[Java programming language only]

Deploying the REST data service on Apache Tomcat

This topic describes how to configure theWebSphere® eXtreme Scale REST data service on Apache Tomcat Version 5.5 or later.

About this task

  • An IBM® or Oracle JRE or JDK, Version 6 or later installed and a specified JAVA_HOME environment variable.
  • Apache Tomcat Version 5.5 or later is installed. See Apache Tomcat for details on how to install Tomcat.
  • A stand-alone installation of WebSphere eXtreme Scale.


  1. If using an Oracle JRE or JDK, install the IBM ORB into Tomcat:
    1. Tomcat version 5.5:

      Copy all of the JAR files from:

      the wxs_home/lib/endorsed directory


      the tomcat_root/common/endorsed directory

    2. Tomcat version 6.0:

      Create an "endorsed" directory:

      [Linux][Unix]mkdir tomcat_root/endorsed

      [Windows]md tomcat_root/endorsed

      Copy all of the JAR files from:




  2. Configure and start a data grid.
    1. For details on configuring a data grid for use with the REST data service, see Configuring.
    2. Verify that an eXtreme Scale client can connect to and access entities in the grid. For an example, see Configuring REST data services.
  3. Build the eXtreme Scale REST service configuration JAR or directory. See the packaging and deployment information in Installing the REST data service for details.
  4. Deploy the REST data service module: wxsrestservice.war to the Tomcat server.

    Copy the wxsrestservice.war file from:




  5. Add the ObjectGrid client runtime JAR and the application JAR to the shared classpath in Tomcat:
    1. Edit the tomcat_root/conf/catalina.properties file
    2. Append the following path names to the end of the shared.loader property, separating each path name with a comma:
  6. If you are using Java™ 2 security, add security permissions to the tomcat policy file:
    • If using Tomcat version 5.5:

      Merge the contents of the sample 5.5 catalina policy file found in

      restservice_home/gettingstarted/tomcat/catalina-5_5.policy with the tomcat_root/conf/catalina.policy file.

    • If using Tomcat version 6.0:

      Merge the contents of the sample 6.0 catalina policy file found in

      restservice_home/gettingstarted/tomcat/catalina-6_0.policy with the tomcat_root/conf/catalina.policy file.

  7. Start the Tomcat server:
    • If using Tomcat 5.5 on UNIX or Windows, or the Tomcat 6.0 ZIP distribution:

      1. cd tomcat_root/bin
      2. Start the server:
        • Without Java 2 security enabled:

          [Linux][Unix]./catalina.sh run

          [Windows]catalina.bat run

        • With Java 2 security enabled:

          [Linux][Unix]./catalina.sh run -security

          [Windows]catalina.bat run -security

      3. The Apache Tomcat logs are displayed to the console. When the REST data service has started successfully, the following message is displayed in the administrative console:

        CWOBJ4000I: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service has been started.

    • If using Tomcat 6.0 on Windows using the Windows installer distribution:
      1. cd /bin
      2. Start the Apache Tomcat 6 configuration tool:


      3. To enable Java 2 security (optional):

        Add the following entries to the Java Options in the Java tab in the Apache Tomcat 6 properties window:



      4. Click on the Start button on the Apache Tomcat 6 properties window to start the Tomcat server.
      5. Review the following logs to verify that the Tomcat server has started successfully:
        • tomcat_root/bin/catalina.log

          Displays the status of the Tomcat server engine

        • tomcat_root/bin/stdout.log

          Displays the system output log

      6. When the REST data service has started successfully, the following message is displayed in the system output log:

        CWOBJ4000I: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service has been started.

  8. Verify the REST data service is working.
    Open a Web browser and navigate to the following URL:

    The default port for Tomcat is 8080 and is configured in the tomcat_root/conf/server.xml file in the <Connector> element.

    For example:


The AtomPub service document is displayed.