IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification


These are the Filter implementations which are used to build continuous query definitions.


Interface Summary
FilterContent<KeyType,ValueType> A wrapper for cache entry objects which is passed to each ContinuousQueryFilter associated with a continuous query.

Class Summary
AbstractCQFilter<KeyType,ValueType,AttributeType,MatchType> This is an abstract class which all continuous query filters must extend.
AndFilter This filter returns true if and only if all its child filters are true.
BinaryLogicalFilter This is a base class used for binary logic operations.
CompareFilter<KeyType,ValueType,AttributeType,MatchType> This is a base class for filters comparing an attribute with a scalar.
EQFilter<AttributeType,MatchType> This class checks if an attribute is equal to another object.
FalseFilter This Filter always returns FALSE
GTEFilter<AttributeType,MatchType> This checks if an attribute is greater than or equals to a scalar.
GTFilter<AttributeType,MatchType> This checks if an attribute is greater than a scalar.
IsNotNullFilter This filter checks if the attribute to be compared is not null.
IsNullFilter This filter checks if an attribute is null.
LTEFilter<AttributeType,MatchType> This checks if an attribute is less than or equals to a scalar.
LTFilter<AttributeType,MatchType> This checks if an attribute is less than a scalar.
MatchFilter This class checks if an attribute matches a regular expression pattern.
NEQFilter<AttributeType,MatchType> This checks if an attribute does not equal a scalar.
NotFilter This class negates the result of a ContinuousQueryFilter.
NotMatchFilter This filter passes if the attribute does not match a provided regular expression pattern.
OrFilter This filter passes if any child filter is true.
TrueFilter This filter always passes.

Package Description

These are the Filter implementations which are used to build continuous query definitions. An extensible abstract implementation AbstractCQFilter is also provided so that custom filters can be created.

IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification

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