Generating Data Store samples

To create the Data Store samples:

  1. Select option 3 from the EQQJOBS application menu. This panel is displayed:
    Figure 20. EQQJOBS5 - Create Data Store samples
    EQQJOBS5 ----------------- CREATE DATA STORE SAMPLES --------------------
    Command ===>
    The data set names specified on this panel should be fully qualified
    names without any enclosing apostrophes.
    Enter the name of the output library:
    Sample job JCL        ===> CCOPC.OPCA.JCLDS__________
    Job statement information:
    ===> //SYSPROG1 JOB (111111,2222),'OPCESA BATCH',CLASS=B,MSGCLASS=H,__
    ===> //         MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=SYSPROG______________________________
    ===> ______________________________________________________________________
    ===> ______________________________________________________________________
    The following data set names are used by one or more of the generated jobs.
    Message library name  ===> OPC.SEQQMSG0_______________________________
    Parameter library     ===> CCOPC.OPCEDS.PARM__________________________
    Press ENTER to continue
    Sample job JCL
    Required input. Enter the name of a library where you want the generated Data Store samples written to. The library must be allocated before you generate the Data Store samples. Ensure that the library that you specify has sufficient directory blocks to store all the sample members that are generated by EQQJOBS (see Table 20).
    Job statement information
    Required input. Enter a JOB statement that follows standard JCL syntax and your installation standards.
    Message library name
    Required input. Enter the name of the library that contains the scheduler messages (SMP/E target DDNAME SEQQMSG0).
    Parameter library
    Required input. Enter the name of a library that will contain the initialization statements. This library must be allocated by the user. Use a name different from that of the controller and tracker parameter library.
  2. Press Enter, and this panel is displayed:
    Figure 21. EQQJOBS6 - Create Data Store samples
     EQQJOBS6 ----------------- CREATE DATA STORE SAMPLES --------------------
    Command ===> 
    Enter the following required job stream parameters:
    Non-VSAM dsn prefix   ===> CCOPC.OPCA________________ 
    VSAM dsn prefix       ===> CCOPC.OPCAV_______________ 
    Unit name             ===> 3390____     Default unit name 
    Primary volume serial ===> PROD01       Primary volume serial for VSAM 
    The following information is optional:
    STEPLIB dsname        ===> OPC.SEQQLMD0_______________________________
    VSAMCAT dsname        ===> ______________________________________________
    VSAM password         ===> ________
    Press ENTER to continue
    Non-VSAM dsn prefix
    Required input. Enter the qualifiers that prefix the non-VSAM data set names. The scheduler adds a low-level qualifier to the prefix to uniquely identify each Data Store non-VSAM data set.
    VSAM dsn prefix
    Required input. Enter the qualifiers that prefix the VSAM data set names. The scheduler adds a low-level qualifier to the prefix to uniquely identify each Data Store VSAM data set.
    Unit name
    Required input. Enter a device name that is valid at your installation. This could be a device type, for example 3390, or a group name, for example PROD or TEST.
    Primary volume serial
    Required input. Enter a volume that will be used by sample job EQQPCS04 to allocate the primary data sets.
    STEPLIB dsname
    Optional. Enter the name of the scheduler load module library if the load modules are not in a data set included in an active LNKLST member.
    VSAMCAT dsname
    Optional. Enter the name of a catalog in which VSAM data sets are to be defined if they are not to be defined in the master catalog.
    VSAM password
    Optional. Enter the password for the VSAM catalog if the catalog is password-protected.
  3. Press Enter, and this panel is displayed:
    Figure 22. EQQJOBS7 - Create Data Store samples
    EQQJOBS7 ----------------- CREATE DATA STORE SAMPLES ---------------------
     Command ===>                                                              
     Enter the parameters to build DSTOPTS and DSTUTIL options samples:        
     Reserved destination          ===> OPCX____                               
     Connection type               ===> SNA (SNA/XCF/TCP)                      
       SNA Data Store luname       ===> I9PC45AA (only for SNA connection)     
       SNA Controller luname       ===> I9PC45RA (only for SNA connection)     
       Xcf Group                   ===> ________ (only for XCF connection)     
       Xcf Data Store member       ===> ________ (only for XCF connection)     
       Xcf FL task member          ===> ________ (only for XCF connection)     
       TCP Controller host name:                 (only for TCP connection)     
       ===> ____________________________________________________               
       TCP Controller port number  ===> _____    (only for TCP connection)     
     Jobdata ret. period           ===> 2_ (number of days)                    
     JobLog retrieval              ===> Y (Y/N)                                
       Max n. lines to store       ===> 0______                                
       JobLog  ret. period         ===> 5_ (number of days)                    
     Press ENTER to create sample job JCL 
    Reserved destination
    Required input. Enter the Data Store reserved output destination. It must correspond to DSTDEST parameter in RCLOPTS option.
    Connection Type
    Required input. Enter the connection method used to handle communication between FN/FL tasks and Data Store. It can be SNA or XCF.
    SNA Data Store luname
    Enter Data Store VTAM® application name if SNA connection type has been chosen.
    SNA Controller luname
    Enter controller FN task VTAM application name if SNA connection type has been chosen.
    Xcf Group
    Enter the name of XCF group if XCF connection type has been chosen.
    Xcf Data Store member
    Enter the name of Data Store XCF member if XCF connection type has been chosen.
    Xcf FL task member
    Enter the name of FL task XCF member if XCF connection type has been chosen.
    Job data retention period
    Enter the Data Store structured information retention period. It consists of the interval in days used by the online cleanup and is necessary to be able to use the Restart and Cleanup feature.
    Joblog retrieval
    Specify if the joblog retrieval must be enabled. This means that the Data Store will save the unstructured data in the joblog.
    Max n. of lines to store
    Enter the maximum number of user sysout lines to be stored. The range is 0 to 10000.
    Joblog retention period
    Enter the Data Store unstructured information retention period. It consists of the interval in days used by the online cleanup and is necessary to enable the Joblog Browse function.
    TCP Controller host name
    Specify the Controller TCP/IP host name if you chose TCP in Connection type.
    TCP Controller port number
    Specify the Controller TCP/IP port number if you chose TCP in Connection type.
  4. Press Enter when you have entered the information on panel EQQJOBS7. The dialog now generates several members in the output library that you specified. These members, which are described in Table 20 is used at various stages in the installation:
Table 20. Data Store samples generated by the EQQJOBS dialog
Member Sample Description
EQQCLEAN Sample procedure invoking EQQCLEAN program
EQQDSCL Batch Clean Up sample
EQQDSCLP Batch Clean up sample parameters
EQQDSEX Batch Export sample
EQQDSEXP Batch Export sample parameters
EQQDSIM Batch Import sample
EQQDSIMP Batch Import sample parameters
EQQDSRG Batch sample reorg
EQQDSRI Batch Recovery index
EQQDSRIP Batch Recovery index parameters
EQQDST Sample procedure to start Data Store
EQQDSTP Parameters for sample procedure to start Data Store
EQQPCS04 Allocate VSAM data sets for Data Store