[Java programming language only]

Configuring REST data services

You can use WebSphere® eXtreme Scale REST data service with WebSphere Application Server version 7.0,WebSphere Application Server Community Edition and Apache Tomcat.

About this task

The included sample has source code and compiled binaries to run a partitioned data grid. This sample demonstrates how to create a simple data grid, model the data using entities and provides two command-line client applications that allow adding and querying entities using Java™ or C#.

The sample Java client uses the Java EntityManager API to persist and query data in the data grid. This client can be run in Eclipse or using a command-line script. Note that the sample Java client does not demonstrate the REST data service, but allows updating data in the grid, so a web browser or other clients can read the data.

The sample Microsoft WCF Data Services C# client communicates with the eXtreme Scale data grid through the REST data service using the .NET framework. The WCF Data Services client can be used to both update and query the data grid.

Figure 1. Getting started sample topology. HTTP clients using the REST data service and Java clients can access the same data grid.
Getting started sample topology: The HTTP client communicates with the REST service. The REST service communicates with the NorthwindGrid data grid.


  1. Configure and start the eXtreme Scale data grid.
  2. Configure and start the REST data service in a web server.
  3. Run a client to interact with the REST data service. Two options are available:
    1. Run the sample Java client to populate the grid with data using the EntityManager API and query the data in the grid using a web browser and the eXtreme Scale REST data service.
    2. Run the sample WCF Data Services C# client.