current DataSerializer doesn't recognize, the two data streams can be combined into the resulting merged data output stream.

Do not store or use the data streams beyond the confines of this method call. The data streams are owned by the WebSphere eXtreme Scale framework and my be closed, pooled or reused as required.

ctx - the context of the method call.
existingDataObjectInputStream - the data input stream to read the old object, produced from DataSerializer.serializeDataObject(DataObjectContext, Object, XsDataOutputStream) before the update. Must not be null.
updatedDataObjectInputStream - the data input stream to read the old object, produced from DataSerializer.serializeDataObject(DataObjectContext, Object, XsDataOutputStream) before the update. Must not be null.
mergedDataObjectOutputStream - the data output stream to store the merged object, compatible with that produced from DataSerializer.serializeDataObject(DataObjectContext, Object, XsDataOutputStream) for the merged object. Ignored if the return value is not ValueDataSerializer.Mergeable.MergeType.MERGE. Must not be null.
One of the MergeType attributes representing the form of the object merge. Data in the mergedObject stream is ignored if the value is other than ValueDataSerializer.Mergeable.MergeType.MERGE
IOException - thrown if there is a problem reading or writing the data.

IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification

© Copyright International Business Machines Corp 2005,2012. All rights reserved.