Viewing zone information with the xscmd utility

You can use the xscmd utility to view information about your current zone deployment, including shard placement data.

Before you begin

About this task

You can determine information about your configuration related to zone settings by using the xscmd utility that ships with the product.


Use the xscmd utility to determine information about the shards of data.
Run the following command:
xscmd -c showPlacement -z zone_name


You can also run a simpler scenario by using the getting started sample: wxs_install_root/ObjectGrid/gettingstarted. See Tutorial: Getting started with WebSphere eXtreme Scale for more information.
  1. Start a catalog server:
  2. Determine your required number of replicas, zone rules, containers, and other settings such as with the following command:
    startOgServer.bat serverA0 -objectgridFile xml\objectgrid.xml 
    -deploymentPolicyFile xml\deployment.xml -zone zoneA   
    [Version 8.6 and later]
    startXsServer.bat serverA0 -objectgridFile xml\objectgrid.xml 
    -deploymentPolicyFile xml\deployment.xml -zone zoneA   
  3. You can stop container processes to simulate failure in the data grid:
    stopOgServer.bat serverA0,serverA1,serverB0 -catalogServiceEndPoints localhost:2809
    [Version 8.6 and later]
    stopXsServer.bat serverA0,serverA1,serverB0 -catalogServiceEndPoints localhost:2809
    If the server that contains the last shard of a partition is stopped, eXtreme Scale allocates a new primary shard. You can check for data loss:
    • The runclient script inserts and reads item in your data grid.
    • The xscmd -c showMapSizes command shows the number of items in the data grid.
  4. Show active container servers with the following command:
    xscmd -c showPlacement -z zone_name