Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive

Use the Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive to dynamically route messages to appropriate service endpoints. The Endpoint Lookup searches for service information in a WebSphere® Service Registry and Repository (WSRR).


You can use the Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive to retrieve service endpoint information from a WSRR registry that can be local or remote. The service endpoint information can relate directly to web services, or to Service Component Architecture (SCA) module exports, or to manually defined MQ, JMS and HTTP services.
Note: Mediation modules are types of SCA modules.

In order to use the Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive you might need to add service endpoint information to your WSRR registry. If you want to extract service endpoint information about web services, your WSRR registry must contain either the appropriate WSDL documents, or SCA modules that contain exports using web service bindings. If you want to extract service endpoint information about exports that use the other SCA bindings, your WSRR registry must contain the appropriate SCA modules. If you want to extract service endpoint information about services that are accessed using MQ, JMS or HTTP but are not defined in a SCA module, your WSRR registry must contain an appropriate "Manual JMS/HTTP/MQ endpoint with associated Interface" Business Object with the endpoint information and associated interface correctly set.

The Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive lets you retrieve service endpoint information that relates to the following:
  • Web services using SOAP/HTTP.
  • Web services using SOAP/JMS.
  • SCA module exports with web service bindings, using SOAP/HTTP.
  • SCA module exports with web service bindings, using SOAP/JMS.
  • SCA module exports with the default SCA binding.
  • SCA module exports with the MQ binding.
  • SCA module exports with the MQ JMS binding.
  • SCA module exports with the JMS binding.
  • SCA module exports with the Generic JMS binding.
  • SCA module exports with the HTTP binding.
  • Manually defined MQ endpoints with associated interfaces.
  • Manually defined JMS endpoints with associated interfaces.
  • Manually defined HTTP endpoints with associated interfaces.

When the Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive receives a message it sends a search query to the registry. The search query is constructed using the Endpoint Lookup properties that you specify and the query might return nothing, or it might return one or more service endpoints. You can choose whether to be informed of all endpoints that match your query, or just one endpoint that matches your query.

The Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive has one input terminal (in), two output terminals (out and noMatch), and a fail terminal (fail). The in terminal is wired to accept a message and the other terminals are wired to propagate a message. If an exception occurs during the processing of the input message, the fail terminal propagates the input message, together with any exception information. If service endpoints are retrieved from the registry, the out terminal propagates the original service message object (SMO) modified by the service endpoint information. If no services are retrieved from the registry, the noMatch terminal propagates an unmodified message.
Note: In order for the runtime environment to implement dynamic routing on a request, you must set the Use dynamic endpoint if set in the message header property in the callout node or Service Invoke mediation primitive. You can specify a default endpoint that the runtime environment uses if it cannot find a dynamic endpoint. You specify a default endpoint by wiring an import that has the default service selected.


The Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive uses the Endpoint Reference structure defined by the WS-Addressing specification. For more information, see: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing.

Updates made to the SMO by the Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive are dependant on the success of the registry query (matches are found during the registry query) and the match policy.

The Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive can make updates to both the SMO context (the primitiveContext element) and to SMO headers:
  • /headers/SMOHeader/Target/address.
    • Can contain the address of a service to invoke dynamically (the dynamic callout address).
  • /context/primitiveContext/EndpointLookupContext.
    • Can contain the results of the WSRR query.
  • /headers/SMOHeader/AlternateTarget
If the Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive updates the SMO with one or more endpoint addresses, it will also update the SMO so that each endpoint address has an associated bindingType. The bindingType set by the Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive can be either WebService,SCA, MQ, MQJMS, JMS, GenericJMS, or HTTP.


You can use the Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive to dynamically route messages based upon customer classification. For example, you might want messages for customers of type A routed to URL X, and messages for customers of type B routed to URL Y. If you set up your registry to key URLs against customer types, then you can dynamically route customer requests according to customer type.

You can use the Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive, together with other mediation primitives, to add security to dynamic routing. For example, you could use the Endpoint Lookup, Message Filter and Mapping mediation primitives to check whether an endpoint is external or internal, and remove any internal information from public messages. To do this you might:
  1. Wire the matching output terminal of the Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive to the input terminal of the Message Filter mediation primitive.
  2. Use the Message Filter mediation primitive to check whether the URL is internal or external, and route external messages to the Mapping mediation primitive (by wiring one of the Message Filter output terminals to the Mapping mediation primitive).
  3. Use the Mapping mediation primitive to remove private information from messages.

Matching latest compatible service versions

If you have created versioned SCA modules, and have loaded these SCA modules into WSRR, you might want to use the latest compatible version of the service provider that is available.

