IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification
Interface ServerOSGiMBean

public interface ServerOSGiMBean

An OSGi MBean to query and manage OSGi service rankings for an entire server instance. This MBean is only registered if the server is running in an OSGi environment, and if the eXtreme Scale server bundle is active.


Method Summary
 boolean checkServiceAvailability(String service, Integer ranking)
          Checks if the specified OSGi service and ranking is available or not.
 TabularData getAllCurrentlyUsedRankings()
          Get currently used rankings for all the OSGi services.
 TabularData getAllRankings()
          Get all available rankings for all the OSGi services
 TabularData retrieveAllCurrentlyUsedRankings(String serviceName)
          Gets all currently used rankings for the specified OSGi service.
 TabularData retrieveAllRankings(String serviceName)
          Gets all available rankings for the specified OSGi service.
 TabularData retrieveServiceAvailability(Map<String,Integer> services)
          Checks if the specified OSGi service rankings are available or not.

Method Detail


TabularData retrieveAllRankings(String serviceName)
Gets all available rankings for the specified OSGi service.

Each CompositeData (row in the TabularData) contains the following items:

Item NameTypeDescription
Ranking Integer An available ranking for the specified OSGi service.

Note: If connected to a server that is not running in an OSGi framework, this method will return an empty TabularData object.

serviceName - the OSGi service name
a JMX tabular data, with each row containing an available ranking.


TabularData getAllRankings()
Get all available rankings for all the OSGi services

This JMX tabular data has a nested inner TabularData.

Each outer CompositeData (row in the outer TabularData) contains the following items:

Item NameTypeDescription
Service String The name of the OSGi service.
Rankings TabularData An inner TabularData containing all available rankings for an OSGi service.

Each inner CompositeData (row in the inner TabularData) contains the following items:

Item NameTypeDescription
Ranking Integer An available ranking for the OSGi service in the outer row.

Note: If connected to a server that is not running in an OSGi framework, this method will return an empty TabularData object.

a JMX tabular data of available service rankings. Each row of the TabularData object is a nested TabularData, with each row containing an available ranking.


TabularData retrieveAllCurrentlyUsedRankings(String serviceName)
Gets all currently used rankings for the specified OSGi service.

Each CompositeData (row in the TabularData) contains the following items:

Item NameTypeDescription
ObjectGrid Name String The name of the ObjectGrid instance.
MapSet Name String The name of the MapSet instance.
Ranking Integer The currently used OSGi service ranking for that ObjectGrid instance.

Note: If connected to a server that is not running in an OSGi framework, this method will return an empty TabularData object.

serviceName - the OSGi service name
a JMX tabular data, with each row containing an ObjectGrid name and its currently used service ranking.


TabularData getAllCurrentlyUsedRankings()
Get currently used rankings for all the OSGi services.

This JMX tabular data has a nested inner TabularData.

Each outer CompositeData (row in the outer TabularData) contains the following items:

Item NameTypeDescription
ObjectGrid Name String The name of the ObjectGrid instance.
MapSet Name String The name of the MapSet instance.
Service Rankings TabularData An inner TabularData containing all currently-used rankings for an OSGi service.

Each inner CompositeData (row in the inner TabularData) contains the following items:

Item NameTypeDescription
Service String The OSGi service name.
Ranking Integer The currently used OSGi service ranking for the ObjectGrid instance in the outer row.

Note: If connected to a server that is not running in an OSGi framework, this method will return an empty TabularData object.

a JMX tabular data of all currently used service rankings. Each row of the TabularData object is a nested TabularData for an OSGi service, with each row containing the name of the ObjectGrid and it's currently used service ranking.


TabularData retrieveServiceAvailability(Map<String,Integer> services)
Checks if the specified OSGi service rankings are available or not.

This method takes a Map parameter so it might not be enabled by certain MBean client console versions, for example, JConsole shipped by Java 5.0. Use the checkServiceAvailability(String, Integer) method instead.

Each CompositeData (row in the TabularData) contains the following items:

Item NameTypeDescription
Service String The OSGi service name.
Unavailable Ranking Integer The service ranking that the users wants to check and is not available.

Note: If connected to a server that is not running in an OSGi framework, this method will return an empty TabularData object.

services - a map of service rankings. The key of the map is the service name, and the value is a collection of available rankings for that service.
an empty TabularData if the specified service rankings are all available; otherwise a map that contains unavailable service rankings.


boolean checkServiceAvailability(String service,
                                 Integer ranking)
Checks if the specified OSGi service and ranking is available or not.

service - the OSGi service name
ranking - the OSGi service ranking
true if the specified service ranking is available; otherwise false.

IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification

© Copyright International Business Machines Corp 2005,2012. All rights reserved.