

samnonrootuser - samnonrootuser configure local users to run System Automation commands.


samnonrootuser [-h] [-a|-add |-d |--delete] [-V--silent] [-l<log file>] [--local] [--manage group] [ -x| -sa admin] [-g|-group <groupName>] [-gid--gid<groupld>] [<userName>]


The samnonrootuser command configures the user to run System Automation commands, either as 'Operator', or as 'Administrator'. In default only the root user is authorized to run System Automation commands. Running this script adjusts file permissions and RSCT ACL files so that the specified user has the appropriate permissions to manage the domain resources.


Print this help.
-a or --add
Add non-root configuration for the specified user. This is the default action for this command.
-d or --delete,
Remove non-root configuration for the specified user.
-g or --group <groupName>,
The name of the primary group for the specified user account (default: group name = sagroup).
gid <groupId>,
The ID of the primary group for the specified user account. (default: group id = 222)
-l <LogFile>,
Specify log file name. (default: write no log file).
Run script only on local node. If omitted, the default is to perform changes on all cluster nodes.
Create local UNIX group (if group does not exist) and add specified user to this group. Set group as primary group for the user. If omitted, the default is to not make any changes to group and user.
Writes no messages to stdout.
Run script in verbose mode.
-x or --sa-admin,
Set ACL permissions for the sa_admin role. If omitted, the default is to set ACL permissions for the sa_operator role.



The name of the user account that is configured as non-root cluster user.

Exit Status

All configurations completed successfully.
At least one configuration task failed - see print out for details.


This command requires root authority.


  1. To add and authorize user which added to group and node
    samnonrootuser -a -l /tmp/user1 --local -x -g groupname username
  2. To remove user which is created and added to group
    samnonrootuser -d --local -g groupname  username


Location of the samnonrootuser command.

See Also

The samctrl, chrel, chrg, chrgmbr, lsrg, mkrg, mkrel, rmrel, rmrg, rmrgmbr commands.

The rmccli general information file.

The Resource_Data_Input file