IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification
Interface PlacementMediationServiceMBean

public interface PlacementMediationServiceMBean

This MBean interface allows a client process to perform operations on and get status from the PlacementMediationService running in a dynamic environment. The object name pattern for this MBean is:
If ObjectGrid is running in a WebSphere Application Server process, more key=value pairs may be added to the object name.

7.1, XC10

Method Summary
 CompositeData dismissLink(String foreignDomain)
          Dismiss a previously established link with the foreign domain specified.
 CompositeData establishLink(String foreignDomain, String endPoints)
          Establish a link between this domain and the foreign domain specified.
 TabularData getLinkedDomains()
          Retrieve the foreign domains that have an active link with the local domain.
 TabularData getLinkedDomainsWithGrids()
          Retrieve the foreign domains that have an active link with the local domain and the map sets eligible for linking.

Method Detail


CompositeData establishLink(String foreignDomain,
                            String endPoints)
Establish a link between this domain and the foreign domain specified. This is functionally equivalent to providing the foreign domain and its end points in the server properties file at server startup time.

Domains that are linked will share placement with each other. When compatible map sets are detected within linked domains, a multi-primary topology will be achieved. Data written to a primary is either domain will be asynchronously replicated to the other domain.

The result is a CompositeData that includes the following items:

Item NameTypeDescription
Result String The result of the attempt.
StatusBefore String The status of the link before the attempt was made to establish the link.
StatusAfter String The status of the link after the attempt was made to establish the link.

foreignDomain - the name of the foreign domain
endPoints - end points of the foreign domain
CompositeData representing the status of the attempt to link with the foreign domain
See Also:
CatalogServerProperties.setForeignDomains(String), CatalogServerProperties.setDomainEndPoints(String, String)


CompositeData dismissLink(String foreignDomain)
Dismiss a previously established link with the foreign domain specified. Any map sets that were participating in a multi-primary topology will be disconnected from each other. Data will no longer be replicated from between domains.

The result is a CompositeData that includes the following items:

Item NameTypeDescription
Result String The result of the attempt. Can be one of: SUCCESS, FAILURE, NOP
StatusBefore String The status of the link before the attempt was made to dismiss the link. Can be one of: LINKED, ESTABLISHING_LINK, UNLINKED, DISMISSING_LINK
StatusAfter String The status of the link after the attempt was made to dismiss the link. Can be one of: LINKED, ESTABLISHING_LINK, UNLINKED, DISMISSING_LINK

foreignDomain - the name of the foreign domain
CompositeData representing the status of the attempt to dismiss the link with the foreign domain


TabularData getLinkedDomains()
Retrieve the foreign domains that have an active link with the local domain.

The result is a TabularData where each row is a CompositeData that includes the following items:

Item NameTypeDescription
Domain String The name of the foreign domain linked to the local domain.

TabularData representing the foreign domains linked to this domain


TabularData getLinkedDomainsWithGrids()
Retrieve the foreign domains that have an active link with the local domain and the map sets eligible for linking.

The result is a TabularData where each row is a CompositeData that includes the following items:

Item NameTypeDescription
Domain String The name of the foreign domain linked to the local domain.
ObjectGrid String The name of the ObjectGrid that is compatible with the foreign domain.
MapSet String The name of the map set that is compatible with the foreign domain.

TabularData representing the foreign domains and eligible map sets linked to this domain

IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification

© Copyright International Business Machines Corp 2005,2012. All rights reserved.