To find the latest compatible version of the provider service, use the Return endpoint matching latest compatible service version Match Policy. In this case, the mediation primitive queries the registry for all SCA module exports with the supplied properties.
Note: Service-version-aware lookups only support the IBM Supplied Version Scheme (IBM_VRM).
The format of the Version property is: V.R.M, where V is an integer version number, R is an integer release number and M is an integer modification number. You must specify the version. However, you do not have to specify the release or modification; alternatively, you can specify the wildcard (*) character.
The mediation primitive chooses the latest compatible matching service, by comparing the versions of the services returned by WSRR with the Version property, following these rules:
If the Version modification (3rd digit) is declared
Exact match at version (1st digit) and release (2nd digit), and a modification (3rd digit) that is equal to or greater than the declared value.
If the Version modification (3rd digit) is not declared, or is a wild card (*), but the Version release (2nd digit) is declared
Exact match at version (1st digit) and release (2nd digit), and the greatest modification (3rd digit) in the release.
If the Version modification (3rd digit) and the Version release (2nd digit) are not declared, or are wild cards (*)
Exact match at version (1st digit), and the greatest release (2nd digit) and greatest modification (3rd digit) in the release.
For example, if WSRR returns a list of services with the following version numbers:
The following supplied Version property values will match as follows:
Version property setting Latest Compatible Match
1.0.1 1.0.3
1.0.4 NO MATCH
1.0 or 1.0.* 1.0.3
1.2 or 1.2.* NO MATCH
1 or 1.* 1.3.4

SOAP/HTTP example

The URI format in the case of an export with a web service binding, is as follows:
The URI format in the general web service case, (when a web service is not implemented by an export with a web service binding), is as follows:
Consider the following example WSDL.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wsdl:definitions name="SOAP_HTTPExport_BigEchoHttp_Service" targetNamespace="http://big.com/Binding3" 
  <wsdl:import namespace="http://big.com" location="BigEcho.wsdl"/>
  <wsdl:binding name="SOAP_HTTPExport_BigEchoHttpBinding" type="Port_0:BigEcho">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
    <wsdl:operation name="echo">
      <wsdl:input name="echoRequest">
        <soap:body use="literal"/>
      <wsdl:output name="echoResponse">
        <soap:body use="literal"/>
      <wsdl:fault name="BadBoyException">
        <soap:fault name="BadBoyException" use="literal"/>
  <wsdl:service name="SOAP_HTTPExport_BigEchoHttpService">
    <wsdl:port name="SOAP_HTTPExport_BigEchoHttpPort" binding="this:SOAP_HTTPExport_BigEchoHttpBinding">
      <soap:address location="http://testhost:9080/RegistryWeb/sca/SOAP_HTTPExport"/>

The port declaration contains a soap:address location of http://testhost:9080/RegistryWeb/sca/SOAP_HTTPExport. This indicates that it is an export with a web service binding. To enable dynamic routing, update the /headers/SMOHeader/Target/address field in the message with the location value in the soap:address element.

SOAP/JMS example

The URI format in the case of an export with a web service binding, is as follows:
The URI format in the general web service case, (when a web service is not implemented by an export with a web service binding), is as follows:
Consider the following example WSDL.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wsdl:definitions name="SOAP_JMSExport_BigEchoJms_Service" targetNamespace="http://big.com/Binding4" 
  <wsdl:import namespace="http://big.com" location="BigEcho.wsdl"/>
  <wsdl:binding name="SOAP_JMSExport_BigEchoJmsBinding" type="Port_0:BigEcho">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/jms"/>
    <wsdl:operation name="echo">
      <wsdl:input name="echoRequest">
        <soap:body use="literal"/>
      <wsdl:output name="echoResponse">
        <soap:body use="literal"/>
      <wsdl:fault name="BadBoyException">
        <soap:fault name="BadBoyException" use="literal"/>
  <wsdl:service name="SOAP_JMSExport_BigEchoJmsService">
    <wsdl:port name="SOAP_JMSExport_BigEchoJmsPort" binding="this:SOAP_JMSExport_BigEchoJmsBinding">
      <soap:address location="jms:/queue?destination=jms/SOAP_JMSExport&;connectionFactory=jms/SOAP_JMSExportQCF

SCA default binding example

The URI format in the case of an export with the default SCA binding, is as follows:

For services that use the SCA binding, the URI is never physically present in the resources that define that service.

If using an Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive to retrieve endpoint information about services using the SCA binding from a service registry, the Endpoint Lookup will derive this URI from the information returned by the registry.

Consider the following example SCDL.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scdl:export xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ns1="http://big.com" 
		displayName="SCAExport" name="SCAExport">
    <interface xsi:type="wsdl:WSDLPortType" portType="ns1:BigEcho">
      <method name="echo"/>